This paper starts by defining characteristic traits of Gothic Literature and the concept of liminality, and explains how both can be linked together. It then analyses how both Gothic and liminal traits are intertwined in Seamus Deane's "Reading in the Dark" and how they work to create the novel's defining hopeless, gloomy atmosphere. Also, this paper analyses how characters use liminal techniques to communicate unspeakable truths, yet ultimately fail to escape the liminal space they occupy.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- The Concept of Liminality
- The Usage of Liminality in Gothic Novels
- Liminality in Reading in the Dark
- The Time
- The Places
- The Supernatural
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This work examines the concept of liminality and its application to the genre of Gothic fiction, specifically through an analysis of Seamus Deane's novel, "Reading in the Dark". It aims to demonstrate how liminality, as a state of transition and ambiguity, manifests within the text, exploring its impact on both characters and narrative structure.
- Liminality as a concept and its significance in various fields
- The interplay of liminality and Gothic genre conventions
- The portrayal of liminal spaces in Gothic novels
- The role of liminality in character development and psychological exploration
- The use of liminality to convey themes of uncertainty, transformation, and the supernatural
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The first chapter delves into the definition and history of liminality as a concept, outlining its significance in anthropological studies, social transitions, and psychological analysis. The second chapter examines the intersection of liminality with the Gothic genre, analyzing how its conventions, themes, and aesthetics align with the concept of in-betweenness and transition.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Liminality, Gothic Fiction, Transition, Ambiguity, Uncertainty, Transformation, Supernatural, Psychological Journey, Reading in the Dark, Seamus Deane, Derry Gothic, Family Secrets, Trauma, Class Conflict, Ideological Struggles
- Quote paper
- Jule Hölzel (Author), 2023, Liminality in Seamus Deane's Gothic Novel "Reading in the Dark", Munich, GRIN Verlag,