The traditional view of history as progress was strongly criticized by important characters such as Jacob Burckhardt, Friedrich W. Nietzsche, or Oswald Spengler. Godfather of these ideas was none less than Hegel’s most persistent adversary Arthur Schopenhauer. First and foremost, he and Nietzsche fought a “guerilla war” against the traditional purposeful philosophies of history. It is no accident that their ideas are not considered in most compositions dealing with the development of the philosophy of history. They simply seem not to fit in a linear sequence with any of the given.
This paper is meant to underline that this largely German tradition has its most important critic in a German philosopher. I will try to summarize Schopenhauer’s thought on history and the philosophy of history. Therefore I will search his most important works as well as secondary literature concerning some key questions. Did Schopenhauer explain what history is, how it works, and what purpose it has? Where did he agree and where contradict with his predecessors and contemporaries?
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction: The blind spot in a German tradition
- The main features of Schopenhauer's thought
- The argument
- The criticism of the historian and entitlement of the artist
- The criticism of the philosophy of history
- The Schopenhauerian philosophy of history
- Conclusion: The artist reveals the Wille
- Epilogue: The forerunner of the Twilight of the Idols and post modernism
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to highlight the critical perspective of Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, on the traditional understanding of history as a progressive and teleological process. It examines Schopenhauer's philosophy of history and its divergence from the dominant German tradition, particularly as represented by thinkers like Hegel and Marx. Key themes explored in the paper include:- The rejection of teleology and progress in history
- The role of the artist in revealing the true nature of the world
- The critique of historical narratives and interpretations
- The influence of Schopenhauer on later thinkers like Nietzsche and postmodernism
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter introduces the dominant German tradition of viewing history as a comprehensive and purposeful process, as exemplified by thinkers like Augustine and Hegel. It establishes Schopenhauer's role as a prominent critic of this tradition.
- The main features of Schopenhauer's thought: This section provides an overview of key aspects of Schopenhauer's philosophy, setting the stage for understanding his perspective on history. It explores his concept of the Will as the driving force behind the world and the limitations of human understanding.
- The argument: This chapter delves into Schopenhauer's critique of traditional historiography. It explores his view that historians are limited by their own perspectives and that true understanding lies in the realm of art.
- The Schopenhauerian philosophy of history: This section outlines Schopenhauer's alternative understanding of history as a chaotic and purposeless unfolding of the Will. It emphasizes the futility of searching for meaning or progress in historical events.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This paper focuses on the philosophy of history, particularly the critiques of Arthur Schopenhauer. Key terms include: teleology, progress, the Will, art, history, philosophy of history, historiography, German philosophy, Nietzsche, postmodernism.- Quote paper
- Magister Artium Steve Nowak (Author), 2010, Beyond Teleology and Progress, Munich, GRIN Verlag,