Theme of the series: "We work with the geoboard."- An action-oriented approach to the geoboard by collecting a variety of experiences on plane figures, their properties and the congruence of surfaces to promote spatial orientation skills and the further development of visual perception skills.
Theme of the unit: "We discover different triangles on the geoboard" - An active-discovering examination of the flat form "triangle" through an exploratory approach to the 3x3 geoboard, in which the children stretch as many different triangles as possible and compare them with each other, with the aim of gathering further experiences on the congruence of surfaces, as well as promoting spatial orientation skills and the further development of visual perception skills.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Theme of the series.
- Theme of unity: .
- Structure of the series.
- Core concerns of the unit
- Central work order.......
- Reflection mandate or guiding impulse for the reflection phase.......
- Justification of the core concern from a didactic and methodological point of view ………………………..
- Didactic analysis.
- Curriculum.......
- Learning requirements of the pupils....
- Didactic reduction
- Methodical analysis
- Sub-objectives of the core concern
- Course planning of the unit
- Bibliography
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
The objective of this lesson plan is to introduce students to the concept of congruence in geometric figures, specifically triangles, using the geoboard. Students will explore and discover different triangles, comparing and analyzing their similarities and differences. This will lead to a foundational understanding of congruence and the methods used to verify it.
- Congruence of geometric figures, specifically triangles
- Spatial orientation and visual perception development
- Exploration and manipulation of geometric shapes using the geoboard
- Developing a foundation for geometric reasoning and understanding
- Action-based learning and discovery
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Theme of the series: This chapter introduces the overarching theme of using the geoboard for an action-oriented approach to learning about flat figures, their properties, and congruence, aiming to enhance spatial orientation and visual perception.
- Theme of unity: This chapter focuses on the specific unit theme: discovering different triangles on the geoboard. It emphasizes the active exploration of the triangle shape using the 3x3 geoboard, promoting the understanding of congruence and spatial skills.
- Structure of the series: This chapter outlines the various units within the series, detailing the objectives and activities of each. These units progressively build upon each other, introducing new concepts and deepening student understanding.
- Core concerns of the unit: This chapter outlines the central learning objectives of the unit, focusing on the development of basic knowledge regarding the congruence or incongruity of geometric figures. It highlights the specific activity of stretching triangles on the geoboard and comparing them to determine congruence.
- Justification of the core concern: This chapter provides a didactic and methodological justification for the chosen core concerns. It argues for the use of action-based learning through the geoboard, emphasizing the importance of hands-on activities for developing perceptual, spatial, and representational abilities.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Key concepts explored in this text include congruence, incongruence, geometric figures, triangles, geoboard, spatial orientation, visual perception, action-based learning, discovery learning, didactic analysis, methodological analysis, and curriculum.
- Quote paper
- Stefanie Hiller (Author), 2009, Working with the geoboard. An action-oriented approach to the geoboard in elemantary school (2nd grade), Munich, GRIN Verlag,