In this paper, "Squid guys: Fall Bean Edition", a 3D third-person android game is developed. It has multi modes, each mode has its own rules and game mechanics. The user must clear all the modes to beat the game. In this game, the user will compete against bots as well as timer in a series of challenges. Players are represented as jellybean-like figures, moving around a three-dimensional playing field, with additional moves such as jumping, or diving to assist the game play. There are different skins/avatar available for the player to choose from. One can unlock new characters by spending some in-game coins. There is also a shop menu where the user can purchase coins or watch advertisements to get rewards.
Inspiration was taken from "Squid Game" which is a Korean series. various levels from it have been introduced, such as Tug of War, Fake Mirror and Red-Light Green-Light. It will be interesting to find out if an educational game can be helpful in learning and learn more about how it is perceived by its users. The whole idea behind this project is to combine different game levels and models to make new levels in the game.
Squid Guys: Fall Bean Edition - Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)
Was ist "Squid Guys: Fall Bean Edition"?
"Squid Guys: Fall Bean Edition" ist ein 3D-Android-Spiel aus der Third-Person-Perspektive. Es ist inspiriert von der koreanischen Serie "Squid Game" und Spielen wie "Fall Guys" und "Mario Party". Das Spiel enthält verschiedene Level mit individuellen Regeln und Mechaniken. Der Spieler muss alle Level abschließen, um das Spiel zu gewinnen. Spieler werden als Gummibärchen-ähnliche Figuren dargestellt und steuern diese auf einem dreidimensionalen Spielfeld mit zusätzlichen Aktionen wie Springen oder Tauchen.
Welche Level gibt es im Spiel?
Das Spiel umfasst acht Level, darunter "Rotlicht, Grünlicht", "Falsche Spiegel", "Kanonen-Shooter", "Tauziehen", "Tiptoe", "Farb-Match", "Kegeln" und "Letzter Mann steht". Jedes Level basiert auf unterschiedlichen Spielmechaniken und erfordert verschiedene Fähigkeiten vom Spieler.
Wie funktioniert das Gameplay?
Das Gameplay variiert je nach Level. Einige Level erfordern schnelles Tippen (z.B. Tauziehen), präzises Timing (z.B. Rotlicht, Grünlicht), Geschicklichkeit (z.B. Tiptoe) oder strategisches Denken (z.B. Farb-Match). Die Steuerung ist im Allgemeinen einfach und intuitiv, in der Regel per Touch und Drag-and-Drop.
Gibt es weitere Features im Spiel?
Ja, das Spiel bietet verschiedene Charaktere, die der Spieler mit im Spiel verdienten Münzen freischalten kann. Es gibt auch einen Shop, in dem der Spieler Münzen kaufen oder durch das Ansehen von Werbung Belohnungen erhalten kann. Zusätzlich beinhaltet das Spiel einen Timer in einigen Levels, um den Schwierigkeitsgrad zu erhöhen und den Wettbewerb zu fördern.
Welche Inspirationen liegen dem Spiel zugrunde?
Das Spiel wurde von der koreanischen Serie "Squid Game", den Spielen "Fall Guys" und "Mario Party" inspiriert. Die Level wurden entsprechend angepasst und kombiniert, um ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis zu schaffen.
Welche Lernziele werden verfolgt?
Das Spiel soll neben dem Unterhaltungswert auch das logische Denken, die Problemlösungsfähigkeit und die Hand-Augen-Koordination fördern. Die Entwickler untersuchen, ob und wie ein Lernspiel positive Auswirkungen auf den Lernprozess haben kann.
Wie wurde das Spiel entwickelt?
Das Spiel wurde mit Unity und Blender entwickelt und im Google Play Store veröffentlicht. Es enthält Werbung und Analysen.
Welche Referenzen wurden verwendet?
Die Entwickler beziehen sich auf verschiedene Bücher und Ressourcen zur Spielentwicklung, darunter Werke über Game Design, Unity und C# Programmierung.
Wo kann ich das Spiel herunterladen?
Das Spiel wurde im Google Play Store veröffentlicht.
Welche Art von Spiel ist "Squid Guys: Fall Bean Edition"?
Es ist ein 3D-Action- und Simulations-Spiel für Android Geräte.
Squid guys: Fall Bean Edition is a 3d Third-person android game. It has Multi modes, each mode has its own rules and game mechanics. The user must clear all the modes to beat the game. In this game, the user will compete against bots as well as timer in a series of challenges. Players are represented as jellybean-like figures, moving around a three-dimensional playing field, with additional moves such as jumping, or diving to assist the game play. There are different skins/avatar available for player to choose from. One can unlock new characters by spendingsome in-game coins. There is also a shop menu where user can purchase coins or watch advertisements to get rewards. We have taken the inspiration from Squid game which was a Korean series and have introduced various levels from it such as tug of war ,fake Mirror and Red Light Green Light . It will be interesting to find out if an educational game can be helpful in learning, and learn more about how it is perceived by its users. The whole idea behind this project is to combine different game levels and models to make new levels in the game.
Keywords : Android game , Squid Games , Bots, Fake mirror ,Red Light Green Light
Categories and Subject Descriptors
Android game
Action , Simulation 3D game
Android tablets, smartphones and touchpad are very much in demand in today's generation, People all around the globe , having this kind of gadgets not just for personal and business use but it also lessen the boredom from work and daily stressful life. Enjoyment which might carried from the use of this. gadgets and maintaining to use as a stress and boredom relievers. Games are one of the attractive features that the android tablets, smartphones and touch pad have. The different version, styles and story of games makes the common user curious to explore and enjoy from it. From the famous Facebook game CANDY Crush, tablet games Plants versus Zombies, Temple run, Bubble Mania, and Angry Birds, people get to explore and download games that might fits to their interest .Albeit thought as a tool of entertainment, android games designed for educational purposes enable us to make it possible for individuals to attain certain habits through repetition. In parallel to the advancements in technology, the game industry also shows improvement every day. The fact that, just like android games can be used in education is accepted without a doubt, but educators and specialists are seeking ways to integrate the games in the most efficient and to lessen the boredom. In today's world, android games have become social networks that are able to reach masses and virtually bring thousands of effective way possible. As a result of these efforts, there are many alternative teaching methods and techniques and game-based learning is one of them. With this type of learning, theindividual is able to learn faster and their motivation is peaked in order to enable them to attain certain habitsthroughvariousrepetitions.
Literature Reviews
In every case, our goal is to solve a particular mentally challenging levels or accomplish a particular mentally challenging task. Android games are today an important part of most children's leisure lives and increasingly an important part of our culture as a whole. Android games are a growing part of our culture. The android games have been too simplistic in comparison to competing video games. Logical thinking and problem solving. Most android games requires use of logical thinking and one's problem-solving skills. Solving each level often requires strategic and creative thinking. Especially with some mentoring help, students can transfer their increasing logic and problem solving to other situations. Before the project starts, existing knowledge on game design should be researched. A game will be designed, made and released into the market for this project. In order to increase chances of success, the principles of game design will be examined, and taken into account during the design process of the game. First lets define what is a game? French sociologist Roger Caillois, defined a game as an activity that must have the following characteristics: - Free : something which the player is not forced to engage in, in which event play will immediately lose the characteristic of an attractive and happy diversion. -. Isolated: circumscribed within the limitations of a precise time and place and agreed upon in advance. -. Uncertain: whose progress and result cannot be determined in advance, a certain latitude in the necessity of improvising being inevitably left to the initiative of the players. -. Unproductive : creating neither commodities, wealth, nor any kind of new element and, with the exception of a transfer of property among the circle of players, ending in a situation identical with that which prevailed when the game began. -. Unregulated : subject to the conventions that suspend ordinary laws and temporarily institute new rules that alone count. -. Fictitious : accompanied by a specific awareness of a second reality, When talking about games and design, two things should be taken into account. Ludology and Narratology. There is a debate about Ludology vs Narratology in games. The narratological stance is that games should be understood as novel forms of narrative and can thus be studied using theories of narrative (Murray, 1997; Atkins, 2003). The ludological position is that games should be understood on their own terms. Ludologists have proposed that the study of games should concern the analysis of the abstract and formal systems they describe. In other words, the focus of game studies should be on the rules of a game, not on the representational elements which are only incidental (Aarseth, 2001; Eskelinen, 2001; Eskelinen, 2004). unlock various characters and levels . We have also added feature of timer in the game to make it more competetive and difficult to win ,Each level has to be clear in a particular time to reach next level.
Squid Guys Fall Bean Edition is a 3D third person android game which we have made taking inspiration from famous Korean Drama series Squid Games and also from games like Fall Guys and Mario Party Two . The Game has various levels which a player has to clear . Player will only reach next level only when he clears previous level .There are various levels in the game and each level has its own rules and mechanics .There are various characters in the game which a player can buy using coins . There is also a shop available in the game where a player can buy coins and watch advertisement for buying coins ,
The first level is RED LIGHT GREEN LIGHT in which dragon is singing the song everyone can move towards the finish line, When dragon stops the singing everyone must immediately stop. If Dragon found Someone moving while he was not singing, he will Breathe fire towards the player and eliminate him. The controls are simple touch and drag to move, release to stop the player.
The game has been designed taking inspiration from Korean series SQUID GAME and PC and console game FALL GUYS . The game has total eight levels and player has to win every previous level to reach the next levels we have also taken inspiration from games like fall guys and mario party . Our game has various other features such as shop from where a player can buy coins and
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The second level is fake mirror which is again inspired from Korean Drama Squid Games in this level player has to dodge the fake mirrors and win the level , this builds players ability to learn the pattern which is beneficial for brain development..
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The third level is cannon shooter in this level
the player playing the game will have to dodge the bombs by moving left and right . This level will help in developing hand eye coordination of a player as he will have to move player left and right and will have to survive 4 waves of incoming bombs if a player falls in water the game will end automatically and player will lose in this level and game will end automatically
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The fourth level we have built is Tug Of War in this level a player has to tap fast to gain more power and pull their opponents towards the pit. There is powerbar at top right corner of the screen, player will have to tap fast to increase
the power of their respective team and to beat the opponents. Once the powerbar is filled the team which have the most power wins and opponents will fall into the pit.
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The fifth level is TIP TOE in which players will have to skip across the tiles to reach other end.
In this level ,some of platforms are fake and can fall , There is a feature of timer in this level a player will have to reach the other end within a stipulated time if a player does not make to other end in time he will be eliminated .Here we have used an algorithm to ensure that there will always be one different route towards the finish line for randomness to maintain the player interest.
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The sixth level of our game is COLOR MATCH and we took the inspiration for this level from Mario Party. In this level when the board will show the particular color all the players must go to hexagon tile of same color .All other hexagon tiles will slowly sink into the lava .. In this level a player will have to survive 10 rounds to win this level or eliminate everyone and go to next round .
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The eight and last level of the game will be LAST MAN STANDING in this level players can move during green light only if players move during red light they will be eliminated and player has to kill all other player to proceed to winning screen in a stipulated time
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Result Generated
The seventh level of our game is Knockdown Pins in this level there will be three rounds in which we will have to swipe on the screen to give direction and power to the ball and knock down the pins . All the pins must be knockdown from the table to complete this level .Initially three balls is provided to the player but one can earn extra ball by watching a video Ad.
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WE have successfully developed a 3D android based game - Squid guys using unity and blender and published it in google play store with advertisements and analytics. We have explored whether the feasibility of android games in learning theory based
subjects can produce positive effects in teaching processes by implementing a game based on the Unity3D engine. We have taken inspiration from Squid games which was a Korean series have introduced various levels from it such as tug of war ,fake Mirror and Red Light Green Light . It will be interesting to find out if an educational game can be helpful in learning, and learn more about how it is perceived by its users. The whole idea behind this project is to combine different game levels and models to make new levels in the game.
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- Quote paper
- Brahmjot Singh (Author), Developing SQUID GUYS. A 3D Android-based Game using Unity and Blender, Munich, GRIN Verlag,