This thesis examines language use in the Nzema Traditional courts. It specifically identifies performative use of Nzema language using the Speech Act and the Discourse Analyses theory to analyse ten texts, which were recorded from various Chief Palaces in Elembele and Jomoro Districts.
Having transcribed the text into written form and translated into English, the researcher applies two theories for the analyses and the findings obtained indicate that many people lack the concept of performative expressions of language, in which utterances constitute acts or doings. These usually put them into trouble among themselves, during which the case is settled at the traditional courts. Among such performative use of language that bring litigations are the most common ones such as; cursing a fellow, threatening, accusing someone, making false allegation. The study finally recommends that society should be educated by the elders on the implications of such uses of language so that members of the society become aware and avoid them.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- 1.0 Introduction........
- 1.1 Background to the study.
- 1.2 Location and linguistic features of the Nzema......
- 1.3 Statement of the problem
- 1.4 Purpose of the Study.
- 1.5 The Objectives of the Study..
- 1.6 Research questions ......
- 1.7 Significance of the Study
- 1.8 Limitation.
- 1.9 Delimitation
- 1. 10 Organisation of the Study.
- 1.11 Chapter summary
- 2.0 Introduction ……………………..
- 2.1 The concept of performative language.….....
- 2.2 Related works on Performativity.
- 2.3 Meaning in use.
- 2.4 Theoretical Framework on performative language use.
- 2.4.1 The Speech Act theory..
- 2.4.2 Discourse Analyses theory.
- 2.5 Chapter summary .
- 3.0 Introduction…………......
- 3.1 Research site
- 3.2 Participants....
- 3.3 Sample for the study...
- 3.4 The sample size.......
- 3.5 Sampling procedure .
- 3.6 Sources of data.
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This thesis analyzes language use in Nzema Traditional courts, specifically focusing on the performative use of the Nzema language. It uses the Speech Act and Discourse Analyses theories to examine recorded texts from various Chief Palaces. The main objectives of the research are to understand the performative expressions in the Nzema language and their impact on social interactions, particularly within the context of traditional courts. The research aims to highlight the importance of recognizing performative language use and its implications for conflict resolution and societal understanding.- Performative language use in the Nzema language
- The application of Speech Act and Discourse Analyses theories to Nzema language
- The influence of performative language on conflict resolution in traditional courts
- The need for societal education on the implications of performative language use
- The significance of understanding performative expressions in the context of social interactions
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter One introduces the research, providing a background to the study of language use in Nzema Traditional courts. It establishes the problem, purpose, objectives, research questions, significance, limitations, and delimitations of the study. Chapter One also discusses the organization of the research and provides a brief summary of its contents.
- Chapter Two delves into the concept of performative language, examining related works on performativity and the meaning of language in use. This chapter provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for the research, focusing on the Speech Act theory and Discourse Analyses theory. It also offers a summary of the key points covered in the chapter.
- Chapter Three discusses the methodology used in the study. It outlines the research site, participants, sample selection, sampling procedure, and sources of data.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The main focus of this thesis is the analysis of performative language use in Nzema Traditional courts. This research explores the application of Speech Act and Discourse Analyses theories to understand how utterances in the Nzema language function as social actions. Key terms and concepts include performativity, locution, social actions, conflict resolution, and societal education. The study investigates the impact of performative language on social interactions and highlights the significance of understanding these expressions for effective communication and conflict resolution in the Nzema community.- Quote paper
- Seth Nretia Essien (Author), 2023, Analysis of Performative Language Use at the Nzema Taditional Courts in Ghana, Munich, GRIN Verlag,