Is the Global Liberal Order on the Brink of Collapse in the Face of Rising Powers? Norm Contestation by the BRICS Countries

Master's Thesis, 2021

126 Pages, Grade: 1,3

Florian Leonhardt (Author)

Abstract or Introduction

This study examines normative order visions within neoliberal-western global economic governance as represented by rising powers. It explores whether rising powers engage in norm contestation, the consequences thereof, and their interpretations of norms compared to Western liberal states. The research also investigates whether rising powers reject or aim to change and supplement Western-liberal norms within the current order. By analyzing norm contestation, this study corrects the limited view of non-Western agency and the inadequate consideration of resistance to norms. It contributes to the empirical analysis of rising powers as norm contestants and offers insights into alternative norms promoted by these powers. Moreover, the study advances the concept of norm contestation by examining the contestation of the conditionality norm by the BRICS states, exploring variations in the concept and rising powers' commitment to further developing norms. Addressing the imbalance in contestation research, which predominantly focuses on security and human rights norms, this study explores contestation in global economic governance, shedding light on the dynamics of norm contestation and rising powers' engagement across various policy fields.

The ascent of rising powers, including the BRICS countries, is a significant global trend in the 21st century. These states seek greater self-determination and influence within the global liberal order. While they have benefited from this order, their adherence to its institutions and norms is questioned. Existing research on norm dynamics, rooted in Western liberal norms, overlooks non-Western agency and the resistance to norms. In contrast, critical constructivist work highlights the contested nature of global norms and the resistance they face. Rising powers, such as the BRICS, challenge Western liberal norms and express skepticism toward the prevailing normative order. However, their contestation of norms in other contexts, particularly in global economic governance, and their alternative normative visions remain unclear.


Is the Global Liberal Order on the Brink of Collapse in the Face of Rising Powers? Norm Contestation by the BRICS Countries
Dresden Technical University  (Professur für Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Internationale Politik)
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BRICS, Global Governance, rising powers
Quote paper
Florian Leonhardt (Author), 2021, Is the Global Liberal Order on the Brink of Collapse in the Face of Rising Powers? Norm Contestation by the BRICS Countries, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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Title: Is the Global Liberal Order on the Brink of Collapse in the Face of Rising Powers? Norm Contestation by the BRICS Countries

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