In der folgenden Hausarbeit wird der Einsatz von Liedern in dem Sprachunterricht beleuchtet. Dabei wird nicht nur auf die allgemeine Wichtigkeit, Literatur im Unterricht einzusetzen, hinge-deutet, sondern auch die Bedeutung des interkulturellen Kompetenzerwerbs erläutert. Diese kann durch einen Aufenthalt im betreffenden Land erworben werden oder, wenn dies nicht möglich ist, durch den Einsatz von authentischen literarischen Werken des betreffenden Landes. Der interkulturelle Kompetenzbegriff umfasst dabei nicht nur Themen wie, typisches Essen oder geographische Lage, sondern auch ungeschriebene Regeln, Einstellungen, Glauben, Werte und Normen. Diese können nicht nur durch komplexe Beziehungen von Charakteren in einem Ro-man, sondern auch über Lieder übermittelt werden. Durch oftmals kurze, aber intensive Ausei-nandersetzungen mit tagtäglichen Problemen, bieten Lieder ebenfalls die Möglichkeit bestimmte Haltungen und Denkweisen der anderen Kultur darzustellen und zu hinterfragen. Nach dem theoretischen Teil der Hausarbeit folgt ein exemplarischer Unterrichtsentwurf in dem ein Lied als Hauptbestandteil in der Stunde eingesetzt wird, um sich mit dem Thema der Homosexualität auseinander zu setzen.
In the following term paper, the use of songs in the language classroom will be examined. In addition to the general importance of using literature in the classroom, the importance of inter-cultural competence acquisition is explained. This can be acquired through a stay in the country of the language that is learned, or if this is not possible, using authentic literary works from the country in question. The concept of intercultural competence includes not only topics such as typical food or geographical location, but also unwritten rules, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms. These can be conveyed not only through complex relationships and actions of characters in a novel, but also through songs. Through often brief but intense confrontations with every-day problems, songs also offer the opportunity to present and question certain attitudes and ways of thinking of the other culture. After the theoretical part of the paper follows an exempla-ry lesson plan in which a song is used as the main component in the lesson to deal with the top-ic of homosexuality.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Theory
- The use of literature in class
- Importance of intercultural competence
- Using literature to foster intercultural learning
- Categorization of songs into a literature genre
- Using songs in the EFL classroom
- Practice
- Analysis of the study group
- Factual Analysis - Topic of the lesson
- Placement of the lesson in the unit
- Didactic Analysis
- Methodical Analysis
- Planned course of instruction in tabular form
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This term paper explores the use of songs in the EFL classroom, highlighting the importance of intercultural competence development through authentic literary materials. It examines the benefits of using literature in general, focusing on how songs can contribute to fostering intercultural learning.
- Importance of literature in the EFL classroom
- Developing intercultural competence through literature
- Use of songs as authentic literary material
- Benefits of using songs in the EFL classroom
- Practical application of song-based instruction
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction establishes the rationale for using literature in the EFL classroom, arguing that authentic materials like songs provide valuable insights into language and culture. It highlights the benefits of using literature for developing language skills and cultural understanding.
The theoretical section delves into the significance of intercultural competence and explores how literature, particularly songs, can foster its development. This section examines the ways in which songs can be categorized as a literary genre, outlining their potential for enriching EFL learners' language acquisition and intercultural awareness.
The practice section presents a detailed lesson plan based on the theoretical framework. It includes an analysis of the target study group, the lesson's factual and didactic aspects, and a structured plan for implementing the lesson using a song as the main component.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This term paper focuses on the following keywords: EFL classroom, intercultural competence, authentic literary materials, songs, language acquisition, cultural understanding, lesson plan, didactic analysis, methodological analysis.
- Quote paper
- Hannah Berg (Author), 2021, Fostering intercultural competence using songs for teaching, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1291036