Situation of the Muslims in Germany – Issues of Integration

Essay, 2005

6 Seiten, Note: 1,7

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In the following I will try to illustrate some of the specific problems of integration of Muslims and will raise up some questions for discussion. But before that, I will spend some words in general. The main problem why we haven’t face the integration as it came up was a wrong understanding in the Muslim people who came here. Currently there live 3.2 million Muslims in Germany mainly from turkey. They came here in the 60´s as guest workers. We have treated them as guests, we were not familiar with their religion, we have not try to integrate them in our society, we have let them do in the believe that they are just guests and that they will go back in their home countries sooner or later. And we had also prejudices
against Muslims that were even written down in for example a schoolbook from the late 70´s. Here is a quotation about the Islam from the book: “Allah is a violent and tyrannic god. Mohammed is uniquely tied to the evil: as a messenger of a violent god, he is violent himself, and so is Islamic man – violent, malicious, and driven by his instincts.” This quotation is hostile, ignorant, full of prejudices and wrong, but it was taught so in school and together with the public opinion it created frontiers and mistrust.
Nowadays we see that most of the people stay here and the first and second generation may feel that Germany is more there home as the country their parents or grandparents came from. Now we have the notion that these people are here and we must integrate them in our society without creating new frontiers and removing old prejudices. The main task – the first step - of the integration is that we must encourage the Muslims here to learn our language. At 9th of August this year there was a great fire in a residential house in
Berlin. Inhabitants mainly from Arabic countries couldn’t understand what the fire fighters told them. They said they should stay in their flats and don’t run in the hall, because of the fire
and the smoke. They didn’t understand these instructions so 8 people run out in their deaths. Surely a very drastically example of misunderstanding.


Situation of the Muslims in Germany – Issues of Integration
Universität Erfurt
Internationale Summer school: Muslime im Westen
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
396 KB
Situation, Muslims, Germany, Issues, Integration
Arbeit zitieren
Martin Schultze (Autor:in), 2005, Situation of the Muslims in Germany – Issues of Integration, München, GRIN Verlag,


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