The Ambivalent Legacy of California Proposition 13 (1978)

What can be said about the tax revolt after three decades

Bachelorarbeit, 2011

46 Seiten, Note: 1,3


Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Proposition 13 in 1978
1.2 State of Scholarship
1.3 Methodology

2. Proposition 13’s Ballot Success
2.1 Causes of Proposition 13
2.1.1 The Pre-Proposition 13 Property Tax System
2.1.2 The Escalating Property Tax
2.1.3 State Government Inaction and Unresponsiveness
2.2 Proposition 13’s Sponsors and Opponents
2.2.1 Proposition 13’s Sponsors
2.2.2 Proposition 13’s Opponents
2.3 Voters
2.3.1 A Diversely Mixed Coalition
2.3.2 Requesting a Property Tax Relief
2.3.3 Fighting Big Government
2.3.4 Sending a Message to an Inactive and Unresponsive Government
2.4 Conclusion

3. Proposition 13’s Impacts
3.1 Fiscal Impacts of Proposition 13
3.1.1 Fiscal Impacts on the State Level
3.1.2 The State Bailout
3.1.3 Fiscal Impacts on the Local Level
3.1.4 Long-Term Development
3.2 Socioeconomic Impacts of Proposition 13
3.2.1 Socioeconomic Impacts on Public Services
3.2.2 Businesses in the New Property Tax System
3.2.3 The New Property Tax System and Horizontal Inequities
3.3 Political Impacts of Proposition 13
3.3.1 Political Impacts on Local Governments
3.3.2 Political Impacts on the State Government
3.4 Conclusion

4. Proposition 13’s Role
4.1 Tax Revolt in the Nation
4.2 Proposition 13 as California Citizens’ Darling
4.3 Proposition 13 as the Scapegoat in California Politics
4.3.1 Proposition 13 and Local Finances
4.3.2 Proposition 13 and Public School Education
4.4 Proposition 13 Showing the Path for Direct Democracy in California
4.4.1 Characteristics of the Initiative Process in California
4.4.2 Outcomes of Direct Democracy in California
4.5 Conclusion

5. Conclusion: The Ambivalent Legacy of Proposition

Appendix 1

TIME Magazine Cover: “Tax Revolt!” (19 June 1978)

Appendix 2

State and Local Per Capita Tax Burden in Fiscal 1976-1977

Appendix 3

Election Results for Proposition 13 by County

Appendix 4

Inflation-Adjusted Per Capita Fiscal Data for California

Appendix 5

Major Post-Proposition 13 State and Voter-Approved Actions

Appendix 6

California City General Revenues, by Source, as a Percentage of Total General Revenues, 1972-2002 (in percent)

Appendix 7

Hypothetical Example of Horizontal Inequities in an Acquisition Tax System

Appendix 8

Tax Limitations Spread Rapidly after 1978

Appendix 9

California City General Expenditures by Function, as a Percentage of Total General Expenditures, 1972-2002 (in percent)


Ende der Leseprobe aus 46 Seiten


The Ambivalent Legacy of California Proposition 13 (1978)
What can be said about the tax revolt after three decades
Freie Universität Berlin  (John-F.-Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien)
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
2330 KB
ambivalent, legacy, california, proposition, what, Proposition 13, Brown, Reagan, austerity, property tax, tax revolt, big government, horizontal inequities, direct democracy, Gann, Jarvis, ad valorem, acquisition tax, initiative process, golden era, Serrano, Behr Bill, Prop 13, Proposition 8, bailout, lock-in effect, Nordlinger v. Hahn, fiscal federalism
Arbeit zitieren
Renard Teipelke (Autor:in), 2011, The Ambivalent Legacy of California Proposition 13 (1978), München, GRIN Verlag,


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