Creating a mission statement in child day care centers

Term Paper, 2015

11 Pages, Grade: 1,0

Abstract or Introduction

This paper contains the most important information about a mission statement in day care centers and a personal statement on the two questions "Does it make sense if the mission statement is already given by the responsible body?" and "What speaks for or against an external consultant in the creation of a mission statement?".

At the beginning, an illustration is presented in which the different forms of daycare center work are described and the term mission statement is classified.

This is followed by an explanation of the term "mission statement" in relation to daycare centers and a presentation of the framework conditions for creating one and the benefits of doing so.

This is followed by the presentation of two methods for creating a mission statement, with which it is possible to work out and visualize the values of a team. These are exemplarily the water lily model and the value profile according to Steven Reiss.

This is followed by the process of creating a mission statement. Here, general information is given on how to carry it out, structuring aids for formulating it, and methodological suggestions on how to implement the mission statement.

The last chapter deals with the question "Does it make sense if the mission statement is already given by the executing agency?" and the question "What speaks for or against an external consultant in the creation of a mission statement?" Both questions are considered independently of each other and a separate conclusion has been drawn for each question.


Creating a mission statement in child day care centers
Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin AS
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ISBN (eBook)
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Katrin de Beyer (Author), 2015, Creating a mission statement in child day care centers, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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