Critical Evaluation on "Prospective Primary School Teachers Confidence in Teaching Disciplinary History"

Akademische Arbeit

8 Seiten

teferi asfaw (Autor:in)

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The title of the article is "Prospective Primary School Teachers' Confidence in Teaching Disciplinary History." This
article was written in Finland in 2021 by Rantala, J and Khawaja, A. Professor Rantala has published articles on history education, and history curriculum. Khawaja is currently a PhD student and has published some articles.

In the main body of research the authors described since the 1990s across Europe, a new discipline called disciplinary history teaching (whose focal point is historical knowledge and the way it has been constructed) emerged. This resulted in most European countries putting emphasis on adopting disciplinary history teaching in their national curriculum. Also, Finland's National Core Curriculum calls attention to the new emerging science of historical thinking, which is disciplinary history teaching adopted in the same period. On defining the research problem authors stated, due to a shortage of time in teaching and learning, most teachers failed to make good use of disciplinary history teaching in the classroom, in similar way in-service history teacher education in Finland is challenged by inconsistency and a non-organized way of training disciplinary history teaching. In order to fill this gap, both authors require practical
implementation of disciplinary history teaching. They totally decided to use 121 trainers of primary history teachers, particularly first and second years, who took the history didactics course at Helsinki University. Researchers choose 20 student-teachers for in-depth interviews and 8 students for post-interviews from a total of 121 student-teachers. The primary objective of the article is to assess new trainers of primary school history teachers 'confidence in teaching
disciplinary history.


Critical Evaluation on "Prospective Primary School Teachers Confidence in Teaching Disciplinary History"
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
critical, evaluation, prospective, primary, school, teachers, confidence, teaching disciplinary, history
Arbeit zitieren
teferi asfaw (Autor:in), Critical Evaluation on "Prospective Primary School Teachers Confidence in Teaching Disciplinary History", München, GRIN Verlag,


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