This essay will examine the social and moral function of the emotion contempt along with its positive and negative consequences for society in general as well as in specific situations. In order to properly discuss and investigate in which contexts contempt is a helpful or harmful emotion, ‘emotion’ itself must be examined along with its functions.
Paul Ekman defines emotion as the primary function to mobilize the organism to deal quickly with important interpersonal encounters. Applied to a social setting, the key function of emotions is to solve problems, which are important for social relationships. Thus, emotions play have a functional role in guiding individuals in human interactions. However, emotions can also lead a person to irrational action and are even almost guaranteed to be wrong sometimes.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Social and Moral Emotions
- Functions of Emotions
- Social Functions of Emotions
- Moral Emotions
- Contempt as a Moral Emotion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay aims to examine the social and moral function of the emotion contempt, along with its positive and negative consequences for society in general and in specific situations.
- The nature and functions of emotions in social interactions
- The social and moral functions of contempt
- The relationship between contempt, anger, and moral judgment
- The consequences of contempt for social relationships and group dynamics
- The role of contempt in moral decision-making and behavior
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Social and Moral Emotions: This section introduces the concept of emotions and their social functions, arguing that emotions play a crucial role in guiding individuals in human interactions, although they can also lead to irrational action.
- Functions of Emotions: This section explores different levels of social functions of emotion, including individual, dyadic, group, and cultural levels. It highlights how emotions serve different purposes for humans, influencing social events, communication, and the formation of social groups.
- Moral Emotions: This section examines the link between emotions and morality, arguing that emotions like anger, disgust, and others are crucial for moral judgment and decision-making. It explores how emotions emerge from interactions between norms, values, and social situations.
- Contempt as a Moral Emotion: This section delves into the characteristics of contempt as a moral emotion, triggered by a specific event usually involving another person's behavior that affects moral values. It investigates the relationship between contempt, anger, and moral disgust, highlighting the unique role of contempt in identifying immoral and incompetent behavior.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This essay focuses on the emotion of contempt, exploring its social and moral functions, its relationship with other emotions like anger and disgust, and its impact on social relationships, group dynamics, and moral decision-making. Key concepts include moral judgment, social exclusion, emotional appraisal, social categorization, and the role of emotions in human behavior.
- Quote paper
- Duc Minh Vu (Author), 2021, Social and Moral Emotions. The Positive and Negative Consequences of Contempt, Munich, GRIN Verlag,