The main purpose of this present work is to study the seismic performance of empty elevated tanks as a framed rectangular and a framed circular tanks structures subjected to 11 earthquake ground motions, soil type as site class B, considering the effect of lateral or earthquake forces. Non-linear dynamic (Time History) analysis was conducted to estimate the earthquake responses of the systems. The seismic response of the elevated rectangular and elevated circular tank models with the same number of stories and height and with the same tank plan areas, considering the same 11 real earthquake records from the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) ground motion database canter, are discussed in the paper. The analyses of elevated rectangular and elevated circular tanks are carried out with the help of finite element software ETABS, V19. Dead load, live load, wind load and seismic loads are applied based on ASCE-7-16 and ACI-318-19 codes.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Modelling
- Seismic Analysis (Time History Analysis)
- Rectangular Water Tank
- Circular Water Tank
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study investigates the seismic performance of elevated rectangular and circular water tank structures subjected to earthquake ground motions. The primary goal is to analyze the behavior of these tanks under dynamic seismic loads using finite element software ETABS V19. The study aims to understand the impact of lateral earthquake forces on the structural integrity of the tanks and to compare the seismic performance of rectangular and circular designs.
- Seismic performance of elevated water tanks
- Comparison of rectangular and circular tank designs
- Impact of earthquake ground motions on structural behavior
- Application of nonlinear dynamic analysis techniques
- Evaluation of structural parameters like displacement, drift, and base shear
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction provides context for the study by highlighting the importance of water tanks as essential infrastructure for human life and their vulnerability to earthquakes. The objectives of the study outline the research goals, including modeling and analysis of both rectangular and circular water tanks, studying their seismic performance, and comparing their behavior under various loading conditions.
The methodology section details the steps involved in modeling and analyzing the water tanks using ETABS software. It describes the material properties, section properties, and load patterns used in the analysis. The steps for defining and assigning loads, load combinations, and supports are also outlined.
The analysis chapter focuses on the seismic evaluation of the water tanks using nonlinear dynamic (Time History) analysis, adhering to the ASCE-7-16 and ACI-318-19 codes. The specific steps and methods used in the seismic analysis are discussed in detail.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The research focuses on elevated water tanks, rectangular and circular tank designs, nonlinear dynamic analysis, time history analysis, seismic performance, earthquake ground motions, base shear, story drift, displacement, and structural stiffness. These keywords highlight the key concepts and topics investigated in the study, demonstrating the application of engineering principles to assess the seismic vulnerability of critical infrastructure.
- Quote paper
- Anonym (Author), 2023, Study of RC Elevated Tanks Subjected to Earthquake Ground Motions, Munich, GRIN Verlag,