Homeoffice and it's Impact on Employees and Companies. Advantages and Disadvantages

An Overview

Term Paper, 2017

8 Pages, Grade: 1,3

Abstract or Introduction

This paper deals with the impact of home office on the motivation of office employees. The focus lies in the consideration of Generation Y, since it was from them that the impulse came to introduce the home office and to pay more attention to the possibilities when deciding on a career.

There are now many people who take advantage of the opportunity to work from home. In the home office, they decide when and how they want to work. The general, socially present image of the home office is characterized by young people who sit at home in relaxed clothing and do their work comfortably as well as flexibly, optimally harmonizing their private and professional lives.

Because that is what is associated with the home office: Flexibility, satisfaction and work-life balance. Those who work in a home office can take care of their private life on the side: Look after children, organize the household or take 1-2 hours in between for social contacts. The trip to the office is also no longer necessary. Due to this high degree of flexibility, the idea of a home office is becoming increasingly popular.


Homeoffice and it's Impact on Employees and Companies. Advantages and Disadvantages
An Overview
FHM University of Applied Sciences
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Homeoffice, Home-Office, Pandemic, BWL, VWL, Arbeitspsychologie, Wirtschaft, Innovation, COVID, COVID-19, Business, Economics, Business Administration, motivation, Human ressources, Employee, Employer, Workplace
Quote paper
Duc Minh Vu (Author), 2017, Homeoffice and it's Impact on Employees and Companies. Advantages and Disadvantages, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1007874


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