Between hellfire, 11,000 heavenly virgins and medieval forgery

Origin and development of the legend of the holy virgins of Cologne and later of St Ursula up to the Ottonian period, based on archaeological, epigraphic and historical sources

Term Paper, 2023

22 Pages

Abstract or Introduction

The majority of archaeologists and historians today deny the historical existence of St Ursula, but the question still arises as to why and how the legend of St Ursula was able to develop and become one of the most important martyr cults of Western Christianity in the Middle Ages.

St Ursula was one of the most important and popular saints of Western Christianity in the Middle Ages and early modern period. Her cult of martyrdom can be documented in large parts of Western Europe from the Ottonian period at the latest and several churches and cities claimed to be in possession of a relic of St Ursula, a prestigious and, due to the predictable flow of pilgrims, economically lucrative claim. Klaus Militzer also explains that St Ursula was accorded a prominent position in the medieval and early modern veneration of saints. From the late Middle Ages onwards, it can be proven that St Ursula was frequently venerated in special Ursula brotherhoods as an intercessor for the dying and the dead - similar to Mary (the mother of Jesus). [...]


Between hellfire, 11,000 heavenly virgins and medieval forgery
Origin and development of the legend of the holy virgins of Cologne and later of St Ursula up to the Ottonian period, based on archaeological, epigraphic and historical sources
University of Heidelberg  (ZAW – Institut für Klassische Archäologie und Byzantinische Archäologie)
Viva Colonia. Eine Stadtbiografie von der Gründung bis ins frühe Mittelalter (Proseminar)
Catalog Number
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English version of the published essay under:
Late antiquity, Middle Ages, Cologne, St Ursula, Blessed Virgins, Holy Virgins, Christianity, veneration of saints, martyrs, relics, pilgrims, Ottonian period, medieval forgery, Huns, Classical archaeology, epigraphy, hagiography, legends of saints, Clematius inscription, 11,000, Passio Ursulae, Sermo in natali
Quote paper
Pascal Johannes Harter (Author), 2023, Between hellfire, 11,000 heavenly virgins and medieval forgery, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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