The Significance of a Shared Vision. Benefits and Negative Impacts

Essay, 2016

15 Pages, Grade: 93


The significance of a Shared vision

A shared vision implies possessing an inner drive to accomplish a common purpose. Shared vision may incite bonding by cause of the goal being collective. It is paramount for organizations to promote generative learning which could be viewed as striving to accomplish a cherished aspiration. Such learning would reinforce human capabilities to create. Extrinsic shared vision could be perceived as accomplishing a purpose relative to defeating a competitor, maintain the position acquired with innovative ideas and creating new items regularly. On the other hand, intrinsic shared vision provokes actions toward a higher purpose (Senge. 2006). Whether intrinsic or extrinsic, the shared vision must be compelling enough to incite cooperation from all parties endorsing the movement (Halley, 2012). Each member of the shared vision could bring his own idea which will create a masterpiece when all ideas are crafted (Tempo, 2015).

The benefits and negative impact of shared vision

Shared vision is a model of innate courage possessed that people never previously discerned or once imaged until the pursuit of a common and profound aspiration emerged. Shared vision generally emanate from a personal vision. The benefits of a shared vision are multiples: people learn and expand their manner of thinking and new horizons are opened, difficulties are generally minimized along the way because the vision appears to be greater than existing tension forces, additionally shared vision bring keeps people together and promote oneness. As Robert Fritz insinuated “In the presence of greatness pettiness disappears, in the absence of great dreams pettiness prevails” (Senge, 2006).

The most unlikable aspects of shared vision would include risks taking and experimentation. Because of the unawareness of how to arrive at the final purpose, experiments are quickly inserted into the equation. If an experiment is unsuccessful another one would replace it because everyone participating is aware of why experiments are conducted but guarantee of success is never confirmed. Moreover, keeping followers committed on long term goals may also be listed as the negatives consequences of a shared vision which may arise. Additionally the team learning process, intellectual capital, rigorous training entangled with a shared vision could be lengthy and may cause disinterest and abandonment (Senge, 2006).

Sharing with the class the organization’s Shared Vision

The concept is to create a global organization utilizing intellectual capital which will aid third world countries and communities across the world flourish by teaching locals a useful trade. Giving is an act of compassion leading to temporary financial relief but teaching locals a trade would help them care of their families for a lifetime. Economic development becomes a true challenge without human growth.

A problem cannot be resolved by the same consciousness which created it (Einstein, 1949). Human beings are the forces behind organizations, countries and economic development. Consequently economic growth seems unattainable without human advancement. Moreover, ethic position theory (EPT) surrounds decisions, actions and emotions being governed by moral judgment. Wang & Calvano (2015) insinuated that such ideology lays its theory on two separate viewpoints identified as idealism and relativism. Idealism would diminish unproductive results amplify gain to prevent harm to others. However a less idealistic person would support the idea that sometimes unfortunate fallouts are inevitable.

What good is it to teach the good news of Christ and not helping our communities? The German theologian Carl Henry through many of his publications between the years 1976 to 1983 (such as God, Revelation and Authority) blamed the fundamentalist and evangelicals for their lack of social involvement and being out of touch (Henry, 1983). Right belief- Orthodoxy (preaching the gospel) must always be coupled to the Right action- Orthopraxis. Practicing orthodoxy (right belief) without orthopraxis (right action) may be an unwilling act of missing the mark by virtue of “not practicing what we preach” .Building our communities, third world countries is espied as a tasks and such duty may commence through trade schools for the rich (In Spirit) evolution.

Among trades schools for the rich (in Spirit ) encountered would be auto mechanic, bakery, electricians, Carpentry, Physical Therapy, Nursing School, Pharmacy, Agriculture, Computer tech etc… along with universities for individuals who are more advanced academically. Local clinics to aid villagers, primary and secondary schools can be constructed to help villagers become productive to their communities and countries. A similar model could be applied in low income neighborhood throughout all seven continents (North American, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and Antartica).


Globalization could be defined as the concept of utilizing all cognition and discern the transformation occurring in society ranging from culture, art, economy and politics. It also entangles the delivery of goods, services, technology, capital and workers across the world (Ming-Chang, 2007). For instance World music could be perceived as an agent of globalization in the artistic arena although globalization may vary from nations to nations (Susser, 2004). Immigration has also facilitated the movement of globalization. In a survey conducted in 2000, it was estimated that 2.9 of the world’s population (175 million) lived outside their native country, a percentage which may have hugely increased over the past decade. People generally migrate to different parts of the world mainly for economic reasons in search of a better life. The rise of social networks such as facebook, twitter, tagged etc… has also facilitated the globalization concept. Additionally international openness and investments, rule of law such as securing property rights and a sound legal system could be a huge indication of economic growth and globalization. On the contrary country risk guide, inflation and high fertility rate may be strong indicators of isolation (Barro, 2001).

The flow of motivated migrants arriving in nations with GDP higher than their native countries such as the United States and Russia has been increasingly alarming for some but the economic significance of people, trade and capital flows is paramount for globalization, exchange and adoption of other cultures. Some individuals would travel for vacation, to visit their family and spend while visiting which would increase cash flow and consumer spending (Freeman, 2006). Other drivers of globalization include international trade, currency exchange and international financing (Lane, 2008).

Personal mastery

When individuals learn it benefits the organization. In any organizations the driving force for company’s advancement is people and without employees’ motivation company ‘s advancement is obstructed. Leaders must learn how to connect with people, their emotions in order to move their hearts. Although the bedrock of personal mastery could be defined as competence and skills, it also encompasses viewing people’s life as a creative masterpiece which could be contrasted as the reactive standpoint. Personal mastery also implies what is significant in life and the current reality. Vision and current reality would produce a constituent known as creative tension, the term mastery often insinuates the manner learned to subdue creative tension in our lives (Senge, 2006).

Psychologically personal mastery supports adolescents and adults’ well-beings, a great sense of personal mastery will prevent mental distress and depression. Additionally having children may impede the professional purpose of young adults and may lead to the abandonment or retention of occupational goals and personal mastery. When children, marriage are involved a fair balance between family obligations and work related goals must be established. Moreover, men seem to be more motivated with personal mastery than women perhaps because of bias and unequal treatment women receive throughout the hiring process. Similar statistics showed that 30% of young black adults are less likely to accomplish their aspirations than whites and Asians mainly because of the manner race and gender shape emerging adults’ perception and experiences ( Reynolds, 2007).

Intellectual capital

Intellectual capital could be categorized as three main aspects relative to any organization: Human capital, structural capital and customer capital. With a bachelor degree an individual would be considered to be at the top 20% level of academic knowledge while holding a terminal degree would place the individual at the top 5%. Human capital is viewed as the bedrock of the organization producing innovative ideas while promote growth. Knowledge management on the other end constitutes new learning acquired and retained for the company’s advancement (Royal, 2001). Structural capital on the other hand involves research to resolve organizational flaws and issues, it also surrounds competitive intelligence (CI) and all non- human reserves such as organizational charts, executives road map, administrative programs, knowledge of customers’ preferences which could also be labeled as the structural organizational intelligence (SOI) (Zangoueinezhad , 2009).

Human capital

Since the 1980’s micro-economists have shifted their attention on human capital and long term economic growth. The value Y utilized represents government policies, institutions, organizations and the character of the national population. G on the other hand depicts the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The rate of government consumption to GDP would compute outlays which would not increase productivity. If the population’s consumption is greater than the GDP when calculated, the impact on growth would be significantly negative. G/Y increased by each 10 percentage points would reduce growth by approximately 1.6 per year. A higher reserve of human capital would produce growth through two primary channels: education by means of secondary and higher levels which would permit the comprehension of superior technologies from organizations, developed nations. Second, a difficult adjustment from physical capital to human capital may be denoted. Developed nations would generally begin with physical capital after wars, conflicts to obtain their independence and would gradually add and veer their republic (upward) toward human capital for economic growth (Barro, 2001).

The survey surrounds school attainment of a population of 25 years and older of both males and females in approximately 100 nations from 1965 to 1995. The variables include the total years of school attendance. The results for growth effects of test scores were also analyzed. Science scores show significant effects on growth followed by mathematics and literature. However the labor market failed to employ highly educated women in several countries and organizations. The quality and quantity of years of learning was positively resultant for growth (Barro, 2001).


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The Significance of a Shared Vision. Benefits and Negative Impacts
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# leadership, # Vision
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Dr. Marc Nader (Author), 2016, The Significance of a Shared Vision. Benefits and Negative Impacts, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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