A synopsis on "The Nuclearization Of Ghanaian Families" by Dr. Albert Kpoor

Essay, 2023

10 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The nuclearization of the Ghanaian family represents a significant sociocultural shift with transformative implications for familial structures and dynamics. This study delves into the evolving nature of family units in Ghana, emphasizing the gradual transition from extended to nuclear family setups. Key areas of exploration include the influence of urbanization, socioeconomic factors, and changing cultural norms on the restructuring of family units.

The study aims to unravel the dynamics of intergenerational relationships, gender roles, and the redefinition of familial responsibilities within the nuclearized context. Additionally, the impact of globalization and modernization on the Ghanaian family structure will be critically assessed. The implications of the nuclearization trend on social cohesion, support systems, and the well-being of family members will be scrutinized. Attention will be given to both positive outcomes, such as increased autonomy and flexibility, and potential challenges, including the strain on traditional support networks and caregiving responsibilities.

The author argues that the decline of the extended family structure is underpinned by certain factors, resulting in some consequences on the family life in Ghana.

There are several factors that have led to the family nuclearization in Ghana, or the diminishing structure of the Ghanaian extended family.


A synopsis on "The Nuclearization Of Ghanaian Families" by Dr. Albert Kpoor
University of Ghana, Legon  (School of Social Sciences)
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
Ghana, sociology, family, relationships, dynamics
Quote paper
Bangura Samuel (Author), 2023, A synopsis on "The Nuclearization Of Ghanaian Families" by Dr. Albert Kpoor, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/1435709


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Title: A synopsis on "The Nuclearization Of Ghanaian Families" by Dr. Albert Kpoor

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