Can Feminist Standpoint Theory Solve the Problem of White Feminism?

Seminar Paper, 2024

16 Pages, Grade: 2

Abstract or Introduction

In contemporary feminist discourse the issue of "white feminism" has emerged as a significant challenge. This term encapsulates a set of ideologies and practices within feminism that prioritize the concerns and experiences of white women while marginalizing or ignoring those of women of color. As feminism strives for inclusivity and intersectionality, the persistence of white feminism raises critical questions about the effectiveness of feminist theory and feminist research methodology in addressing the diverse needs, experiences and perspectives of all women.

The aim of this paper is to answer the question already posed in the title: Can feminist standpoint theory solve the problem of white feminism? That is to say that the central inquiry is whether feminist standpoint theory offers a framework capable of rectifying the limitations and exclusions inherent in the social sciences due to white feminism. To this end, this paper begins by delineating the concept of white feminism and examining why it poses a problem within feminist theory. Additionally, the first chapter provides a short overview of the seminal theory of intersectionality, which are integral to understanding the complexities of oppression and privilege within feminist movements.

The second chapter delves into feminist standpoint theory, elucidating its conceptual underpinnings. By dissecting the nuances of feminist standpoint theory, including the diverse approaches proposed by theorists like Susan Harding and Alison Wylie as interpreted by Sharon Crasnow, this chapter aims to lay the groundwork for understanding how standpoint epistemology might offer insights into addressing the problems of white feminism.

Finally, the paper's focal point will be the examination of the relationship between white feminism and feminist standpoint theory. Through a critical analysis various facets of white feminism are compared and contrasted with feminist standpoint theory to evaluate its efficacy in addressing these concerns and offering a holistic framework for embracing the viewpoints of all women.


Can Feminist Standpoint Theory Solve the Problem of White Feminism?
University of Vienna  (Philosophie)
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Book)
feminism, whitefeminism, whiteness, intersectionality, standpointtheory, feministstandpointtheory, epistemicprivilege, socialsciences, philosophy, bipoc, crasnow, harding, wylie
Quote paper
BA Simon (Author), 2024, Can Feminist Standpoint Theory Solve the Problem of White Feminism?, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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