The Global Environment Facility has been actively contributing to solving climate change and environmental issues since 1994. World Bank is its administrative institution, while major UN institutions act as its agencies that implement projects in the recipient country in collaboration with governments, NGOs, and civil society organizations. The GEF's major focal strategy areas are biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, international water, chemical, and waste.
Afghanistan came to the intervention area of GEF in 2002; various projects have been implemented on forest conservation, wildlife protection, water management, institutional capacity building, training human capital, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, and climate-resilient communities. GEF has had a vital role in developing and implementing national strategies such as Afghanistan National Biodiversity Strategy and Action, the NCSA, and the NAPA.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.1 Introduction
- 2.1 Historical Background
- 2.2 Organizational Background
- 3.1 The GEF Strategy
- 3.2 The GEF Focal Areas Strategy
- 3.3 Funding Mechanism
- 4.1 GEF and Afghanistan
- 4.2 GEF Interventions
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This essay aims to analyze the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and its development policy in Afghanistan. The paper will explore the GEF's history, organizational structure, funding mechanism, and its impact on environmental issues in Afghanistan.
- The role of the GEF in global environmental protection
- The GEF's funding mechanisms and resource distribution
- The GEF's development policy and interventions in Afghanistan
- The challenges and opportunities for environmental sustainability in Afghanistan
- The impact of GEF projects on the Afghan population and environment
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The first chapter provides a comprehensive introduction to the Global Environment Facility (GEF), highlighting its establishment after the Rio Earth Summit in 1994. It underscores the GEF's role in facilitating sustainable development by addressing global environmental issues. The chapter details the GEF's funding structure, emphasizing the contributions from donor countries and the World Bank's administration. It also discusses the challenges faced by developing countries in tackling environmental problems, stressing the importance of good governance and institutional capacity in maximizing the impact of development aid.
Chapter 2 delves into the historical background of the GEF, tracing its roots back to the 1980s when the global community began to grapple with the consequences of human activities on the environment. It highlights the emergence of conventions such as the Montreal Protocol, the UNFCC, and the convention on forest and biological conservation as crucial steps towards a global response to environmental issues. The chapter explores the origins of the GEF as a pilot project by UNDP, UNEP, and the WB, emphasizing the French Ministry of Finance's proposal to provide funding for addressing climate change and environmental challenges.
The third chapter presents an overview of the GEF's strategies, focusing on its focal areas and funding mechanism. It outlines the GEF's primary development objectives, encompassing biodiversity life, climate change mitigation, forest conservation, the Ozone Layer, and chemical waste management. The chapter further elucidates the GEF's Trust Fund and its funding structure, highlighting the involvement of donor countries and the World Bank's administrative role.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key terms and concepts explored in this text include the Global Environment Facility (GEF), sustainable development, environmental issues, climate change, biodiversity, forest conservation, funding mechanisms, development aid, Afghanistan, environmental policy, institutional capacity, and good governance.
- Quote paper
- Sayed Ahmad Fahim Masoumi (Author), 2022, Global Environment Facility (GEF) Development Policy and Afghanistan, Munich, GRIN Verlag,