The objectives of this dissertation are the following: Investigate the relationship between EFL learning and making linguistic inferences through pragmatic implicatures. Examine the effect of pragmatic implicatures on EFL learners’ linguistic inferences. Explain why students succeed or fail at making the correct linguistic inferences through pragmatic implicatures.
Grice’s Implicature is a fundamental concept in Pragmatics in which the second participant infers the speaker's unstated meaning when producing a particular utterance within a general or specific context. Nonetheless, conversational participants, such as EFL learners, may fail to interpret the intended meaning of newly-inserted utterances in the EFL context. Therefore, the current dissertation highlights the effect of the Gricean Implicature, namely conversational implicature, on EFL learners' linguistic inferences in the EFL context. It hypothesizes that applying conversational implicatures in EFL classroom activities can enhance male and female EFL learners' linguistic inferences. It can also motivate them to interpret the implicit meaning behind the target utterances, reaching effective and successful communication. Besides, it attempts to explain why EFL learners succeed or fail at making the correct linguistic inferences of the target conversational implicatures. The researcher conducts quantitative and qualitative analyses to test and validate the dissertation's hypotheses. She collects data by directly observing students' performance, asking open-ended questions, and implementing a writing phase to push the students to act upon the target conversational implicatures, thus enhancing their linguistic inferences and maintaining effective communication during the English session
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Abstract
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Literature Review
- Chapter 3: Methodology
- Chapter 4: Results and Discussion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This dissertation investigates the impact of Grice's conversational implicature on the linguistic inference abilities of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. The primary objective is to determine whether the application of conversational implicatures in EFL classroom activities enhances learners' ability to infer implicit meaning and improves communication. The study aims to explore the factors contributing to successful or unsuccessful inference of implicatures.
- The role of conversational implicature in EFL learning.
- The effect of implicatures on linguistic inference skills.
- Factors influencing successful interpretation of implicit meaning.
- The relationship between implicature application and effective communication in EFL contexts.
- Analysis of male and female EFL learner performance.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter 1: Introduction: This introductory chapter sets the stage for the dissertation, introducing the concept of Grice's implicature and its relevance to EFL learning. It highlights the challenges EFL learners face in interpreting implicit meaning and establishes the research question, focusing on how the application of conversational implicatures in classroom activities can improve linguistic inference skills and overall communication effectiveness. The chapter likely outlines the structure of the dissertation and states the hypotheses to be tested. It provides a context for the subsequent literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.
Chapter 2: Literature Review: This chapter delves into existing research on pragmatics, conversational implicature, and EFL learning. It likely examines previous studies that have explored the relationship between implicature, linguistic inference, and communication proficiency in EFL contexts. The review probably analyzes different theoretical perspectives on implicature and how they apply to second language acquisition. The chapter would synthesize this prior research to provide a strong foundation for the present study's hypotheses and methodology.
Chapter 3: Methodology: This chapter details the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques employed in the study. It outlines the participants (third-year EFL students), the setting (Cheikh Amoud secondary school), and the specific activities used to introduce and assess the impact of conversational implicatures on linguistic inference. The chapter provides a comprehensive description of both the quantitative and qualitative data analysis procedures. The rationale behind the selection of these methods is justified, ensuring the rigor and validity of the research process.
Chapter 4: Results and Discussion: This chapter presents the findings of the research. It details the results obtained from the observation of student performance, open-ended questions, and writing tasks, analyzing how well students interpreted and applied conversational implicatures. The discussion section likely interprets these findings in light of the existing literature, explaining whether the hypotheses were supported and exploring the implications of the results. This section may also examine any limitations of the study and suggest areas for future research.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Pragmatics, conversational implicature, EFL, implicit meaning, linguistic inferences, context, effective communication, second language acquisition.
Frequently Asked Questions: Comprehensive Language Preview
What is the main topic of this dissertation preview?
This dissertation preview explores the impact of Grice's conversational implicature on the linguistic inference abilities of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. It investigates whether using conversational implicatures in EFL classroom activities improves learners' ability to understand implicit meaning and enhances communication.
What are the key objectives of the research?
The primary objective is to determine if applying conversational implicatures in EFL activities improves learners' ability to infer implicit meaning and boosts communication. The research also aims to identify the factors influencing successful or unsuccessful inference of implicatures and analyzes the performance differences between male and female EFL learners.
What are the key themes explored in the dissertation?
Key themes include the role of conversational implicature in EFL learning; the effect of implicatures on linguistic inference skills; factors influencing successful interpretation of implicit meaning; and the relationship between implicature application and effective communication in EFL contexts.
What does the Table of Contents include?
The table of contents includes an abstract, an introduction, a literature review, a methodology chapter, and a chapter on results and discussion.
What is covered in Chapter 1: Introduction?
Chapter 1 introduces Grice's implicature and its relevance to EFL learning, highlights challenges EFL learners face in interpreting implicit meaning, establishes the research question, outlines the dissertation structure, and states the hypotheses.
What is covered in Chapter 2: Literature Review?
Chapter 2 reviews existing research on pragmatics, conversational implicature, and EFL learning. It examines previous studies exploring the relationship between implicature, linguistic inference, and communication proficiency in EFL contexts, analyzing different theoretical perspectives on implicature and their application to second language acquisition.
What is covered in Chapter 3: Methodology?
Chapter 3 details the research design, data collection (using third-year EFL students at Cheikh Amoud secondary school), and data analysis techniques (both quantitative and qualitative). It describes the activities used to introduce and assess the impact of conversational implicatures on linguistic inference.
What is covered in Chapter 4: Results and Discussion?
Chapter 4 presents the research findings from observations, open-ended questions, and writing tasks, analyzing student interpretation and application of conversational implicatures. It interprets findings in light of existing literature, discusses whether hypotheses were supported, explores implications, examines limitations, and suggests future research areas.
What are the keywords associated with this dissertation?
The keywords are: Pragmatics, conversational implicature, EFL, implicit meaning, linguistic inferences, context, effective communication, second language acquisition.
- Quote paper
- Nafissa El Houssaoui (Author), 2023, Enhancing EFL Learners’ Linguistic Inferences through Pragmatic Implicatures, Munich, GRIN Verlag,