The major global trends in population, food, greenhouse, and oil

Essay, 2004

8 Pages, Grade: HD

Abstract or Introduction

In order to answer questions, it is always advisable to step back and reflect upon what the speech-parts used mean. The question contains the four title-like terms 'population', 'food', 'greenhouse', and 'oil' referring to global issues that are heavily and controversially discussed by the political and academic community. It is to be emphasised that these issues are highly intertwined and pose various environmental, economical, social, political, and cultural challenges. The question supposes that there are "major trends" in these issues. Moreover, the usage of the definite article seduces one to assume that there is a fixed set of major global trends. Considering the often different, even contradictory, analysis, predictions, and instructions that different people make, one has to question who determines global trends. Is it Björn Lomborg, who plays down concerns wherever possible? Or rather Lester Brown, who alarmingly advises fundamental changes in current patterns of human (economic) behaviour? What could the indicators be that allow the claim of a global trend? These questions must be answered in another essay. For this essay it is sufficient to say that there is a vast number of different data sources, and various different methods for interpreting the data. Additionally, the diagnosis of a global trend is a means to an end determined by humans with certain worldviews and aim s. Differentiations are always decisions - they have impacts on political agents, the common people, and the future of planet earth.


The major global trends in population, food, greenhouse, and oil
Murdoch University  (ISTP - Institute for Sustainability and Technology Policy)
Global Environmental Issues
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469 KB
This essay examines the following questions: What are the major global trends in population, food, greenhouse, and oil that need reversing? Some suggestions of some signs of possible hopeful change concerning greenhouse effect and climate change. The main barriers to change concerning greenhouse effect and climate change.
Global, Environmental, Issues
Quote paper
Stefan Krauss (Author), 2004, The major global trends in population, food, greenhouse, and oil, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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