Harry Potter Series Addresses Multiple Audience: An Overview

Essay, 2010

4 Seiten

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Children’s literature is a well-established literary genre especially written for children. It refers to “good quality trade books for children from birth to adolescence, covering topics of relevance and interests to children of those ages, through prose and poetry, fiction and nonfiction”( Lynch-Brown and Tomlinson 2). Joanne Kathleen Rowling's Harry Potter Series has immense response in the arena of children’s literature. It is a well-established literary piece that amuses and delights everyone irrespective of their age or class. It offers enjoyment to multiple audiences encouraging them to read independently and developing their imagination through the experience of entering a different world. It helps them to understand human values and makes them realize the universal reality of life in different aspects. Since Harry Potter Series navigates through roots, culture, heritage, tradition and history of their ancestors, it demands the attention and curiosity of the readers. Often, the characters provide unique situations and events that increase audiences’ mental reasoning and understanding of different walks of life. Experts believe that Harry Potter Series is an amalgam of fantasy and reality that educates and entertains multiple audiences. It offers enjoyment to children encouraging them to read independently. [...]


Harry Potter Series Addresses Multiple Audience: An Overview
ISBN (eBook)
427 KB
harry, potter, series, addresses, multiple, audience, overview
Arbeit zitieren
Vasanth Kumar (Autor:in), 2010, Harry Potter Series Addresses Multiple Audience: An Overview, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/177064


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