The major objective of the study was to assess students’ perceptions towards EFL large classes in terms of its instructional, psychological and social aspects and their perceived challenges. To this end, two preparatory schools were selected owing to their convenience for the study, the researchers’ familiarity with the situation and the serious situational constraints related to EFL large class size with special reference to grade eleven.
To achieve the purpose of the study, a descriptive research method was employed because the main objective was just to gather information about students’ perceptions and their perceived difficulties. Likert-scale type questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were employed to gather adequate data from the student respondents, but only open-ended and close-ended questionnaires were distributed to eight randomly selected EFL teachers to confirm data obtained from their students. The instruments were piloted before the main study on 20 students and some modifications were made on their grammar and wordings, but six items were rejected. Out of 1545 students, 155 were selected as samples through simple random sampling technique and ten of them were voluntarily selected and interviewed. The data collected through likert type questionnaires were analyzed through descriptive statistics like frequency, percentages and means. Data gathered through interview were analyzed through descriptive statements. The data gathered through questionnaires were substantiated by the data obtained through interview.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Chapter One: Introduction
- 1.1. Background of the Study
- 1.2. Statement of the Problem
- 1.3. Objectives of the Study
- 1.3.1. General Objective
- 1.3.2. Specific Objectives
- 1.4. Significance of the Study
- 1.5. Scope of the Study
- 1.6. Limitations of the Study
- 1.7. Organization of the Study
- Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature
- 2.1. Definition and Nature of Large Class
- 2.2. The Class Size Debate
- 2.3. Problems of Large Class Size
- 2.3.1. Problems of Students' Active Involvement in Large Class
- 2.3.2. Assessment and Feedback Problems in Large Class
- 2.3.3. Problems of Large Class Management
- 2.3.4. Affective Challenges in Large Class
- 2.3.5. Resource Related Constraints
- 2.4. The Impacts of Large Class Size
- 2.4.1. Impact of Large Class on Teachers
- 2.5. Students View in Large Class
- 2.6. Local studies on large class size
- 2.7. Some Strategies to Cope up with Large Class
- 2.7.1. Instructional Strategies for Improving Problems of Large class
- 2.7.2. Use of Good Rapport in Large Class
- 2.7.3. Solving Management Problems in Large Class
- 2.8. Group Work and Large Class
- 2.9. Motivation for Learning and Large Class
- 2.10. The Physical Classroom Environment
- 2.11. Benefits of Large Class
- Chapter Three: Research Methodology
- 3.1. Research Design
- 3.2. Description of the Study Setting
- 3.3. Data Type and Source
- 3.4. Sampling
- 3.4.1. Sampling Frame and Size
- 3.4.2. Sampling Techniques
- 3.4.3. Sampling Procedure
- 3.5. Data Gathering Instruments
- 3.5.1. The Questionnaire
- 3.5.2. Interview
- 3.6. Data Collection Procedure
- 3.6.1. Pilot Testing
- 3.6.2. Main Study
- 3.7. Methods of Data Analysis
- Chapter Four: Data Presentations, Analysis and Discussions
- 4.1. Background Information
- 4.2. Participants Response to Class Size
- 4.3. Analysis of Teachers Questionnaire
- 4.4. Analysis of Students Questionnaires
- 4.5. Brief Discussions on Results of the Students Questionnaire
- 4.6. Analysis of Students Interview
- 4.7. Discussions on the Results of the Interview
- Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
- 5.1. Summary of the Key Findings
- 5.2. Conclusions
- 5.3. Recommendations
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis examines the perceptions and difficulties of students in large English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes in Ethiopia. The study aims to assess students' perceptions of large EFL classes in terms of instructional, psychological, and social aspects, as well as their perceived challenges. The research explores the impact of large class size on student learning and identifies potential strategies to address the challenges associated with this type of learning environment.
- Students' perceptions of large EFL classes
- The challenges of learning English in large classes
- The impact of large class size on student learning
- Strategies to address the challenges of large EFL classes
- The role of teachers in mitigating the negative effects of large class size
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
Chapter One introduces the research problem, outlines the objectives of the study, and discusses its significance, scope, and limitations. Chapter Two reviews relevant literature on the concept of large classes, the class size debate, the problems associated with large classes, and strategies to address these issues. Chapter Three details the research methodology, including the research design, data type and source, sampling techniques, data gathering instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis methods. Chapter Four presents and analyzes the data collected from students and teachers through questionnaires and interviews, focusing on their perceptions of large EFL classes and the challenges they face.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The main keywords and focus topics of the text are: large class size, EFL, student perceptions, instructional challenges, psychological challenges, social aspects, learning difficulties, strategies for large classes, teacher training, Ethiopia.
- Quote paper
- Yirgalem Girma (Author), 2023, Perceptions and Difficulties of Students in Large EFL Classes. Grade 11 Students in Focus, Munich, GRIN Verlag,