In the following paper I describe the training and sport psychological support of Mrs. K. Mrs. K. was suffering from breast cancer and after finishing the clinical therapy she started training. I will not go into the training science topics such as training methods, training control and forms of organisation in the report. It would adversely affect the scope at this point and the legibility. This list focuses on the psychological component of the intervention. At the same time I refer to the work of Klaus Detlev Grawe “Neuropsychatrie”. I prefer to refer to the work of Klaus Grawe when giving psychological advice to clients, as I can achieve the best results with this method. Due to the clear division into four fields it's the best way for me to understand and communicate it.. Within the work I regularly refer to the work Neuropsychatrie by Prof. Dr. Grawe. This also forms the basis of the following work.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Foreword
- Anamnesis and admission
- Implementation:
- Control
- Binding
- Pleasure
- Self-value increase
- Intervention
- Summary
- Bibliography.
- List of figures..
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper describes the training and sports psychological support of Mrs. K., a breast cancer patient who began training after completing clinical therapy. The focus is on the psychological component of the intervention, utilizing the framework of Klaus Detlev Grawe's "Neuropsychatrie" (Grawe 2004). The work aims to provide a detailed account of the approach taken in supporting Mrs. K.'s recovery and reintegration into physical activity.
- The importance of a sports psychological perspective in cancer rehabilitation
- The application of Grawe's four basic needs (control, binding, pleasure, self-value increase) to the training process
- The role of avoidance and approximation targets in achieving rehabilitation goals
- The significance of bonding and trust in the athlete-coach relationship
- The challenges of addressing fatigue and exhaustion in cancer patients
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Foreword: This chapter introduces the subject of the paper, outlining the focus on the psychological aspects of rehabilitation training for breast cancer patients, using the case study of Mrs. K. It also clarifies the theoretical framework of Grawe's "Neuropsychatrie" that will be used to guide the intervention.
- Anamnesis and admission: This chapter presents a comprehensive overview of Mrs. K.'s medical and socio-psychological background, highlighting her physical and emotional state before and after her breast cancer diagnosis. It also details her previous athletic involvement and her goals for rehabilitation.
- Implementation: This chapter discusses the initial stages of Mrs. K.'s training program. It explains how the training was structured based on her pre-existing athletic preferences and the need to address her fatigue and exhaustion. The chapter also introduces the concept of minimally controlled training, which involves monitoring key metrics like pulse and well-being.
- Control: This chapter delves into the importance of control in cancer rehabilitation. It discusses how loss of control is a common symptom of cancer and how it can impact a patient's overall well-being. The chapter also explains the concepts of avoidance targets and approximation targets, which are used to protect and satisfy basic needs, respectively.
- Binding: This chapter emphasizes the crucial role of attachment and bonding in the rehabilitation process. It explores the concept of attachment behavior as a basic need and its influence on other needs like control and pleasure. The chapter also highlights the importance of building a secure and trusting relationship with the trainer.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The core keywords and concepts central to this work include cancer rehabilitation, sports psychology, Grawe's four basic needs (control, binding, pleasure, self-value increase), avoidance and approximation targets, attachment behaviour, training program design, fatigue management, and the athlete-coach relationship.
- Quote paper
- Tristan Bechmann (Author), 2019, Rehab by Chest Cancer. Training and Sport Psychological Support, Munich, GRIN Verlag,