The main objective of this study was to assess the organizational culture and the organizational performance of the 'Information Network Security Administration' (INSA). The study was based on four specific objectives that tried to identify the dominant organizational culture at INSA, the degree of prevalence of the four cultural traits namely involvement, consistency, adaptation and mission, to examine the level of influence that the organizational culture had in the agency and finally measure the opinion of employees on the level of organizational performance using five parameters. To identify the dominant culture of the organization the OCAI was utilized, while the Denison’s organizational culture model used to measure the extent to which the cultural traits prevailed in the agency. The study was conducted using a mixed research approach a survey descriptive approach being the dominant approach that the study was conducted using. A mixed sampling technique of simple random sampling and stratified sampling were used as a sampling method and the determined sample size of the research was 309 respondents with response rate of 99%. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 24. The data were presented statistically by tables and graphs as well as qualitatively by statements.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Acknowledgement
- List of tables
- List of figures
- List of Acronyms
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Background of the study
- Statement of the Problem
- Research questions
- Objective of the study
- General objective
- Specific objectives of the study
- Scope of the study
- Significance of the study
- Limitation of the study
- Operational definition of terms
- Organization of the Paper
- Literature review
- Conceptual review
- What is Organization?
- Intelligence organizations
- What is culture?
- The concept of organizational culture
- Organizational Culture and organizational Commitment
- Organizational Culture and Job satisfaction
- Organizational Culture and Innovation
- Organizational Culture and employee turnover
- Organizational Performance
- Theoretical review and models of organizational culture
- Components of organizational factor
- Types of Organizational Culture
- Hofstede's organizational culture dimensions
- Denison's Organizational Culture Model
- Empirical review
- Organizational culture (O.C) and organizational performance (O.P)
- Organizational culture (O.C) in intelligence organizations (I.O)
- Related studies in Ethiopia
- Methodological review
- Conceptual frame work of the study
- Research methodology
- Description of the study area/the organization
- Vision
- Mission
- Strategic Values
- Organizational structure
- Research design and approach
- Target population
- Sampling
- Sampling size
- The sampling technique/procedure
- Types and sources of data
- Data collection tools/instruments
- Data analysis and presentations
- Inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Inclusion criteria
- Exclusion criteria
- Validity and reliability
- Ethical considerations
- Budget/cost breakdown of the study
- Findings and discussions
- Response rate
- General Demographic Background of the Study
- Dominant Organizational Culture of the Agency
- Dominant Characteristics of the Agency
- Organizational Leadership
- Management of Employee
- Organizational glue
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis aims to explore the opinions of employees at the Information Network Security Administration (INSA) in Ethiopia regarding organizational culture and its impact on performance. The study delves into the relationship between organizational culture and various aspects of employee experience, such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, innovation, and employee turnover. The research seeks to understand the dominant organizational culture within INSA and its influence on employee perceptions and behaviors.
- Employee perceptions of organizational culture within INSA
- The impact of organizational culture on employee performance
- The relationship between organizational culture and key aspects of employee experience, such as commitment, satisfaction, and turnover
- The influence of organizational culture on innovation and employee engagement
- The dominant characteristics of organizational culture at INSA
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The thesis begins with a comprehensive introduction, outlining the background of the study, the research problem, objectives, scope, significance, and limitations. It also provides definitions for key terms and a clear outline of the paper's structure.
Chapter 2 delves into a detailed literature review, exploring both conceptual and theoretical perspectives on organizational culture. It examines different models of organizational culture, including Hofstede's dimensions and Denison's model, and analyzes empirical studies on the relationship between organizational culture and performance, particularly in intelligence organizations. The chapter also includes a review of relevant research conducted in Ethiopia.
Chapter 3 outlines the research methodology used in the study, including a detailed description of the study area (INSA) and its organizational structure. It explains the research design and approach, target population, sampling methods, data collection techniques, and data analysis procedures. The chapter also discusses ethical considerations and the budget breakdown of the study.
Chapter 4 presents the findings and discussions, starting with an analysis of the response rate and a general demographic overview of the study participants. It then explores the dominant organizational culture at INSA, examining key characteristics, leadership practices, employee management strategies, and organizational glue.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key focus areas of this thesis include organizational culture, organizational performance, employee perceptions, employee experience, intelligence organizations, INSA, Ethiopia, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, innovation, employee turnover, and leadership practices.
- Quote paper
- Ashenafi Hailu Asifawu (Author), 2020, The Opinion of Employees on Organizational Culture and Performance at Information Network Security Administration (INSA) in Ethiopia, Munich, GRIN Verlag,