Globalization is a spatio-temporal process and ‘the transtionalization of capitalism, interconnected to world economic system’ . Gayatri Spivak uses the concept of ‘globe girdling’ to denote the sense that the world is shrunk and all parts will become the same. The role of the nation state, democracy, power relations and the binary logic of homogenization and heterogeneity of culture are being questioned and reconfigured. This paper attempts to provide a framework for understanding the way globalization has reshaped the terrain and parameters of social, economic and political relations both at the national and global levels, and exerted pressure on the resiliency capacities of capitalism. It will also stress on how global capitalism, in turn, have brought a myriad of inequalities in the increase of income inequality both among and within nations, in high chronic levels of unemployment in Western Europe and elsewhere, and, most of all, in the devastating consequences of unregulated financial flows.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Definition of Globalisation
- Global Capitalism - An Ideological Facade of Imperialism?
- DISCONTENTS of globalization and exclusionary practices of global capitalism
- Global Inequality & Poverty
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper examines the concept of "globe girdling" as articulated by Gayatri Spivak to understand how it highlights the inequalities inherent in global capitalism. The paper focuses on the ways in which globalization reshapes social, economic, and political relationships at both national and global levels.
- The impact of globalization on nation-states and power relations
- The role of global capitalism in creating and perpetuating inequalities
- The critique of globalization as an ideological facade for imperialism
- The effects of globalization on social dynamics, particularly in relation to poverty and inequality
- The implications of global capitalism for the future of social and political structures
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The paper begins with a definition of globalization, outlining its characteristics and impact on social, economic, and political spheres. It explores the argument that globalization represents the intensification of global interconnectedness and the growth of global capitalism. The paper then critically examines the idea that globalization serves as an ideological facade for imperialism, highlighting the historical development of this argument. It analyzes the impact of global capitalism on nation-states and the emerging global class structure. The paper further explores the discontents of globalization and its exclusionary practices, with particular focus on the issues of global inequality and poverty.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The paper focuses on key concepts such as globalization, global capitalism, imperialism, nation-state, power relations, inequality, poverty, social dynamics, and the role of "globe girdling" as a metaphor for understanding the consequences of global capitalism.
- Quote paper
- Soodha Mungur (Author), 2011, Globe Girdling - the new system of inequalities operated by global capitalism, Munich, GRIN Verlag,