The impact and effect of project and change management approaches in delivering business change

Term Paper, 2012

11 Pages, Grade: B

Abstract or Introduction

Change management is defined as a structured approach for transforming organizations, teams and individuals from their current position to a future state which is desired for fulfilling or implementing a strategy or vision. In simple terms it is a form of organizational process which aims at empowerment of employees for accepting as well as embracing changes taking place in their immediate environment.
This paper will specifically emphasize on issues related with leadership and management required for delivering business changes within the organization and in its workforce. Managing changes is associated with project management and is a distinct process altogether. A discussion based on the significance and ruling of the change agent has also been done. This is because the role played by the change agent is significant to trigger organizational changes and make them acceptable to the workforce. The chief difficulty faced by the agent is managing individual resistances against change. It is human nature to be resistant to change due to habit. The conflict lies in the interests of the manager and the client regarding a project which help in forming the challenge of leadership and empowerment and also serves as the point of debate for the change process. Since managing change in itself is a distinct process, it is important to discuss the competencies and strategies that need to be implemented (Anderson, 2010).


The impact and effect of project and change management approaches in delivering business change
University of Cambridge
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488 KB
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Alex Ngumbi (Author), 2012, The impact and effect of project and change management approaches in delivering business change, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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