This term paper advances research on the pragmatic context of online communication performed by a group of students in a mixed-cultural class. It intended to analyze texting on WhatsApp in terms of linguistic and paralinguistic characteristics, the identity of interlocutors, and uses of abbreviations, emojis, and other non-standard forms.
The data for the research were collected from a questionnaire. Results showed features of online texting which are deviant of the formal language. This supports previous claims that text messaging uses language varieties with unique linguistic features and syntactic conventions. These features are equally in use among students with different cultural background. It was also found that emojis were used to complement words and impose additional meaning. Additionally, the way interlocutors used text messages reveals information about their identities. It also gives clues about their cultural backgrounds.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Literature Survey
- Methodological Aspects
- The Distinctive Features of Text Messaging among Adolescents with and without Migrant Background
- The Pragmatic Implications of Format, Language, Abbreviations
- The Text Messaging Features Conveying Emotions
- Expressing Identity and Integration through Text Messaging
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This term paper aims to investigate the pragmatic context of online communication within a mixed-cultural class of students. It focuses on analyzing text messaging on WhatsApp, examining linguistic and paralinguistic characteristics, the identity of the interlocutors, and the use of abbreviations, emojis, and other non-standard forms. Data for the research was collected through a questionnaire.
- Linguistic and paralinguistic characteristics of text messaging in a mixed-cultural environment
- The role of identity and cultural background in text messaging practices
- The use of abbreviations, emojis, and non-standard forms in text messaging
- The influence of text messaging on language use and literacy among adolescents
- The impact of text messaging on social interaction and communication patterns
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: The paper introduces the context of increasing migration and the importance of understanding the integration of young people with migrant backgrounds in Germany. It highlights the significance of text messaging as a form of communication among adolescents and the research questions concerning the linguistic preferences, emotional expression, and cultural differentiation in text messaging practices.
- Literature Survey: This chapter provides a brief overview of existing research on the pragmatics of text messaging, focusing on studies exploring the linguistic forms and communicative functions of SMS communication. It emphasizes the limited research on the pragmatics of text messaging in mixed-cultural societies and discusses previous research findings on the use of non-standard typographic forms, abbreviations, slang, and emoticons in text messaging.
- Methodological Aspects: This chapter details the methodology used to collect and analyze data for the research. It explains the definitions and terminology related to text messaging discourse, including the different modes of short message language and its variations. It also provides an overview of the use of abbreviations, emojis, emoticons, and other non-standard typographic forms in text messaging.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The primary keywords and focus topics of this paper are: text messaging, pragmatics, intercultural communication, linguistic diversity, identity, cultural background, abbreviations, emojis, emoticons, non-standard forms, online communication, mixed-cultural classrooms, adolescent language, WhatsApp.
- Quote paper
- Tetiana Katsis (Author), 2020, Pragmatics of Text Messaging in a Mixed-Cultural Class of Students, Munich, GRIN Verlag,