Building The World Of Tomorrow

Scientific Essay, 2010

20 Pages


Tomorrow means time, the future. Time also means the past. At the interface between the future and the past there is the present. That is where life takes place, expresses itself. How it expresses itself depends on past conditioning, universal, cultural and personal; individual and social, psychologically as well as physiologically, because neither physiologically nor psychologically we can dissociate ourselves from time - the logic of time. As temporal individuals we are time-bound, because we had a psycho-physiological beginning and what has begun has to end. That is the logic of time and matter. In order to build any future we have to build on the continuity of time and matter as a support of existence. Yet, this support needs to be a sound foundation for the future. Any building of the future depends on the foundation which is the past. If one understands the foundation, one can predict the future to a great extend.

If one analyzes the past, one notes that, for thousands of years, the same roundabout has been going on and perpetuating itself over centuries and millennia; the same cycles at the individual and the diverse social levels are enacted across time, space and cultures, albeit with culture-contingent nuances – as though that was the only way of being.

Saints and founders of religions - more than any secular analysts - have come to show this fundamental truth which is even reframed by scholars in their professional jargon without, however, being able to provide the impulse and the spirit required to break out of the past-contingent creation not only of the present but also of the future. Only true founders of religions were also capable of providing and instilling the spirit of change, of true change, even by paying with their very lives for the transformation of the hearts, spirits and souls of men, so that they would be able to transcend the psychological barriers that make change so difficult.

And change is necessary, if we want to transcend and go beyond that which has been programmed in and by the past. But understanding the logic of the past with its impact on the future is not enough, because at an intellectual level alone change is of limited consequence, as the conditioning, individual and social, is so strong that it catches up with any attempt, however sophisticated, to go beyond its gravitational pull. Therefore the enlightened as well as the scholars conclude to the impossibility to learn from the past so as to correct its impact on the otherwise predictable future.

Any change is conceived of as threatening human integrity and continuity. So, one tries to avoid it as much as possible. Those who want to overturn or destroy society as a whole also do that in order to - so they hope - protect their integrity and continuity, whether in this world or another. Whatever man does is aimed at maintaining his continuity and integrity in diverse forms. This is what temporal, material man seeks. It is the rationale of his life. There is no ersatz for this. Any man who wants to change anything will encounter - and the more fundamental the more acutely - the opposition of the biological and the psychological rationale of time and matter which want continuity, for it sees no survival, no reason to be outside this rationale. The psychophysical rationale is inexorable in the interest of life itself.

This programme has been enacted for millions of years through all phases of evolution. Those who want to change it may be faced with the fact that they will be sacrificed to this primal programming logic in the interest of survival, of what one considers as life. Therefore only those who can provide an enhancement of the logic of supposed life are welcomed and accepted by the masses, although that logic is at the expense of sustainable life, as it throws a powerful shadow. Yet, the strength of the programming accepts the shadow of life even at the price of its negation, because based on its conditioning it cannot conceive of another logic.

What seems evident is the ambivalence of time, past, conditioning and programming. Those who deal with the diversity of programming merely remain at the level of forms and expressions, without penetrating more deeply into phenomena, however mathematical, statistical their approaches may be. One has to go beyond this and use it as a stepping stone at best that provides a certain set of data at a certain level of manifestation of a deeper rationale. One has to peel of the various layers not only of the levels of culture one and two in the social anthropological sense but also of the psychophysical support of culture in order to understand the underlying logic of the mind. An examination of the holistic inner-outer context can shed a new light on the plight of counterproductive perennial iteration, while it fosters the good, the true and the beautiful.

Building a sustainable future needs to draw on that part of the foundation that can actually support the building of the future while the process should discard those elements of the foundation which predictably destabilize the edifice of the future. That is common sense, for hardly any architect or engineer would build an edifice partly on solid and partly on slippery ground. In the process the solid ground may be undermined and corrupted by its foundation’s corrupt components and thereby constitute a threat to the building as a whole.

So, based on the past, present, future continuum – the cause-effect-chain – one might say: leave aside the corrupting ground in your foundation of the new world at the individual, organizational, institutional and social levels, locally, regionally and globally; that is the sure roadmap for the road that leads to success.

This would require great discernment at the individual and social level, for recognizing that which can be corrupting and constructive in the long term cannot always be ascertained very easily at the inception or in the process of the making of the future. Often one only recognizes in hindsight what were constructive and destructive inputs. What seems good can sometimes be perverted in the process or display its true nature at a late stage.

Nonetheless there is a measuring rod and a compass that can tell exactly what choices in the present will bear good fruit and what will bear bad fruit. The programming may try to overrule that which they indicate as being the right path that leads to the destination of a sustainable individual and social world of today and tomorrow. The compass for discernment as a filter that filters out the destructive in the foundation of the past with its predictable future needs to be highly sensitized by ethical standards that do not only seek the improvement of individual or collective niches and the continuity of their pleasure at others’ expense as well as the will and the determination to adhere to the insight into what is the right path are required.

Man’s conditioning and man’s freedom alike are ambivalent in view of the aim of building a sustainable future. Corrupting elements need to be filtered out from the past as they poison and pollute the present and the future alike. Man’s free will which is limited by the programming further allows him to decide whether he adheres to any insight within the field of his freedom or not. On the one hand his freedom is impaired and limited, on the other hand it is unlimited because as the freest entity he can accept or deny anything, right or wrong that pleases him. Only a freedom which is total and without a hew of personal or social conditioning and an insight which is total without the weight of conditioning, personal and social, or an ethics that acts from an all-compassionate perspective would be able to lead across the barriers of time, matter, past, conditioning, subjectivity or whatever one might call it. In other words one postulates - and how realistic is such a postulate? - a level of seeing and doing things that transcends conventional patterns that are fairly deterministic with regard to outcomes.

So, there seem to be two modes and patterns of existence concomitantly present in man, individually and socially. They are both real potentialities of real man, irrespective of culture. Both realities can be considered from a metaphorical “quantum perspective“ as complementary views of human reality. So far man has been caught in a lopsided perception determined by his conditioning. And there is no going beyond the human condition as we know it because in this lopsided perception of his existence his consciousness can only enact the corresponding patterns of existence as we have known it for millennia, cycles upon cycles of repetition of the same in culturally diverse forms and at diverse scales that are expanding and increasing in intensity. The latter is the decisive reason why the type of consciousness that goes with this perception of human reality becomes less and less sustainable and threatening to life in general.

At present the very ingenuity of life itself has to look out for another optic and understanding of things that is more in line with the new condition which becomes increasingly precarious due to the increase of all parameters, demographic, technological etc. which all carry the stigma of ambivalence due to the ambivalent potential in the foundation of man.

This perception of the human reality can lead to a complementary view of human existence - based on the quantum metaphor - that is transpersonal, transcultural, transnational, transcendent of the deterministic logic of time and conditioning we have known for ages. Only that complimentary transcendent view of human existence and affairs has the power to instill a mode of consciousness that is capable of transcending the patterns we know from the “monocular” perception by a limited consciousness with its determinisms, which can only inadequately by controlled, integrated and transcended by the type of consciousness enabled by the traditional past-relative perception of life.

The agent that forms the catalyst and the hiatus between the two modes and types of perception and consciousness is a highly developed ethical consciousness along with the capability of discernment that can assess the logic of the pluralism of views of existence and moderate a sustainable path between the complimentary aspects of the reality of life as a whole. This ability that integrates the quantic consciousness approach based on the duality of perception with its respective realms of consciousness along with their diverse cause-effect sequences can be called superquantic or supraquantic – again metaphorically – simply because it has the capability to integrate the two logics of the two views of existence in a third integrative and sustainable view of views of existence.

We are living in a visual world; the eyes determine our information and knowledge world of today externally and internally. Can the capacity of understanding and insight also achieve a 360° or superquantic perceptual capability that transcends notions of synergy and lead into a new dimension of existence. If that was possible and feasible the world of tomorrow could be built on a safe ground, for this type of perception and consciousness brings with it a corrective to a more astigmatic, lopsided human perception of existence, individually and socially. I would like to chart the diverse optics, whose synergy can lead to enhanced individual and social capabilities and I have modeled the roadmap there in diverse diagrammes which I would like to present further below.


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Building The World Of Tomorrow
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transcultural management, global management, international diversity management, multicultural management, 跨文化培训, management intercultural, management interculturel
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D.E.A./UNIV. PARIS I Gebhard Deissler (Author), 2010, Building The World Of Tomorrow, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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