Business plan for the establishment of a day care center


Term Paper

18 Pages, Grade: 1,0


Table of contents

1 Task and motivation

2 Executive Summary

3 Name and logo

4 Industry overview and unique selling point of Kita21

5 Market analysis

6 Data, facts and figures

7 Marketing

8 Strategy and long-term goals

9 Management and organization

10 Schedule

11 Risks and concept weaknesses

12 Budget

13 Conclusion

14 Bibliography

1 Task and motivation

As part of the workshop "Introduction to Business Thinking", practical case studies were to be worked on by the students. The example chosen by the author was about working out a founding idea for an educational institution. Realistic assumptions were allowed to be made on topics on which we have no knowledge. In the following, these assumptions are indicated by a star ("*") so that no source disagreements occur and are cited correctly.

The topic chosen in the seminar was a "daycare center" (abbreviation: kita), as this topic is of a high socio-political importance and is currently being discussed much in public. The need for such facilities is great, which means that the practical relevance is given.

2 Executive Summary

The business concept describes the establishment of a daycare center with the anchoring of social and ecological models. The daycare center is primarily aimed at high-income, young families from a high level of education. At the same time, a quota has been set that allows socially disadvantaged families to give their children free of charge to full-time care. Since it is a non-profit organisation [1], i.e. a non-profit organisation, surpluses are earmarked for specific purposes, e.B for further training measures for child carers or an increase in the support rate of socially disadvantaged children. The management organization is simple and with flat hierarchies. Emphasis is placed on the recruitment of experienced child carers and educators in order to achieve a high quality of care. These also form the core team of the team.

Due to the socio-ecological focus and the social mix, this daycare center clearly distinguishes itself from the church and state-offered care facilities and represents the gap between forest kindergarten and minimalist child care* of the state institutions, which has not yet been offered by the market. Thus, a clear unique selling point is available, which meets with a high demand in the considered subspace [2].

When choosing a location, a structurally strong area with positive demographic development was chosen [3]. In addition, care was taken to optimally reach both customer target groups and the social group of the social support quota. In addition, the chosen location, Munich Milbertshofen, offers the advantage that the author social scientist * has optimal knowledge of the socio-economic structure of the subspace. The same applies to the micro-location (Munich-Milbertshofen). In addition to the aforementioned characteristics, this is also characterized by the good accessibility and the spatial proximity to numerous industrial companies and service providers [1], [4].

3 Name and logo

After careful consideration of an innovative and meaningful name (ZukunftsKita, KitaNext, Bio-Kita, etc.), the name "Kita21" with the logo below was chosen. The aim is to show the target group that the kita deal with sustainability issues in a forward-looking way. Due to the fact that the term "21" was coined by political and social initiatives (cf. "Agenda 21"), the reference to sustainability and justice is, according to representative surveys *, very strong, especially for the target group of this business model and underlines the model of a non-profit organization [5].

The corresponding logo is intended to underline this sustainability and future-oriented pedagogy through the globe in which the font "21" is written. It also illustrates cosmopolitanism and interculturality.

Overall, the logo is simple and easy to remember. For printing and marketing, it is cheaply reproducible in order to keep costs low.

Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthaltenIllustration 1: The logo of Kita21

4 Industry overview and unique selling point of Kita21

As already mentioned in Chapter 2, the demand for day-care centres is currently above average. However, investing in this area is not only forward-looking for economic reasons, but above all absolutely necessary from a social and societal point of view. This makes the project an important investment in future generations.

Spatially, due to the different demographic developments, there are large disparities in Germany. The sub-area of southern Germany with a focus on Munich is regarded as a demographically and economically above-average active area, which favours the establishment of day-care centres and reduces risks (see Chapter 11).

In general, however, the market offer in the industry consists predominantly of state and church standard concepts*. These concepts leave parents little room for manoeuvre on special needs. For example, parents who want organic or vegetarian food for their children often lose out and either have to stay at home and cook for their children themselves or make the compromise that the children eat unhealthy food in their eyes or animals suffer because they are dependent on the care.

However, sustainability at Kita21 describes not only the food, but also the use of unpainted natural wood toys, social management (see Chapter 9) and the funding rate, whereby families of higher income classes with a small contribution (the costs are only minimally higher than state daycare centers, see Chapter 12) create compensation for social justice, which is also used as a marketing strategy (advertising according to the principle "through Kita21 you do good").

Another aspect is accessibility in working life. Most kindergartens offer care from 7.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. For employed persons, this means that the children may not be handed in before 7.00 a.m. and picked up after 5.00 p.m. Kita21 works according to the principle "30+". This means that children can be handed in at 6.30 a.m. and until 5.30 p.m. child minders and educators supervise the children so that everyone has enough time to work a working day of eight to nine hours and there is still a buffer for the distance between Kita21 and the workplace.

5 Market analysis

The market is currently limited by the offer. This means, by the way, especially in the area of the north of Munich* that the kita will meet with a strong demand.

Demographic developments (see Chapter 2) will significantly increase this supply-demand disparity in the coming years [8].

Due to the exact orientation to the customer profile working on site, the closure of the offer through a niche service with a unique selling point and the social and demographic trend, Kita21 reacts exactly to current and upcoming demands. At the same time, an important social contribution is made to society.

Due to its central location on the Frankfurter Ring (BMW Motorrad, BMW plant, FIZ, Knorr Bremse, BMW M GmbH, many industrial companies and service providers, shuttle traffic to and from Nuremberg, as the connection of the A 9 motorway ends there [7]), the Kita21 is spatially connected to many workplaces from the customer target group.


Excerpt out of 18 pages


Business plan for the establishment of a day care center
Technical University of Munich
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
business, kita21
Quote paper
Christofer Kronschnabl (Author), Business plan for the establishment of a day care center, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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