Basques are living in seven provinces at the Bay of Biscay on the territories of France (three rather small provinces) and Spain, which constitute the „greater Basque Country‟ or „Euskal Herria‟. In Spain the southern – and by far bigger – part of Euskal Herria consists of the autonomous community Navarra and the autonomous community Basque Country („Euskadi‟) with its three provinces Álava, Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya. Basque nationalists in Euskadi claim especially Navarra as part of their territory. The Basque conflict can be described as a nationalist struggle based on ethnicity which is particularly vital – and violent – in Euskadi. Nationalists in the Basque Country are claiming the right for self-determination and sovereignty in contrast to the Spanish government, which is reluctant to grant the Basques sovereignty. Attacks executed by the separatist terrorist group ETA, which have yet left more than 800 dead, are the violent excesses of the conflict. The case study pays special attention to the distinct features of the conflict by analysing the Basque society. As there has not yet been any progressed peace process, the hitherto existing efforts towards peace are being traced and those problems revealed (especially the issue of „spoiling‟) that prevented a sustainable peace process from getting kicked off. A glance into the future is then dared that takes into consideration recent political changes.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Origins and causes of the conflict
- The social and economic situation
- The peace process
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This case study investigates the Basque conflict, analyzing the social and economic dynamics that contribute to the ongoing struggle for independence. It examines the origins and causes of the conflict, detailing the historical context and the emergence of the ETA. Furthermore, the study explores the Basque society’s unique characteristics, including its high level of autonomy and economic prosperity. Finally, it investigates the peace process, highlighting the challenges and obstacles to reaching a sustainable solution.
- The historical development of Basque nationalism and its relationship with Spanish politics
- The role of ETA in the conflict, its motivations, and its impact on Basque society
- The social and economic conditions of the Basque Country, including its distinct features and their influence on the conflict
- The efforts towards peace and the obstacles hindering a sustainable solution
- The future prospects for peace and the challenges facing the Basque conflict
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Origins and causes of the conflict: This chapter provides a historical overview of the Basque conflict, tracing its roots back to the incorporation of the Basque provinces into the Kingdom of Castile and Spain. It explores the evolution of Basque nationalism, the rise of the ETA, and the social and political factors that fueled the conflict.
- The social and economic situation: This chapter analyzes the social and economic landscape of the Basque Country, highlighting its high level of autonomy and economic prosperity. It explores the relationship between these factors and the Basque conflict, examining how they contribute to or complicate the quest for independence.
- The peace process: This chapter examines the efforts towards peace in the Basque conflict, detailing the early contacts between the Spanish government and ETA. It explores the key players in the peace process, the challenges and obstacles they face, and the prospects for a sustainable solution.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The primary keywords and focus topics of this work include Basque nationalism, ETA, Basque Country, Spain, autonomy, self-determination, peace process, socio-economic conditions, and the historical and political context of the conflict.
- Quote paper
- Stefan Vedder (Author), 2010, Spain and the Basque Country - A Case Study, Munich, GRIN Verlag,