In diesem kurzen Essay geht es um Afro-Amerikaner, deren Herkunft und Traditionen. Es geht darum, wie die Herkunft Gefühle, Materielles, Traditionen und vieles mehr über Generationen hinweg beeinflusst. Zudem geht es um die Afro-Amerikanische Kultur im generellen und wie unterschiedlich Menschen diese in Alice Walkers Kurzgeschichte "Everyday Use" wahrnehmen bzw. wahrgenommen haben.
Diese Hausarbeit stellt dar, wie unterschiedlich die Charaktere in der Kurzgeschichte Ihre Herkunft und die damit einhergehenden Traditionen verstehen und leben, indem dessen Afro-Amerikanische Kultur von der familiären Kultur getrennt wird. Es zeigt auch den Konflikt verschiedener Generationen und deren Ansichten.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Coming from the Civil Rights Movement
- Valuing Traditions: The Independent Character
- Generation differences on lifestyle
- Identity conflict
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
The paper examines the characters' different understandings of heritage and traditions of their African-American culture. Specifically, it explores how Dee lives her life through her African background and her African-American culture. The author aims to provide readers with perspective and to comprehend the conflict between Dee and her mother.
- Misunderstandings about traditions within African-American families.
- Different perspectives on valuing heritage and its connection to identity.
- The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on African-American identity and self-definition.
- The role of generational differences in shaping cultural values and traditions.
- The complexities of family relationships and cultural inheritance.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction sets the context by introducing the concept of heritage in African-American culture and the significance of Alice Walker's short story, "Everyday Use," in exploring misinterpretations of this heritage. The paper focuses on the characters' diverging views of traditions and their connection to their African-American identity, particularly Dee's perspective.
The first section delves into the personalities of the characters, highlighting how each character approaches and values traditions. This section provides an overview of the individuals in the story, including Mama, Maggie, and Dee.
The second section examines two key conflicts that arise from generational differences and identity conflicts. It analyzes the disparity in experiences between the mother, who grew up during a time of inequality for Blacks, and Dee, who grew up during a more peaceful period with greater rights for Blacks.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper explores the complexities of African-American heritage, focusing on the themes of identity, tradition, and the impact of the Civil Rights Movement on cultural understanding. Key concepts include generational differences, family dynamics, and the ways in which individuals navigate their relationship with their cultural heritage.
- Quote paper
- Anna-Katharina Kestel (Author), 2017, Misunderstanding about traditions. How everyday use becomes an element of differentiation, Munich, GRIN Verlag,