Editorial Remarks.
Elite-Universitaetsjournal has already published its maiden edition under the title Interdisciplinary Academic Essays vol.1. This second edition: INTERDISCIPLINARY ACADEMIC ESSAYS, VOL. 2: Foreign Service, Book Reviews, Intercultural German Studies, English Studies, languages and literary Studies, Health and physical Education, Gender studies and Theology covers writings from scholars viz. Book Reviews, Intercultural German Studies, English Studies, languages and literary Studies, Health and physical Education, Political Science, Gender studies and Theology amongst others.
Topical and scientific issues that are handled cover academic fields that are very much sought after by researchers and students in the given disciplines. It is the desire and expectation of the editorial board that this scholarly exercise would yield the desired results.
We have allowed some articles to be published even though they may not have followed our strict conditional ties. Such situations fit into our editorial guiding principles of at times making some adjustments when we want to publish certain research works that are needed by some of our readers.
Muenchen, Deutschland.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Elite-Universitaetsjournal Programme page…..\n
- Editorial Remarks……………...\n
- Dr. Angela Ozigbo: Anxiety States Related To The Psycho-Emotional Preparation\nOf Professional Soccer Players.......\n
- Ibemesi. F.N.: Paper on ECAS Conference, Leipzig, Germany (2009): “Respacing\nAfrica\"Magical Realism in German and Igbo Literatures: A comparative Study......\n
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu. Aloysius. Orjinta: Die Unterdrückung von Frauen im Islam:\ndie absolute Blockade ihres Strebens nach Führungspositionen.......\n
- Onunkwo.N. Chibuzor& Ikechukwu.A.Orjinta: Proverbs in Achebe's Arrow of\nGod............\n
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu. aloysius. Orjinta: Zur Rezeption der deutschen Literatur in\nNigeria bzw. in Afrika......\n
- Nwankwo. O.M.: Ferdinand Oyono's Une vie de boy (1956) as\n\"Bildungsroman“)...\n
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu. Aloysius. Orjinta: Das Scheitern der Frauen in\nFührungsrollen im Christentum…....\n
- mbassador. Prof. Dew Tuan-Wleh Mayson.( Presidential Candidate in 2012\nLiberian election): In The Cause Of The People of Liberia(Part 2)…………………………………………….\n
- Dr.Dr. Ikechukwu. Aloysius. Orjinta: The Six Last Things…....\n
- Prof. I. T. K. Egeonu.: Book Reviews.......\n
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This volume of Interdisciplinary Academic Essays focuses on showcasing research across a diverse range of academic fields. The essays aim to highlight the fruits of thorough research and in-depth analysis, fostering a network of ideas and knowledge dissemination for future generations. The editors emphasize a gender-aware approach and welcome diverse perspectives across disciplines.
- Interdisciplinary research and analysis
- Knowledge dissemination and networking
- Gender-aware perspectives and approaches
- Academic discourse and scholarship
- Thematic focus on diverse disciplines, including but not limited to Foreign Service, Intercultural German Studies, Theology, English Studies, Gender Studies, Modern Languages and literary Studies, African Studies, Political science, Health and Physical Education, and Comparative Studies.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Dr. Angela Ozigbo: Anxiety States Related To The Psycho-Emotional Preparation\nOf Professional Soccer Players: This chapter delves into the psychological and emotional preparation of professional soccer players, examining the anxiety states they experience and their impact on performance.
- Ibemesi. F.N.: Paper on ECAS Conference, Leipzig, Germany (2009): “Respacing\nAfrica\"Magical Realism in German and Igbo Literatures: A comparative Study: This chapter analyzes the use of magical realism in both German and Igbo literature, providing a comparative study and exploring the concept of "respacing Africa" in literary contexts.
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu. Aloysius. Orjinta: Die Unterdrückung von Frauen im Islam:\ndie absolute Blockade ihres Strebens nach Führungspositionen: This chapter examines the challenges faced by women seeking leadership positions within Islam, exploring the historical and societal factors that contribute to their suppression.
- Onunkwo.N. Chibuzor& Ikechukwu.A.Orjinta: Proverbs in Achebe's Arrow of\nGod: This chapter delves into the significance of proverbs in Chinua Achebe's novel "Arrow of God," exploring their role in conveying cultural values and understanding the narrative's complexities.
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu. aloysius. Orjinta: Zur Rezeption der deutschen Literatur in\nNigeria bzw. in Afrika: This chapter explores the reception of German literature in Nigeria and Africa, examining the factors that influence its impact and the historical context of its reception.
- Nwankwo. O.M.: Ferdinand Oyono's Une vie de boy (1956) as\n\"Bildungsroman“: This chapter analyzes Ferdinand Oyono's novel "Une vie de boy" as a bildungsroman, exploring the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and the social context of his growth.
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu. Aloysius. Orjinta: Das Scheitern der Frauen in\nFührungsrollen im Christentum: This chapter examines the challenges faced by women seeking leadership roles within Christianity, exploring the historical and theological factors that contribute to their exclusion.
- mbassador. Prof. Dew Tuan-Wleh Mayson.( Presidential Candidate in 2012\nLiberian election): In The Cause Of The People of Liberia(Part 2): This chapter explores the political and social landscape of Liberia, delving into the issues and challenges faced by the nation and its people.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
This volume encompasses diverse research areas, including but not limited to: Interdisciplinarity, gender studies, German studies, African studies, literature, theology, sociology, political science, health and physical education, and comparative studies. Key terms and concepts include: academic discourse, scholarship, knowledge dissemination, leadership, gender roles, cultural values, literary analysis, social commentary, and political engagement.
- Quote paper
- Dr. Dr. Ikechukwu Aloysius Orjinta (Author), M. A. Bernard Darko (Author), 2011, Interdisciplinary Academic Essays Volume 2, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/169053