Shakespeare’s female characters in "Hamlet" and "As you like it". Raised above society’s conceptions of the female gender

Essay, 2021

9 Pages, Grade: A

Abstract or Introduction

The essay deals with Shakespeare’s female characters in “Hamlet” and “As you like it”, raised above society’s conceptions of the female gender.

Shakespeare’s writings are highly observant and contain social and historical representations as well as observations about the human condition. His characters show depth and their personalities undergo changes and reach resolutions according to both societal norms of the time but also to the genre of the play. Gender relations were a significant aspect of his writing especially regarding to the time when Shakespeare was writing when women were the property, first of their father and then of their husband according to the law. Their marriages were business transactions with the woman being exchanged for a higher position in society by entering a family of high social status or even to secure survival if the woman’s family was poor. For the transaction to be successful the woman had to be a virgin, of proven chastity, otherwise she was considered to be unwanted for marriage. This related highly to matters of succession since it was the only that the fatherhood of the husband was certain. In this society, where men dominated every aspect of life women were not permitted to reveal their true self and potential instead they were constantly oppressed and obliged to obey men.


Shakespeare’s female characters in "Hamlet" and "As you like it". Raised above society’s conceptions of the female gender
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shakespeare’s, hamlet, raised
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Elena Agathokleous (Author), 2021, Shakespeare’s female characters in "Hamlet" and "As you like it". Raised above society’s conceptions of the female gender, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: Shakespeare’s female characters in "Hamlet" and "As you like it".  Raised above society’s conceptions of the female gender

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