Regarding its imperial past, the United Kingdom has long enjoyed the role of an independent leading power whilst maintaining a close relationship with the United States. The process of joining the EU was protracted and indecisive, as Britain was reluctant to relinquish its supremacy, independence and arrangements with the United States, particularly in the area of economics. This mentality eventually led to the Brexit referendum in 2016. From that moment on, the United Kingdom had to reposition itself globally with the concurrent intention of strengthening its economic ties with the United States.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Post-Brexit: The United Kingdom's redefinition of its economic ties with the United States
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This text analyzes the United Kingdom's economic relationship with the United States post-Brexit, exploring the implications for both countries and the evolving trade landscape.
- The UK's economic shift from EU reliance to US partnership
- The potential for smaller trade agreements between the US and UK
- The role of the National Health Service (NHS) in trade negotiations
- The impact of Brexit on UK-US relations
- The ongoing negotiations and potential challenges in establishing a stable economic partnership
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The text examines the UK's evolving trade relationship with the US post-Brexit. It highlights the increasing importance of the US as a trade partner for the UK, analyzing export and import trends. While the UK has shown a shift towards strengthening economic ties with the US, potential barriers related to the National Health Service are also discussed. Despite the potential challenges, the text concludes that the UK and the US are moving towards a more substantial partnership.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key themes of this text include post-Brexit trade relations, the UK's economic reorientation, trade agreements with the US, the impact on the National Health Service, and the ongoing negotiations between the UK and US. The text explores these themes by examining data on exports and imports, analyzing official statements by political figures, and considering perspectives from different stakeholders.
- Quote paper
- Stefanie Gerrits (Author), 2022, Post-Brexit. The United Kingdom's redefinition of its economic ties with the United States, Munich, GRIN Verlag,