The present investigation entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on late sown mustard under punjab conditions (Brassica campestris L.)” was conducted during rabi season of 2018-19 with the objective to find out the impact of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, nutrient content, nutrient uptake and economics of Mustard. The soil of experimental field was clay loam texture, alkaline in nature with pH (7.91), EC is (0.59) and available nitrogen (205.5) kg ha-1, available phosphors (12.7 kg ha-1), available potassium (231.5 kg ha-1), available sulphur (7.50 kg ha-1), available zinc (0.94) and boron (0.72 mg kg-1).
The experimental results revealed that significantly maximum growth parameters (plant height, branches plant-1, dry matter accumulation, and leaf area index), yield attributes (siliqua length, siliquae plant-1, seeds siliqua-1and test weight), yield (grain and stover), nutrient uptake(N, P, K, S, Zn and B) by grain and stover and available soil nutrient (N, P, K, S, Zn, and B), were noticed under the application of 100% NPK+40 kg S+1.5 B+20 kg Zn ha-1 as compared to rest of the treatments.
The increment in seed yield under application of 100% NPK+40 kg S+1.5 B+20 kg Zn ha-1 was 25.32 % over 100% NPK. Likewise, maximum gross return, net return and B:C ratio were also recorded with the application of 100% NPK+40 kg S+1.5 B+20 kg Zn ha-1. Besides, this combination also improves the quality of produce and physico-chemical properties of soil. The results revealed that among nutrient management practices, the application of 75% RDF + FYM 10t ha-1 being at par with 75% RDF + vermicompost 5t ha-1 recorded maximum growth and yield attributes, grain (24.14 and 21.74 q ha-1, respectively), strover (81.75 and 75.24 q ha-1, respectively) & biological yield (104.82 and 99.44 q ha-1, respectively), nutrient content and NPK uptake of mustard. In contrast, the application 75% RDF + FYM 10t ha-1 exhibited maximum net return (43228.5 ₹ ha-1) and B: C (1.05) of mustard.
Table of content’s
Aims and objectives
Review of Literature
Materials and Methods
India is an important rapeseed mustard growing country in the world, occupying largest area and has second position in production after china. The name ‘mustard’ is derived from the Latin word ‘mustum’ means that of old wine mixed with the crushed seed makes it one of the most important spice in the world. Mustard (Brassica campestris L.) is an important Rabi season oilseed crop of India. Rapeseed-mustard is the major source of income especially even to the marginal and small farmers in rainfed areas. Agriculture plays vital role in India’s economy. The share of oilseeds is 14.1% out of the total cropped area in India, rapeseed-mustard accounts for 3% of it.
The Global production of rapeseed-mustard and its oil is around 38-42 and 12-14 mt, respectively (Shekhawat et al., 2012). India contributes 28.3%and 19.8% in world acreage and production. India produces around 6.7 mt of rapeseed-mustard next to china (11-12 mt) and EU (10-13 mt) with significant contribution in world rapeseed-mustard industry. The rapeseed-mustard group broadly includes Indian mustard, yellow sarson, brown sarson, raya, and toria crops. Indian mustard (Brassica campestris L.) is predominantly cultivated in Rajasthan, UP, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat. It is also grown under some non-traditional areas of South-India including Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. The crop can be raised well under both irrigated and rainfed conditions. In Punjab, Haryana, UP, Himachal Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh, it is grown mainly as catch crop. Gobhi sarson is a long duration crop confined to Haryana, Punjab, and Himachal Pradesh. The country illustration yellow revolution through an especially increase in production and productivity from 2.68 mt and 650kg/ha in 1985-86 to 6.96 mt and 1022kg/ha in 1996-97, respectively.
In India rapeseed-mustard is grown on an area of 5.53 mha with production and productivity of 6.41 mt and 1157kg/ha, respectively (Singh et al., 2011). Among the oilseed crops, rapeseed-mustard ranked next to groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and soyabean (Glysine max L.) in contribution to the oilseed production. Mustard is one of the most important oilseed crops of Rajasthan and northern Gujarat, both the states share 50% in the total production of the India, with the inception of Technology Mission on Oilseeds (TMO) (Meena et al., 2013). Indian mustard (Brassica campestris L.) is predominantly cultivated in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,1 Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. Uttar Pradesh accounts for 10.85% and 11.19% of area and production, respectively in the country with the average yield of 11.49% q/ha which is equivalent to the national average (11.17q/ha) (Anonymous 2018). The adequate nutrient supply increases the seed and oil yields by improving the setting pattern of siliqua on branches, number of siliqua plant-1 and other yield parameters. The micronutrients help in photosynthetic activities and proper utilization of nitrogen and phosphorus (Verma and Baigh, 2012). Under late sown condition, productivity declines primarily due to the shortening of vegetative and reproductive phase. Late sown Indian mustard is exposed to high temperature coupled with high evaporative demand of the atmosphere, during the reproductive phase which consequently results in forced maturity, increased senescence and low productivity. Climate change has increased the intensity of heat stress and heat stress due to increased temperature is an agricultural problem in many areas in the world as well as in India. There is a specific time for the sowing of particular variety of a crop on specific area. Time of sowing is very important for crop production as different sowing dates provide variable environmental conditions within the same location for growth & development of crops. The late sowing of mustard decreased seed yield through synchronization of siliqua filling period with high temperatures, the decrease in assimilates production, drought stress occurrence, shortened siliqua filling period and acceleration of plant maturity. Because it is a thermo sensitive as well as photosensitive crops (Kumar et al., 2018). The farmyard manure (FYM) itself contains reasonable amount of nutrients which become available to plant upon decomposition besides enhancing availability of native as well applied nutrients.
Nitrogen (N) is an important component of plant constituents such as protein, amino acids, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll (Bharose, 2010) and thereby, affects plant growth and development. Nitrogen also affects uptake of other essential nutrients and its helps in the better partitioning of photosynthesis to reproductive parts which increase the seed: strover ratio (Keerthi et al., 2017). The role of N in plant is to improve photosynthetic activity and provide lush green color due to chlorophyll. The lack of N results in poor vegetative growth which has direct effect on depletion of total seed yield. However, higher application of N causes delayed crop maturity which has subsequent effect on the crop (Oad et al., 2001).
Phosphorus is second most important major plant nutrient after nitrogen for crop production. It has been called as the “key of life for the plants”. It is involved in a wide range of plant processes from permitting cell division to the development of a good root system and ensured timely stable ripening of the crop. It is needed mostly by young fast growing tissues and performs a number of functions related to growth, development, photosynthesis and utilization of carbohydrates (Bharose et al., 2011). It is constituent of ADP and ATP which are most important functions in life process. Phosphorus in growing plants is quite mobile.
Potassium is one of the essential nutrients which is needed for the growth and development of plants. It is a major plant nutrient because of large amount in which absorbed by plants (Paliwal et al., 2014). The quality of K absorbed by roots is second to that of nitrogen for most of the cultivated crops. As low soil K status is an important limiting factor responsible for poor yields of the crops, it is imperative to evaluate the response of K nutrition on mustard productivity (Lakhan et al., 2017).
Farm yard manure (FYM) is one of the components of INM as it a cheap and easily available source of organic nutrients. FYM is one of the oldest manure used by the farmers in growing crops because of its easy availability and presence of all nutrients required by the plants. FYM can supply all the nutrients required by the plant, however with low quantity. The composition of FYM in (0.5%) nitrogen, (0.25%) phosphorus, (0.5%) potassium, (0.08%) sodium, (0.02%) sulphur, (0.004%) zinc, (0.0003%) copper, (0.007%) manganese, and (0.45%) iron (Singh et al., 2014). Farm yard manure (FYM) Supplies N, P and K in available farm to the plant through biological decomposition along with NPK, sulphur is an important secondary plant nutrient which is essential for proper growth and functioning of the plant.
Vermicompost is a good source of plant nutrient supply. It is a rich source of nitrogen (1.6%), phosphorus (0.54%), potash (0.80%), calcium (0.44%), magnesium (0.15%), sulphur (0.45%), zinc (24.43ppm), iron (175.2ppm), vitamins and growth hormones which enhance plant growth and microbial population. In contrary to synthetic fertilizers, vermicompost reduce soil toxicity by buffering action, prevent soil degradation and enhance soil fertility status (Singh etal., 2018). Vermicompost now a day’s gaining more and more importance as a substitute of other organic manures, less time consuming recyling process of plant residues and due to its comparatively higher nutrient concentration with quick release of nutrients which are mostly available to the current crop and also takes part in improving the physical conditions of the soil. Vermicompost has been advocated as a good source of organic manure for use in integrated management practices for field crops. The application of vermicompost not only adds plant nutrients (macro and micro) and growth regulators to one but also increases soil water retention, microbial population and humic substances of the soil, mineralization and release of nutrients. Vermicompost also improves soil aeration, reduction of soil erosion, reduces of evaporation losses of water, accelerates the process of humification, destruction of pathogens, detoxification of pollutant in soil etc. Vermicompost helps in enhancing the activity of microorganism in soils which further enhance solubility of nutrients and their consequent availability. Thus, the plants is known to be altered by microorganism by reducing soil pH at micro sites, chelating action of organic acids produced by them and intraphyl mobility in the fungal filaments (Chhonkar, 2002). Micronutrients are equally important in plant nutrition as the major nutrients; they simply occur in plants and soils in much smaller concentrations. Plants grown on micronutrients deficient soils can exhibit similar reductions in plant growth and yield as major nutrients (Gour et al., 2017).
Integrated nutrient management (INM) is exploit the potential of organic manures, composts, crop residues, agricultural wastes, bio-fertilizers, and their synergistic effect with chemical fertilizers for increasing balanced nutrient supply and their use efficiency for increasing productivity, sustainability of agriculture ,and improving soil health and environment safety (Pal et al., 2012). Balanced fertilization at right time by proper method increases nutrient use efficiency in mustard. Experiments have been conducted at different AICRP centers with the integrated use of organic manure, crop residue, green manure, and bio-fertilizers. INM not only reduces the demand of organic fertilizers but also increases the efficiency of applied nutrients due to their positive effect on physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil (Shekhawat et al., 2012).
So, the integrated nutrient management involving efficient use of organic manure, bio-fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers can substantially enhance crop production, while minimizing environmental pollution. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) involves efficient and judicious use of all the major components of plant nutrient sources. The integrated supply and use of plant nutrients from chemical fertilizer and organic manures has been found to produce higher crop yield than when each is applied alone. This increase in crop productivity results from their combined effect, the synergistic effect, that help improve chemical, physical and biological properties of soil and consequently the soil organic matter and nutrient status, to large extent balance nutrient supply to crops of cropping systems and with no or minimal deleterious effect on environment if any. The basic objective of the integrated nutrient management is to make as far as possible, balanced nutrient supply to crop that maintains and also improves the soil fertility health for sustained high productivity on a long term basis (Yadav et al., 2018).
Aim and Objectives
The present study entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on late sown mustard (Brassica campestris L.)” will help to increase the productivity by layout placed to conduct during the Rabi season of 2019 at Agronomy Research Farm of Dolphin (PG) college of science and Agriculture Chunni Kalan, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab with the following objectives:
1. To study the effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield attributes of mustard.
2. To study the effect of integrated nutrient management on content and uptake by mustard, and
3. To work out the economic feasibility of the various treatments.
Review of literature
An attempt has been made in this chapter to review the published literature pertaining to this investigation entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on late sown mustard (Brassica campestris L.) in the Punjab region”. A comprehensive and critical review of previous research provides a sound base for scientific investigations. It helps in deciding appropriate methods, proper time of input application, procedures, lend support, and prescribed other management in the interpretation of the findings. This chapter is devoted to the brief review of some of the studies which have a direct or indirect relation with the present investigation and presented under the following heads:
1. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth parameters of mustard
2. Effect on Grain and straw yield& yield attributing characters of mustard
3. Nutrient content and their uptake
4. Effect on Economics
1. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth parameters
Shivani and Kumar (2002) observed that crop sown on 25th September (9.9) and 5th October (9.5) recorded significantly higher number of secondary branches of mustard than 15th October, 25th October and 4th November (6.1) sown crop, respectively. They concluded that early sown crop more economic as compared to late sown crop of mustard. Chander et al., (2010) found the farm yard manure (FYM) itself contains reasonable amounts of nutrients which become available plant upon decomposition besides enhancing availability of native as well as applied nutrients.
Pathak and Godika (2010) noticed that use of organic fertilizer (farmyard manure and vermicompost) with and without 100 and 75 % doses of fertilizer increased the plant height of Indian mustard. The plant height (181.4 cm) with 100% RDF + farmyard manure was the maximum but statistically at par with farmyard manure alone (178.2 cm).
Tripathi et al. (2011) reported that application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer along with FYM, sulphur, zinc and Azotobacter (seed treatment) resulted in maximum plant height (180.8 cm), dry matter accumulation (38.4 g), and total branches plant-1(11.2) and siliquae plant -1 (201.4 g), in mustard over control. The variation in growth between 100 and 75% recommended dose of fertilizer with FYM, sulphur, zinc and Azotobacte r were not significant.
Rundal et al. (2013) revealed maximum values were recorded with 75% RDF through FYM+25% through fertilizer and dual inoculation with Azotobacter + PSB significantly increased plant height, dry matter accumulation per plant, number of branches plant-1 and siliquae plant-1 over control.
Singh et al. (2014) was conducted that significantly better growth attributes and grain yield (22.75 qha-1) were observed with combined application of RDF + vermicompost @ 5.0 t ha-1 over rest of the treatments. The minimum grain yield (19.15 q ha-1) was received in treatment RDF (120:60:40:30 NPKS kg ha-1) over control.
Ameta et al., (2014) organized experiment at Nadia (West Bengal) and found that long term combined application of zinc (Zn), Sulfur and along with farm yard manure (FYM) significantly increased the yield, uptake and availability of micronutrients in the soil over chemical fertilizer alone.
Verma et al., (2014) resulted that the highest plant height (195.55) and number of secondary branches per plant (16.18) at harvest were recorded with the application of two irrigations methods at the branching with the siliqua formation. Which was the significantly superior over rest of the irrigation schedule. The highest number of primary branches (8.29) per plant, dry matter accumulation per plant (52.80 g) at harvest stage and leaf area index (3.76) at 90 DAS were recorded with the application two irrigation at branching + siliqua formation which was at par with one irrigation at branching which was the significantly superior over rest of the irrigation schedule.
Singh et al., (2015) revealed that higher values of growth parameters viz. number of branches, plant height, yield attributes, seed (1857 and 1760 kg ha−1) and stover (6491 and 6150 kg ha−1) yield of mustard were recorded in plots receiving 75% recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) + 5 t FYM ha−1 + 25 kg S ha−1+ which was followed by 75% RDF + 5 t FYM ha−1+ 25 kg S ha−1 during both the years, respectively.
Maruthi and paramesh (2016) conducted that an experiment and the results suggested that, application of recommended dose of N P K (30 : 80 : 37.5 kg ha-1) + FYM (farm yard manure) (10 t ha-1) + Rhizobium significantly improved the seed quality parameters, seed size, 1000 – seed weight, seedling length, germination, seedling dry weight, as compared to control and other treatments.
Singh et al., (2016) conducted that the most of the growth parameters and yield attributes were significantly influenced by different doses of sulphur. All the growth (plant height, leaves and branches per plant) and yield parameters (siliqua per plant, seeds per siliqua, length of siliqua, 1000 seed test weight ) seed yield and stover yield , oil content were found maximum with 25 kg S ha-1 as SSP, which was at par with 30 kg S ha-1.
Bijarnia et al., (2017) reported that growth parameters viz. plant height, dry matter accumulation and yield parameters like number of silique plant-1 and seeds siliqua-1 which laid to the highest seed and straw yield under the treatment 5 t FYM +100% RDF and 5 t FYM + 75% RDF.
Kumar et al., (2017) concluded that the application of 50 % recommended dose of fertilizer along with farmyard manure and Azotobacter (seed treatment) resulted in maximum plant height (187.52 cm), number of primary branches plant-1 (6.18), number of secondary branches plant-1 (11.83), number of siliqua plant-1 (199.00 g), number of seed siliquae-1 (11.82 g), test weight (6.02 g) and higher seed yield (15.82 kg ha-1) over control.
Singh et al., (2017) resulted that plant height (cm), days taken to 50 % flowering, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation (g plant-1) and yield and yield attributes like number of siliqua plant-1, number of seed siliqua-1, length of siliqua (cm) and seed stover yields (q ha-1) of mustard crop were significantly.
Todawat et al., (2017) experimented at Rajasthan and observed that the significant increase in grain and straw yield under the influence of vermicompost was chiefly a function of improved growth and yield attributes. The application of vermicompost @ 7.5 t ha-1 revealed that the maximum value of these parameters. The vermicompost improves the physical and biological properties of thesoil including supply of almost all the essential plant nutrients for the growth and the development of plants.
Kumar et al., (2018) reviewed that the effect of sowing dates and temperature on growth and development of mustard plant and other important crops throughout its life cycle. They also reported that the plant height was significantly influenced by varieties (Kranti, NRCHB -506 and DMH -1). Among the Varieties, hybrids ‘DMH-1’ recorded that the highest plant height which was significantly superior to hybrid ‘NRCHB -506’ and variety ‘Kranti’.
Bisht et al., (2018) indicated that among all the treatments, treatment T3 (75 % RDF + 2.5 t FYM per ha) was found best with respect to plant height (158.8 cm), number of primary branches per plant (5.2), number of secondary branches per plant (5.83), dry matter accumulation (20.63 g), seed weight per plant (6.03 g) and seed yield (20.09 q per ha) at harvest. It indicated that all growth parameters were non-significant viz.; plant height and primary branches per plant at 45 days after sowing (DAS) and secondary branches (75 DAS) during initial stage, except dry matter accumulation.
Raghuvanshi et al., (2018) showed that the all growth parameter like, Plant height, Dry matter accumulation, number of branches, LAI and stover yield significantly highest recorded with 160 kg ha-1 Nitrogen and that was at par with 120 kg N ha-1and with NDR-8510 variety is superior in all growth and yield followed by Vardan and Maya.
2. Effect on Grain and straw yield & yield attributing characters of mustard
Mehta (2002) conducted a field experiment during 2000- 2001 to study the residual effect of sulphur, phosphorus and FYM on mustard. The result revealed that application of FYM @10 t ha-1, 60 kg S, and 60 Kg P2O5 ha-1 increased the oil yield and protein content by (21.90 and 15.35 %) respectively over control. Shah et al. (2004) reported that various nitrogen and phosphorus levels significantly influenced plant height and primary branches plant-1 in Indian mustard which significantly increased up to 80 kg N ha-1 while secondary branches plant-1 and dry matter plant-1 increased up to 120 kg N ha-1. Application of phosphorus up to 60 kg ha-1significantly enhanced dry matter plant-1. However, plant height, branches plant-1 and leaf chlorophyll content increased significantly only up to 40 kg phosphorus ha-1. The uptake of NPK&S by seed and stover increased significantly with each successive increment in nitrogen level up to 120 kg N ha-1 and phosphorus level up to 60 kg ha-1 over control.
Mishra and Giri (2004) conducted a field experiment at IARI, New Delhi on Indian mustard and reported that application of 80 kg N + 40 kg P2O5 ha-1 significantly increased in number of siliquae, seed weight plant-1, and seed and stover yield over lower doses. Panda et al. (2008) revealed that application of FYM @ 5 t ha-1 + 50 % RDF + ZnSO4 @ 20 kg ha-1 recorded the highest seed and stover yield of rapeseed by (1.87q-1) and 0.96 times, respectively over control. Vivek et al. (2009) noted that the maximum and minimum mustard yield (23.3 and 16.9 q ha-1, respectively) was recorded with 125% NPK+FYM+S+Zn and 75% NPK. Application of 100% and 125% NPK also resulted in significant increase in mustard yield over 75% NPK
Kashved et al., 2010 conducted that experiment and found that seed yield (12.43 q ha-1) of mustard improved significantly by integrated application of 75% recommended dose of nitrogen through urea + 25% N through farm yard manure (FYM) than rest of treatments in mustard. Kapur et al. (2010) revealed that yield attributes like plant height (158.8cm), no. of primary (4.29) and secondary branches plant-1 (10.56), no. of siliqua plant-1 (308.8g), no. of seeds silique-1 (12.46g) and test weight (4.376g) were recorded significantly higher with application of 60 kg S ha-1. The significantly higher seed yield (1810kgha-1) was recorded with the application of sulphur @ 60 kg ha-1 (S4) and higher straw yield (4011kgha-1)was recorded with S fertilization @ 45 kg ha-1 (S3) which was at par with 60 kg S ha-1 (S4) and 30 kg S ha-1 (S2) levels. The percent increase in seed yield under S4, S3, S2, and S1 was 45.03, 44.92, 41.10 and 23.08 over control.
Kumar et al. (2011) found that 80 kg N ha-1 recorded the tallest plant (169 cm) with maximum leaf plant-1 (4.20), branches plant-1 (21.5), siliquae plant-1 (328 g), siliquae length (7.3 g), seed siliquae-1(15.6 g) and test weight (4.89 g) which were significantly higher than all other nitrogen levels in Indian mustard. Begumi et al. (2012) observed that the growth parameters, yield and yield contributing characters of rapeseed mustard were significantly increased with the increasing levels of sulphur fertilizer up to 60 kg S ha-1 and with the doses beyond that were found to decrease. The highest seed yield (1990 kg ha-1) was found when S was used @ 60 kg ha-1 over control.
Pal et al., (2012) reported that maximum number of seeds siliqua-1 was found in Compost during first and second year respectively. It studies showed that both number of siliqua plant-1 and number of seeds siliqua-1 had highly significant and positive correlation with yield. The oil content was observed during both the years and maximum increase was obtained in compost + which was 3.55% and 5.5% higher over control during the first and second year respectively.
Piri (2012) reported that the application of two irrigations than one and no irrigation significantly enhanced seed and biological yield, and harvest index. The increasing level of sulphur increased dry matter accumulation, seed and biological yield and harvest index. Kansotia et al., (2013) experimented at U.P. and found that the application of Vermicompost @ 6.0 t ha-1 significantly increased the yield attributes such as number of siliqua plant-1, seeds siliqua-1 and test weight and ultimately increase in yield of mustard.
Paliwal and Singh (2014) observed that higher seed yield per hectare (1817 kg ha-1) was obtained at 150% NPK due to higher values of yield attributing character viz. number of siliquae plant-1 (324.5), length of siliquae (4 cm), 1000 seed weight (3.7 g) and seed weight plant-1 (13.9 g). Protein yield (306 kg ha-1) and oil yield (736 kg ha-1) were maximum at 150% NPK level over control.
Alam et al., (2014) studied that plant height (cm), siliqua/plant, number of seeds per siliqua, seed yield, and stover yield. The highest seed yield (1758 and 1825 kg/ha) were recorded from BARI Sarisha-16 of mustard crop (Brassica juncea L.). The maximum stover yield (3758-3825 kg/ha) were obtained from BARI Sarisha-16 of mustard crops (Brassica juncea L.).
Singh et al., (2014) studied that experiment on integrated nutrient management in mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern&Cosson] was conducted during Rabi season at Kanpur. Result shows that significantly better growth attributes, yield attributes and grain yield (22.75 q ha-1) were observed with combined application of RDF + vermicompost @ 5.0 t ha-1 over rest of the treatments. The minimum grain yield (19.15 q ha-1) was received in treatment RDF (120:60:40:30 NPKS kg ha-1) over control.
Ghosh et al., (2015) experimented at Odisha and found that improvement in seed yield might be due to improvement of soil pH due to lime, physic-chemical properties of the soil due to FYM and instant availability of nutrients from inorganic fertilizer. Adhikary et al., (2017) at west Bengal conducted an experiment and demonstrate that combined application of FYM, vermicompost and phosphorus compost improved pod yield of mustard by 0.20 and 0.14 t ha-1 over 100% RDF.
Lakshman et al., (2017) recorded that significantly highest number of siliqua per plant (204.9), seeds per siliqua (14.47) and test weight (5.73g) of mustard compared to treatment received with 0 and 20 kg S/ha. The direct application of sulphur in sufficient quantity and easy availability brought about significant increase in yield parameters viz. siliquae/plant, seeds/siliqua and test weight.
Saini et al., (2017) resulted that maximum number of siliqua plant-1 235.33 was non-significantly and number of seed siliqua1 20.40, test weight of seeds 4.17 g, seed yield 1500 kg ha-1, straw yield 3790 kg ha-1, harvest index (%) 28.36, oil content 42.03 % was recorded in T9 (Azotobacter + PSB + 30 kg ha-1 N inorganic Fertilizer + 30 kg ha-1 N poultry manure), which was significantly higher than other treatment.
Thaneshwar et al., (2017) was conducted significantly better yield attributes and grain yield (22.75 q ha-1) was obtained with combined application of RDF + vermicompost @ 5.0 t ha-1 over rest of the treatments. The minimum grain yield (19.15 q ha-1) was received in treatment RDF (120:60:40:30 Kg ha-1 NPKS) over control. Chethan et al., (2018) at Allahabad reported that the number of pods plant-1 (19.53), number of seeds pod-1 (6.20) and pod yield (77.67q ha-1) were significantly increased with the application of 50% recommended dose of NPK fertilizers and 100% Zinc fertilizer i.e. 20:40:20.
Singh (2018) reported a investigation to check the effect of integrated nutrient management on soil properties and performance of mustard (Brassica juncea L). They studied that the use of soil test based fertilizer application through 75% chemical fertilizer and 25 % with organic manure resulted in significantly higher seed yield of mustard (20.93 q ha-1) and seed per siliquae 8 followed by soil test based fertilizer application (16.90 q ha-1) (132 cm) , respectively. Balance fertilization at right time with proper method and sources nutrient uses efficiency and productivity of mustard. 25% inorganic fertilizer can be saved by use of FYM without deterioration in mustard yield.
Shivran et al., (2018) showed that application of three irrigation IR5 (30-35 DAS, Flowering and Siliqua development) produced maximum seed (21.45 qha-1), Stover (49.81 qha-1 ) and biological yield (71.26 qha-1). The highly significant positive coorelation existing between seed yield and yield attributes confirmed the above findings.
Sahoo et al., (2018) revealed that the maximum seed (2139.37 kg ha-1) and stover yield (4993.83 kg ha-1) was recorded under (75 % FYM @ 5 t ha-1) which was at par with treatment T9 (50 % FYM @ 5 t ha-1) and significantly increased over rest of treatment and control. The highest oil content (41.50%) and oil yield (872.65 kg ha-1) was recorded at T9 (50 % FYM @ 5 t ha-1) which were at par with T6 (75 % FYM @ 5 t ha-1) but significantly higher (14.67%) and (89.43%) over control.
Yadav et al., (2018) studied that significantly better yield attributes i.e. number of silique plant-1 (12.08 g) and yield (24.30 q ha-1) was obtained with combined application of RDN 50% + 25% FYM + 25% vermicompost + 30 kg S + Azotobacter over rest of the treatments. The minimum grain yield (20.15 q ha-1) was received in treatment 100% RDN. Thus, mustard fertilized with RDN 50% + 25% FYM + 25% vermicompost +30 kg S + Azotobacter is to be recommended for mustard production.
Chaurasiya et al., (2019) conducted that a field experiment on Indian mustard at Meerut and evaluate that increasing levels of nitrogen from 0 to 120 kg N ha-1 caused significant increase in yield and harvest index of crop. The significantly higher biological yield (6084 kg ha-1), seed (1564 kg ha-1), stover yield (4519 kg ha-1) and harvest index (25.70 %) was registered with 120 kg N ha-1 compared to 80, 40 kg N ha-1 and control.
3. Nutrient content and their uptake
Kumar et al. (2006) reported that the S uptake by mustard seeds increased with its addition and the highest value of S uptake was recorded at 60 kg S ha-1 level. Piri and Sharma (2006) reported that the sulphur content increased with increasing rates of sulphur application up to 30 kg S ha-1. Sulphur content in stover increased significantly with each successive increase in level of sulphur in mustard crop. Meena et al. (2008) at Anand (Gujarat) in a three year study on Indian mustard found that application of 5 t FYM ha-1 recorded significantly higher seed yield (1590 kg ha-1) and total Zn and S uptake by seed and stover over no FYM treatment.
Vivek et al., (2009) was recorded with 125% NPK+FYM+S and 75% NPK. Application of 100% and 125% NPK also resulted in significant increase in mustard yield over 75% NPK . Singh et al. (2010) observed that oil and protein content, nutrient contents and their acquisition, oil and protein yields had the highest affinity with the highest levels of N, S and Zn (150, 60 and 1.0 kg ha-1) in mustard. Singh et al. (2010) during the study on the effect different level of nitrogen (50, 100 and 150 kgN ha-1), Sulphur (30kg S ha-1), and Zinc (25 kg Zn ha-1) on growth of Indian mustard and found the significant increases in oil, with highest levels of N,S and Zn uptake over control.
Bharose et al. (2011) studied the effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on availability of N, P, K, protein and oil content in Toria (Brassica Sp.) at Allahabad. During the cou₹e of experiment, observations were recorded as mean values of the data showed that there was significant increase in % Nitrogen, %Phosphorus, % Potassium, % protein and oil content in treatment combination T5 - ( 50.00 kg Phosphorus + 40.00 kg Sulphur ha-1) and followed by T4 - ( 25.00 kg Phosphorus + 20.00 kg Sulphur ha-1), respectively over than T0 - (Control).
Kumar et al. (2011) was conducted during winter (rabi) season of 2003-2004 at Varanasi to find out the response of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea.L.). Application of 80kg N ha-1 significantly improved seed yield (1,17 and 1.28 tonnes ha-1), stover yield, nitrogen uptake (54.26 and 57.52 kg ha-1), protein content and oil content, probably due to better crop growth and yield attributes of Indian mustard. Among the sulphur level, 45kg S ha-1) being at par with 30 kg S ha-1 gave significantly higher seed yield (1.18 and 1.26 tonnes ha-1) stover yield , sulphur uptake (20.07) and 21.27kg ha-1), and oil and protein content.
Bharose et al., (2011) studied the effect of different levels of phosphorus and sulphur on availability of N, P, K, protein and oil content in Toria (Brassica Sp.) at Allahabad. During the course of experiment, observations were recorded as mean values of the data showed that there was significant increase in % Nitrogen, %Phosphorus, %Potassium, % protein and oil content in treatment combination T5 - (50.00 kg Phosphorus + 40.00 kg Sulphur ha-1) and followed by T4 - (25.00 kg Phosphorus + 20.00 kg Sulphur ha-1), respectively over than T0 - (Control).
Parihar et al., (2012) conducted a field experiment during 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 at IARI, New Delhi to assess the effect of conservation tillage with integrated nutrient management (INM) on yield of mustard and observed that application of 30 kg N and 20 kg P2O5 ha-1 along with FYM @ 6 t ha-1 recorded of mustard over control.
Shekhawat et al., (2012) reported that integrated nutrient management increased the nutrient uptake by mustard and enhanced the use efficiency of various nutrients from the soil. The incorporation of 25 per cent nitrogen through FYM + 75 per cent by chemical fertilizer + 100 per cent sulphur significantly enhanced the uptake and use efficiency of nitrogen and sulphur in both seed and stover of mustard crop which followed by 100 per cent N+ 100 per cent S and 50 per cent N through FYM + 50 per cent by chemical fertilizer + 100 per cent S.
Singh et al., (2013) reported that the highest uptake of N, P, K and S was associated with the conjunctive use of 75% NPK and FYM treatment. However, the maximum values of available N (175 kg ha-1), P (12 kg ha-1) and K (155 kg ha-1) were noted under 100% NPK alone. On the other hand, maximum value of available S (17.1 kg ha-1) found with 75% NPK + 5 t FYM ha-1.
Meena et al., (2013) concluded that the application of 100% RDF (80 kg N+40 kg P2O5) increase the total N uptake (114.94 kg ha-1) and total P uptake (27.21 kg ha-1) as compared to 75% RDF. Ray et al., (2015) resulted that the uptake of S was positively correlated with oleic acid content but showed lower or even negative correlation with other fatty acids. Therefore, irrigation (twice at 30 DAS and 60 DAS) in combination with 45 kg S/ha are recommended for improving S uptake of Indian mustard.
Keerthi et al., (2017) reported that number of seeds of siliqua and 1000 seed weight definite. Nitrogen application responded seed and biological yields significantly up to 100 kg N/ha. The maximum total N (82.4 and 79.3 kg/ha) uptake was recorded with the application of 100 kg N/ ha, respectively and decreased with decreasing dose of nitrogen. Jat et al., (2017) was recorded significantly higher with the application of 80 kg N/ha and it was 4.40 and 11.54% higher over application of 100 kg and 60 kg N/ha. Net returns and benefit: cost ratio was recorded maximum with application of 80 kg N/ha and it recorded 4951/ha and 11259/ha higher net returns than application of 100 kg and 60 kg N/ha.
Gour et al., (2017) resulted that higher seed yield, Zn uptake by seed, Fe uptake by seed and net returns (2099.02 kg ha-1, 894.60, 3563.69 g ha-1 and 533773 Rs.ha-1) were obtained under the combined application of vermicompost @ 5 t ha-1 + different nutrients (S @40kg/ha-1 + iron @ 9.5kg/ha-1 + Zinc @ 5kg/ha-1) respectively.
Verma et al., (2018) revealed that the maximum no. of siliquae plant-1 (144.86), no. of seeds siliqua-1 (41.60), test weight (3.18 g), seed yield (1.74 t ha-1), harvest index (41.90%) and oil content (44.21%) in the treatment T5 (sulphur 30 kg ha-1 and boron 2 kg ha-1 with line sowing). Yadav et al., (2017) recorded that highest sulphur, zinc and boron uptake was also recorded with the application of 100% NPK + 40 kg ha-1 S + 20 kg ha-1 Zn. Greater accumulation and uptake of nutrients under this treatment could be ascribed to better availability and synergistic effect of applied nutrients. The application of 100% NPK + 40 kg ha-1 S+ 20 kg ha-1 Zn produced higher yield of mustard and higher uptake of N, P, K, S, and Zn as compared to recommended fertilizer alone and other nutrient management treatments.
Sharma et al., (2017) revealed that applications of nutrients uptake of N (58.6 and 28.2 kg ha-1), S (15.8 and 20.5 kg ha-1), Zn (40.0 and 15.8 kg ha-1) and Fe (166.2 and 170.3 kg ha-1) in seed and stover was found in 40 kg ha-1 S + 9.5kg ha-1 Fe + 5kg ha-1 the increase in uptake of micronutrients may be attributed to increased seed and stover yields with the application of different nutrients combinations.
Bhattarai et al., (2018) reported that that, maximum leaf nitrogen (4.23%), leaf phosphorus(0.73%), leaf potassium (4.537%), and leaf calcium (2.80%) were observed in (½ NPK + 3 t/ha. Vermicompost) whereas the maximum leaf magnesium (0.32%) contents was found in (½ NPK + 3 t/ha. Vermicompost), and (¾ NPK + 1.5 t/ ha. Vermicompost).
4. Effect on Economics
Kumpawat (2004) reported that the highest mustard-equivalent yield (24 88 qha-1) was recorded with the residual application of 100% recommended N in the rainy season through FYM and 100% recommended NP in the winter through inorganic fertilize. Maximum net monetary returns (₹ 15,537 ha-1), benefits: cost ratio (2.07) and agronomic efficiency (16.1) were obtained from the treatment consisting of 50 and 100% recommended NP through fertilizer to maize and mustard, respectively. Tripathi et al., (2010) experimented at Uttar Pradesh and observed that RDF + FYM + S +Zn + B + Azotobacter with mean return of Rs. 19505 ha-1 was the most promising INM treatment .
Kumar et al., (2011) recorded that the net returns and B: C ratio increase with increasing levels of nitrogen and sulphur. The maximum net return (Rs.13149 and 13938/ ha) and B: C ratio (2.41 and 2.56) were recorded under 80 kg N/ha, followed by 60 and 40 kg N/ha, respectively. The application of 45 kg S/ha also gave the maximum net returns (Rs.13173 and 13963/ ha) and B: C ratio (2.38 and 2.52), followed by 30, 15 kg S/ha and control respectively.
Tripathi et al. (2011) found that highest net return (₹19506 ha-1) and B: C ratio (1.71) was noted under RDF coupled with all the supplementary ingredients owing to higher seed yield and comparatively lower cost under this treatment . The lowest net return (₹13484 ha-1) (₹14414 ha-1) was noted in 75 % RDF alone whereas, a ration was lowest in 75 % RDF + FYM.
Tomar (2011) reported that the maximum seed yield (33.05 q ha-1), oil content (40.39%), net return (Rs. 23661 ha-1) and B.C. ratio (3.19) were observed in Blackgram – mustard followed by Peralmillet-mustard cropping system. Fertilizer application of 50% RDF @ 20g kg-1 seed.
Kumar et al. (2011) was observed the net returns and B:C ratio increase with increasing level of nitrogen and sulphur. The maximum net return (₹ 13149 and 13938ha-1) and B: C ratio (2.41 and 2.56) were recorded under 80 kg Nha-1, followed by 60 and 40 kg Nha-1, respectively. Application of 45 kg Sha-1also gave maximum net return (₹13173 and 13963 ha-1) and B: C ratio (2.38 and 2.52) followed by 30, 15kg Sha-1 and control, respectively.
Sharma (2013) was observed the highest gross return (₹.56,647 ha-1), net returns (₹.37,809 ha-1), production efficiency (16.6 kg ha-1 days-1) and economic efficiency (445 ha-1 day-1) were realized with 150% RDF over rest of treatments. Whereas, the maximum B: C ratio (2.02) was recorded with application of 125% RDF it was at par with 150% RDF.
Sharma (2013) was observed the highest gross return (Rs.56,647 ha-1), net returns (Rs.37,809 ha-1), production efficiency (16.6 kg ha-1 days-1) and economic efficiency (445ha-1 day-1) were realized with 150% RDF over rest of treatments. Whereas, the maximum B: C ratio (2.02) was recorded with application of 125% RDF it was at par with 150% RDF.
Singh et al., (2014) was studied the minimum gross income (₹ 69419ha-1) was received in treatment RDF (120:60:: 40: 30 NPKS kgha-1). While the minimum net income and B: C ratio was found in treatment RDF + FYM @ 6.0 t ha-1 in mustard. Samant et al. (2015) revealed that the HYV ToriaSushree recorded the higher gross return (₹ 40303 ha-1) & net profit of (₹17892 ha-1) with additional net return of (₹ 11006 ha-1) as compared to farme ₹ practice. The same variety had also maximum B: C ration (1.80) due to its higher productivity followed by HYV Anuradha.
Singh et al., (2015) reported that the application of 75% RDF+5 t FYM ha-1+10 kg Zn ha-1 +25 kg S ha-1 recorded on an average maximum gross and net return of ₹ 41560 and ₹ 24081 ha-1, respectively, but benefit: cost ratio was highest in 100% RDF (1.50), followed by the above combination.
Samant et al., (2015) revealed that the HYV toriaSushree recorded the higher gross return (₹ 40303 ha-1) & net profit of (₹17892 ha-1) with additional net return of (₹ 11006 ha-1) as compared to farmer ₹ practice. The same variety had also maximum B: C ration (1.80) due to its higher productivity followed by HYV Anuradha.
Pal et al., (2016) studied the effect of integrated nutrient management on yield and economics of mustard. They revealed that the addition of compost + PSB to all the three levels of P and S (P40S30, P60S45 and P80S60) caused significant increase in seed yield over P and S levels alone during both the year. Economic analysis of IPNM treatments revealed that, highest B: C ratio (3.34) and VCR (2.34) were found in P80S60+ Compost + PSB treatment.
Mukherjee (2016) revealed that application of vermicompost @ 5 t/ha gave maximum gross return (Rs. 46895 / ha) compared to rest of organic sources of treatment. However, application of poultry manures @ 5 t/ha gave good return (Rs. 26871) and highest benefit: cost ratio (2.82). Further with subplot treatment highest net return (Rs. 28256) was observed with the application of 125 % RDF with B:C ration of 1.98
Bijarnia et al., (2017) showed that highest net returns with treatment 5 t FYM + 100% RDF and 5 FYM + 75% of RDF + biofertilizer were ( ₹78618 ha-1) and (₹76007ha-1), of combined mustard and fodder pearlmillet, respectively. The treatment 5 t FYM +100% RDF increased the net returns by 17.5, 14, 10.7 and 65.4 % respectively in comparison to 5 t FYM + 50% of RDF + biofertilizer, 5 t FYM + 75% of RDF, 100% of RDF and control. But 5 t FYM + 100% RDF increased only 3.4 % over 5 t FYM + 75% of RDF + biofertilizer.
Dhruw et al., (2017) revealed that highest B: C ratio (1:2.36) was recorded in 60:30:20 kg NPK ha-1). However, since these findings are based on one year experiment and therefore, further research may be conducted to substantiate it under Allahabad agro climatic conditions.
Dhruw et al., (2017) revealed that highest B: C ratio (1:2.36) was recorded in 60:30:20 kg NPK ha-1). However, since these findings are based on one year experiment and therefore, further research may be conducted to substantiate it under Allahabad agro climatic conditions.
Singh and Pandey (2017) revealed the maximum gross and net return obtained under 45 kg S ha-1followed by 30 kg S ha-1 whereas, maximum B:C ratio (3.58) was obtained under (30 kg S ha-1) followed by 45 kg S ha-1 treatment.
Sharma et al., (2017) calculated that gross income (Rs. 41824 / ha) was obtained at 6 t/ha vermicompost over other remaining treatments, respectively But net profit (Rs. 18677 / ha) was obtained at 4 t/ha vermicompost, which was at par 2 t/ha vermicompost, respectively. Ojha et al., (2018) experimented at agronomy farm of agriculture and forestry university, Chitwan, Nepal and resulted that the highest B: C ratio was found to be 1.14 from 100 kg N ha-1 and the lowest B: C ratio was 0.56 obtained from 0 kg N ha-1.
Kalita et al., (2019) resulted that the highest net returns (Rs.17605 ha-1) was recorded with T4 followed by T3 (Rs 17205 ha-1) and the minimum net return was recorded from farmer practice. The maximum B: C (2.11) was recorded in T3, which was closely followed by T4 (2.07).
Materials and Methods
The present investigation entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on late sown mustard under Punjab conditions (Brassica campestris L. ) ” was carried out during rabi season of 2018-2019 at Agronomy Research Farm, Dolphin (PG) College of Science and Agriculture, ChunniKalan, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab. The materials used and methods employed during the course of investigation are described as follows:
1. Experimental site
The experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm of Dolphin (PG) College of Science and Agriculture, ChunniKalan, Fatehgarh Sahib (Affiliated to Punjabi University Patiala) Punjab. Geographically experimental site falls under sub-tropical climate in of Indo-gangetic plains having alluvial soil and is located at 300 75′ N latitude and 760 78′ E longitudes and an altitude 260 meters above mean sea level.
2. Climate and weather conditions
The mean maximum temperature of this region is about 350C to 370C is not uncommon during summer while very low temperature (6-100C) accompanied by frost may be experience in December-January. The winters are cool; frost generally occurs towards the end of December and may continue till the end of January or mid February. Mean weekly meteorological data for the season during experimentation period 2018-19 based on the observations collected at the meteorological observatory of are depicted in Dolphin (PG) College of Science and Agriculture, ChunniKalan, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab.
In general, maximum temperature exhibited gradual decline with advancement in crop age up to January and thereafter start to increase up to harvesting of crop. The lowest mean temperature (6.50C) was recorded in January during 2018-19. The maximum temperature (37.60C) was observed in fourth week of April during 2018-2019 The mean relative humidity during crop growth period varied from 99.1% to 25.00% during rabi, 2018-19.
The average weekly weather data during crop period obtained from The India meteorological department, Chandigarh are presented in (Table 1).
Table 1: Weekly mean weather parameters during experimentation (October 2018 – April 2019).
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Source: IMD, Chandigarh
3. Soil of the experimental field
To study the physico-chemical properties of the experimental field and its fertility status, the soil samples were collected randomly from five places from the field with the help of a soil auger to a depth of 0-15 cm prior to the application of fertilizers. These samples were mixed together and a composite soil sample representing whole field was taken and analyzed properly. The results of mechanical and chemical analysis have been presented in Table 2.
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