This study is an exploration into the concept of Autarchy in Clement of Alexandria towards establishing a greed line for Indian Context.
The economic and financial breakdowns, bankrupt nations and alarming ecological degradation have all constantly raised concerns for linking Poverty, Wealth, Ecology and its legitimacy. Rising Governmental policies and checks against unethical financial gains, unaccounted income by individuals or corporate all directs towards a more subtle, ethical and social change. Greed and legitimate use of wealth seemingly a spiritual and moral imperative, now seeks discussion even for structural changes in national or transnational policies.
The religious fabric of Christianity owes an unprecedented responsible attitude to the concerns of Greed, poverty and wealth. This concern is a responsibility of diakonia not of any exclusivist superior claims in a Pluralistic context. World Council of Churches has extended discussions focusing on poverty, wealth and ecology since its 8th Assembly at Harare, 1998 directly with AGAPE (Alternative Globalization Addressing People and Earth) process. Also, the WCC’s motto of preferential option for people in poverty remains relevant today.
However, the Early Christian wealth of Social sensitivity and Philosophical tradition of Patristics remain unexplored in contemporary discussions. Christian Church possesses in its literature an abundant and incomparable treasure. But it is an inheritance that must be reclaimed by each generation. The concept of “Autarchy” (Autarkia) in Clement of Alexandria catalyzes thought towards a new ethical and moral paradigm to counter greed. In the Indian context of widespread poverty, economic disparity and unrestrained exploitation, Autarchy as in Clement would enable a culture of enough and help constructing a Greed line.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Title
- Statement of Problem
- Elaboration of the Problem
- Importance of the Problem
- Purpose of the Research
- Method of Study
- Hypothesis
- Division into Chapters
- Scope and Limitation
- Previous Research
- 1.1 Introduction
- 1.2 Alexandria
- 1.3 Clement of Alexandria: Theologian Par excellence
- 1.3.1 Birth and early years
- 1.3.2 Philosophy and Influences
- 1.3.3 Biblical Hermeneutics
- 1.4 The Trilogy and other writings
- 1.4.1 Kerygma: The Divine movement and economy of salvation
- 1.5 Critical evaluation
- 1.5.1 Photios' Bibliotheca: Critique
- 1.6. Conclusion
- Chapter 2 Autarkia: in Context
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Philosophy: Handmaid of Christianity
- 2.3 Autarkia: in Greek Philosophical context
- 2.4 The Christian context: A Project of Perfection
- 2.5 Trajectory of Autarchy in Clement
- 2.5.1 Autarchy and Theosis
- 2.5.2 The Attainment of Likeness
- 2.5.3 Christian Perfection: In God
- 2.6 Social Sensitivity: An essential requisite
- Conclusion
- Chapter 3 Greed Line and Autarchy in Indian Thought
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 The Global Crisis
- 3.3 Poverty, Wealth and Ecology Project of the WCC
- 3.4 Greed Line
- 3.5 A Framework: Towards multidimensional greed indicators
- 3.6 Indian Economic Context
- 3.7 Indian Philosophical wealth
- 3.7.1 Principle Thoughts
- 3.8 Indian Economic Perspectives
- 3.9 Buddhism: The Philosophical aspiration
- 3.8.1 Buddhism: The Greaco-Indian connect
- 3.10 Gandhian Thought
- 3.10.1 Selected Gandhian Economic and Ethical features
- Non-stealing
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Journal
- Documents and Reports
- Internet Resources
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis aims to explore the concept of "autarchy" as presented by Clement of Alexandria and propose a model for its application within the Indian context, specifically for establishing a "greed line". The thesis examines the philosophical roots of autarchy in Greek thought and its evolution within early Christian theology.
- The concept of "autarchy" in Clement of Alexandria
- The philosophical and theological foundations of autarchy
- The application of autarchy to establish a "greed line" in the Indian context
- The role of Indian philosophical and economic thought in understanding "greed"
- The ethical and economic implications of establishing a "greed line"
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter 1 introduces Clement of Alexandria, his life, influences, and thought. It examines his theological contributions, particularly his concept of "autarchy" as a path to Christian perfection.
Chapter 2 delves into the philosophical context of "autarchy," tracing its roots in Greek philosophy and exploring its adaptation within early Christian theology. It highlights Clement's understanding of "autarchy" as a process of "theosis" (deification), achieved through the pursuit of virtue and spiritual growth.
Chapter 3 examines the concept of a "greed line" and its application in the Indian context. It explores the global crisis of greed, the role of poverty and wealth in the Indian context, and the contributions of Indian philosophical traditions, particularly Buddhism and Gandhian thought, to understanding and mitigating greed.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key concepts explored in this thesis are: autarchy, Clement of Alexandria, early Christianity, theosis, greed line, Indian philosophy, Buddhism, Gandhian thought, poverty, wealth, and economics.
- Arbeit zitieren
- Anish John (Autor:in), 2016, “Autarchy” in the thought of Clement of Alexandria. A paradigm for establishing a “greed line” in the Indian context, München, GRIN Verlag,