“Profit is as necessary as the air we breathe, but it would be terrible if we worked only to make a profit, just as it would be terrible if we lived only to breathe.” (Hermann Josef Abs, former CEO of Deutsche Bank)
1. Introduction: From the Honorable Merchant to the Responsibilities of Multinational Companies
2. Business Ethics: The Creative Tension between Entrepreneurial Freedom and Moral Constraint
2.1 The Company as a “Corporative Actor”
2.2 Moral and Profit: Two Antithetical Concepts?
2.3 Globalization: Economic Chances and Ethical Challenges
2.3.1 The Importance of Human Rights for CSR
2.3.2 Benchmarking CSR: The UN Global Compact
3. Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
3.1 Hurdles to Effective CSR
3.2 Strategic Planning and Strategy Realization
3.2.1 The Responsibilities of a Company
3.2.2 The Intersections of Business and Society
3.2.3 Responsive CSR contra Proactive CSR
3.2.4 Strategic Corporate Philanthropy
3.3 Supply Chain Sustainability and Context Improvement: The CSR Strategy of Nestlé in India
4. Conclusion
The first chapter examines the intrinsic problem areas of CSR such as the differences between individual and collective responsibility; the fundamental conflict between profit and moral; and the tension between universal ethical norms, national or international legislation and entrepreneurial freedom. In the last two subchapters the challenges and chances of globalization are illustrated.
The second chapter focuses on the business perspective on CSR. The aim of this part is to reconcile the conflicts described in the first chapter in ways that can create mutual benefits for both the society and companies. At first, practical problems of planning, implementing and evaluating CSR activities are discussed. Starting from there, a strategic concept of CSR is developed that understands ethical and philanthropic responsibilities as firm and context specific competitive advantages. Management tools are presented that help to localize and address ESG issues with beneficial potential for society and business alike. Concluding, the activities of Nestlé in India illustrate a good practice example for a CSR strategy that aligns social communal engagement and profitability.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction: From the Honorable Merchant to the Responsibilities of Multinational Companies.
- Business Ethics: The Creative Tension between Entrepreneurial Freedom and Moral Constraint
- The Company as a "Corporative Actor"
- Moral and Profit: Two Antithetical Concepts?
- Globalization: Economic Chances and Ethical Challenges
- The Importance of Human Rights for CSR
- Benchmarking CSR: The UN Global Compact.
- Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
- Hurdles to Effective CSR
- Strategic Planning and Strategy Realization
- The Responsibilities of a Company
- The Intersections of Business and Society.
- Responsive CSR contra Proactive CSR.
- Strategic Corporate Philanthropy
- Supply Chain Sustainability and Context Improvement: The CSR Strategy of Nestlé in India
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This Bachelor thesis analyzes the strategic importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of globalization. It explores the tension between entrepreneurial freedom and moral constraints, and investigates the role of CSR in achieving competitive advantage for multinational companies.
- The relationship between business ethics, entrepreneurship, and moral responsibility.
- The impact of globalization on corporate social responsibility.
- The strategic implementation of CSR and its potential to enhance a company's competitiveness.
- The role of stakeholders in shaping corporate social responsibility initiatives.
- The case study of Nestlé in India as an example of sustainable supply chain management and CSR strategy.
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introductory chapter sets the stage by discussing the historical evolution of corporate social responsibility, highlighting the shifting expectations and responsibilities of multinational companies in a globalized world. Chapter 2 delves into the fundamental ethical considerations that underpin CSR, exploring the tension between maximizing profits and upholding moral obligations. It examines the role of globalization in amplifying ethical challenges, emphasizing the critical importance of human rights in CSR initiatives. The UN Global Compact is presented as a key benchmark for promoting ethical and sustainable business practices.
Chapter 3 examines the strategic aspects of CSR, outlining the hurdles to effective implementation and exploring different approaches to strategic planning. The chapter emphasizes the importance of aligning CSR initiatives with a company's overall business strategy, discussing key considerations such as stakeholder engagement and the responsibilities of a company towards its internal and external stakeholders. The chapter concludes with a case study of Nestlé in India, illustrating how a company can strategically implement CSR practices to achieve both social and economic benefits.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Corporate social responsibility, business ethics, globalization, competitive advantage, stakeholders, ethical challenges, strategic planning, supply chain sustainability, human rights, UN Global Compact, Nestlé, India.
- Quote paper
- Timo Wilhelm Rang (Author), 2010, The Strategic Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/181835