Research questions:
How have the function and formations of families changed for young Vietnamese compared to their parents and grandparents? What kinds of differences in education and work patterns of younger generations can be seen?
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction to generational change
- Context of the Research Question
- Vietnamese families, gender and development
- Education system, work patterns and poverty
- Methodology
- Women in Tra Que as sample of the research
- Dimensions of generational change
- Reflections facing divers cultural backgrounds
- Empirical findings to generational change in Vietnam
- Formation and function of families, gender role
- Generational differences in education and work patterns
- Concluding remarks to the generational change in Vietnam
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This paper aims to examine the dominant trends in demographic transition in Vietnam, focusing on generational change. It seeks to understand how family functions and formations have changed for young Vietnamese compared to their parents and grandparents, and to identify differences in education and work patterns between generations. This analysis is conducted through the lens of socialization, specifically family socialization, which encompasses the influence and transmission of values, skills, and attitudes within multigenerational families.
- Generational change in Vietnam
- Family socialization patterns
- Gender roles and family formation
- Education and work patterns
- Social and economic development in Vietnam
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction to generational change: This chapter provides an overview of generational change, highlighting its significance in developing countries like Vietnam. It introduces the research question, focusing on differences in family formation and functions, as well as education and work patterns between generations. The chapter establishes socialization, particularly family socialization, as the key construct for the research.
- Context of the Research Question: This chapter explores the context of the research by examining the roles of Vietnamese families, gender, and development in the context of the country's social and economic landscape. It also delves into the education system, work patterns, and poverty in Vietnam, providing a background for understanding generational differences.
- Methodology: This chapter details the research methodology, including the selection of women in Tra Que as the sample group and the specific dimensions of generational change under investigation. It emphasizes the importance of considering diverse cultural backgrounds in the analysis.
- Empirical findings to generational change in Vietnam: This chapter presents the empirical findings regarding generational change in Vietnam. It covers the formation and function of families, highlighting gender roles and their evolution. It also examines generational differences in education and work patterns, providing insights into the impact of social and economic changes on various generations.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key terms and concepts explored in this paper include generational change, family socialization, gender roles, education patterns, work patterns, social and economic development, Vietnam, and demographic transition.
- Quote paper
- Antje Reichert (Author), 2011, Generational Change in Vietnam from Female Point of View, Munich, GRIN Verlag,