Quality of School Education: A Case Study of Impact of School Education on Student Development in the city of Jodhpur

Studienarbeit, 2011

18 Seiten



Education is important for the development of any human society. The mind is the reflection of good education which can be trained and used for the social and economic benefit of the mankind. The economy can grow with the ethics of development of economic and social aspects by managing the knowledge. The knowledge economy can be managed by the quality education. The higher education can give returns only if the background of the school’s students is framed in a positive way to imbibe the values of leadership to build the business and the economic systems of the country. The children are the future of any country and their education is important to design the right pulse of generations for modern India. The basic aim of the paper is to build the strategic framework for developing the students in a quality way

Key words –education, development leadership, growth and society.


The education is the soul of any society as it develops the brains to lead the human life with dignity and respect. The social norms and ethics of a society are reflected by the quality of education given to the children in school. The school is the primary nursery where the seeds of future generations are grown to give the mature trees with the minds and brain to design the economic and the social fabric of the country. The quality of education is reflected by the development and growth of any economy. The business can generate money and employment, if people are trained and competent to take up the jobs of responsibility and build the entrepreneurial skills to give the empires and intuitions of economic prosperity to in any country. The country can only grow if the schools are developed to give the creative powered to the students to grow in an empowered way. The students need many skills related to the leadership and communication skills. The education should foster climate of building activities related to achievement and confidence. The atmospheres should be positive and the staff should be involved and motivated to bring the continuous improvement. The student activities are important because they are the hidden voices and hidden language of the students reflecting their identity and personality. The efficacy skills relate to build the positive environment and have the empathy and tolerance to get associated with the teaches. The ability to build relationship is important. The education has to build the leadership skills to take the decision and maintain the ability to take the initiative. Education should enhance the communication abilities to build the interpersonal relations in developing the networking in the society for connecting and growing through the forums. The efficiency to excel and bring out the best in human personality is important to give the expression of self-creation. The confidence can be enhanced by the building the talents, skills and competencies to become an empowered person.

Characteristics of good quality education

The quality of education is the basis for the development of students and this should relate to foster the environment of growth and development. The schools must have:

- Teaching methodologies and well trained and motivated teachers
- Well-designed curriculum
- Safe and secured learning environment
- Effective financing and infrastructure facilities
- Values and ethics

The factors impacting the higher student learning achievement include:

- creation of demand for improvement and growth
- creation of reliance on local resources
- participation and sharing of information
- identification of stakeholders to build
- division of tasks among stakeholders
- diagnosis of community needs and support
- formulation of methodology for mobilization of communities
- development of technology for planning
- implementation, and monitoring;
- capacity building and long-term commitment

Education should enhance the knowledge and develop the abilities to take up the jobs of responsibility to give the economic prosperity to the country. The quality content of the education should be able to build the language skills and other abilities to give creativity to the power of the students.

In all countries, however, quality content should include several pivotal areas. These include

- Literacy
- numeracy
- life skills
- peace education
- science
- Social studies.

Figure – education quality to develop the abilities

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Dimensions of education quality

The impact of education can be measured by the dimensions of the development of skills related to the leadership and communication. The impact is also reflected by the ability to build the efficiency and the efficacy in performing all the tasks. The talents and skills are important to give identity and certainty to the personality. The competency and the knowledge can frame the responsible person to take the jobs of responsibility to give the economic prosperity to any economy.

Figure – The dimensions of quality education

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Literature review

According to Bernard (1999) - The quality of education builds the future and strengths the capacities of the children to act progressively and build the useful skills and appropriate attitudes which can give the safety, security and healthy interaction.

According to Adams, 1993 –the quality of education is to build the efficiency, effectiveness, equity for the learning abilities of the students. The quality of education can be reflected by

- Learners from well-nourished families
- Safe and healthy environments
- Advanced and modern learning environment
- Building of skills and attitudes of the students

According Motala, (2000); Pipho, (2000) - the quality of education is also reflected by the global impacts where the liberation has exposed the systems to the wider environments.

According to Adams (1993) - The local environment is important to build the ethics of development.

According to Motala (2000), Beeby, (1966), Benoliel, O’Gara & Miske, (1999)- The objective of education in school should meet goals we set for our children our community, our country and ourselves

According to Willms, (2000) - The impact of parent’s education on children’s learning ability is high. In one study, children whose parents had primary school education or less were more than three times as likely to have low test scores or grade repetition than children whose parents had at least some secondary schooling.

Acceding to Carron & Chau, 1996- The parent’s education helps to build the better interactions with the children and their income can help them to grow in a better a way.

According to Fuller -1999 - The effects of schools in poor areas can often outweigh the impact of family background and practices

According to Fuller 1999 - The physical learning environments are important and the modern and well-equipped buildings and open-air gathering places give the impact to the quality of education in schools. The quality of school facilities seems to have an indirect effect on learning, an effect that is hard to measure.

According to Carron & Chau –( 1996).- A study in India, however, sampled 59 schools and found that of these only 49 had buildings and of these, 25 had a toilet, 20 had electricity, 10 had a school library and four had a television. The quality of the learning environment was strongly correlated with pupils’ achievement in Hindi and mathematics.

According to Sutton (1999) - Although curricular reform and other issues remain to be acted upon but still girls’ achievement has not yet reached the level of boys’. This shows that efforts to improve the learning environment for girls and all students can lead to real results.

According to Craig, Kraft & du Plessis, (1998) -Well-managed schools and classrooms contribute to educational quality. Students, teachers and administrators should agree upon school and classroom rules and policies, and these should be clear and understandable. Order, constructive discipline and reinforcement of positive behavior communicate a seriousness of purpose to students

According to (Carron & Chua, 1996). The provision of health services and education can contribute to learning first by reducing absenteeism and inattention. Sick children cannot attend school, and evidence from China, Guinea, India and Mexico shows that children’s illness is a primary cause for absenteeism

According to UNICEF 2000 report - Quality content refers to the intended and taught curriculum of schools. National goals for education, and outcome statements that translate those goals into measurable objectives, should provide the starting point for the development and implementation of curriculum

According to (Glatthorn & Jailall, 2000).. Curriculum should also provide for individual differences which should coordinate and selectively integrate subject matter, and focus on results or standards and targets for student learning


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Quality of School Education: A Case Study of Impact of School Education on Student Development in the city of Jodhpur
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
572 KB
education, development leadership, growth and society.
Arbeit zitieren
Meeta Nihalani (Autor:in), 2011, Quality of School Education: A Case Study of Impact of School Education on Student Development in the city of Jodhpur, München, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/184323


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