Building Assets for the Nation - Developing Students Through Educational Institutes of Rajasthan

An Empirical Study on Human Resource Development through Educational Institutes of Rajasthan

Seminararbeit, 2005

12 Seiten



The human resource development is important for any society because it builds the professional assets of the country. They are more valuable than capital because the human beings can mobilize the other inputs to build the empires of any business system. The professionalism in the industry can be built by the education given to the people in the state. The quality of human resources is generated by the institutes present in any state. The aim of the paper is to build the strategic framework for the development of quality human resource by the educational institutes of Rajasthan. The basic objective is to analyses the perceptions of the students to the development of the social qualities by the institutes.

Key words- education, human resource, institute and quality


The impact of education is important for the development of professional people. The contribution of trained people is important for development of business and growth in any society. Education can build the communication skills and the other abilities to build the strategic planning for the business systems. The educational institutes are the backbone of any state to generate the development of quality in the society. The modern society is changing with the impact of technology and this puts the pressure on the institutes to develop the technical skills to have the learning maturity to the people to respond to the changes happening in the global era. The institutes are like the temples for developing the spiritual strength of the people to imbibe the values and moral to grow in better way.

The institutes can build the professional abilities of the human resources to connect to the business to develop the life to manage the employment and careers in a successful way to generate the empowerment and development.

The pool of skills and competencies can build the

-Communication skills
-A spirit of cooperation;
-Communication skills,
-Problem solving skills
-Linguistic abilities
-Professional efficiency
-Computers skills
-Ability to collaborate
-The university human resource development influences the market and puts the impact on the:
-Students and the quality of education
-Learning and growing
-Research and development
-Networking and collaborating

The human resource development can be sacksful if the universe shares their through the international communication to learn and grow in a connected way. This could be through with

-Social skills to develop the technical skills
-Learned professor and counselors
-Virtual universities
-Distance learning center

Educa tion is responsible for managing large human resources of high intellectual caliber which is only possible with a wealth of expert faculties in almost every field. The world class institutions of learning & research are necessary to develop the technological and communication system of the county to take their advantage in the field of knowledge empowerment of the mass of learners. The effective utilization of intellectual resources is essential the knowledge wealth of the country. The self-paced learning is essential to build the platform for sharing of ideas and techniques and pooling of knowledge resources. The educational institutes require the systematic building of a huge database of the capabilities of every individual human resource. The pool of talented human resource can be developed by

-Human capital
-Talent management
-Social capital
-Social trust
-Nurturing of scholars and learners
-Supporting all the learners

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Figure – The impact of educational institutes on the social capital to build the human resource development

Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthaltenLiterature review

According to Myers & Harbison, 1965; Ming at and Tan, 1986- Education is responsible for the large-scale achievement and revolution in all spheres of life. The purposeful education enables the individual to understand and study the real life situation to develop an opportunity for creating confidence in the minds of younger generation, and provide a strong base for rational and value oriented and nation building progress

According to World Bank (2000) - education is important to develop the technical skills and higher education is important so that the country is not left behind in the global economy. Higher education is important for improving the individual’s lives and for the wider enrichment of the wider society.

According to Myers & Harbison, 1965; Bacchus, 1992, Rena, 2005- E ducation is a lifelong process. The school and college build the small part of human education. Educational has to be continuous to have the complete success in life. Therefore the additional education is imperative for developing the special skills of life.

According to Thompson and Fogel (1976) - the educational development in developing countries is strongly embedded into the national community as a whole instead. The role of the university here is that of a ‘developmental university’ or an institution first and foremost concerned with the “solution” of the concrete problems of societal development’

According to Coleman, 1994-. The university in developing countries sets out to ‘ensure that the development plans of the university are integrated with or linked to national development plans’

Objective of the study

The basic objective of the study

-The development of human resource by the impact of education imparted by institutes of Rajasthan
-To determine the impact of education on the student development for the social skills
-To frame the suggested strategy for providing the better education to the students to build the social capital for the state of Rajasthan


Null Hypothesis -H01: There is no significant difference about student satisfaction and social skills development amongst students classified by gender

Alternative Hypothesis -H01: There is a significant difference about student satisfaction and social skills development amongst students classified by gender

Null Hypothesis- H02: There is no significant difference about student satisfaction and social skills development amongst students classified by age

Alternative Hypothesis -H02: There is a significant difference about student satisfaction and social skills development amongst students classified by age

Null Hypothesis - H103: There is no significant difference about student satisfaction and social skills development amongst students classified by education

Alternative Hypothesis- H03: There is a significant difference about student satisfaction and social skills development amongst students classified by education

Research Methodology - The researcher contacted the respondents personally with well-prepared sequentially arranged questionnaire. The questionnaire prepared, was divided into two parts, of which part one was used to gather demographic details of the respondents studying in the various institutes of Rajasthan.

Sampling Area - The study was conducted on the respondents i.e. the students studying in the various institutes of Rajasthan

Population- All the students studying in the various institutes of Rajasthan

Sample size – The research focused on the participants who were willing to participate. Total 193 respondents filled the questionnaire.

Sampling Design – The sample was designed by the convenience based random sampling method.

Primary Data - Most of the data collected by the researcher was primary data through a structured questionnaire, which was operated on the samples of the students of the various institutes of Rajasthan.

Secondary data - The secondary information was collected from the published Sources such as journals, newspapers and magazines and websites...

Research instruments - A summated rating scale format was used, with six choices per item ranging from "highly dissatisfied” to "highly satisfy ". In this all the questions were positively framed to study the impact of independent variable like age, gender and education on the dependent variable which is student development. The dimensions of education quality and students satisfaction were taken into consideration.

Analysis of Data - All the data collected from the respondents was feeded and tabulated and the analysis was done through the software of SPSS version 16...

Data analysis

ANNOVA analysis guidelines for one way ANOVAs:

Linearity and Non-Linearity Test by One Way ANOVAs:-

First of all it is necessary to use this test here and this test is given preference over vicariate correlation test because, we fear that our dimensions and demographic factor may bear a nonlinear relationship with Total consumer preferences and as we know to use the correlation coefficient correctly, a relationship between two variables must be approximately linear, when this assumption of linearity is violated, Pearson's product-moment coefficient of correlation or Spearman’s correlation coefficient will underestimate the strength of the relationship, that will ultimately result in completely wrong analysis. Therefore in our analysis we prefer to use One Way ANOVAs so as test both Linear as well as Non Linear Relationship. The dependent variable must be scale for accurate analysis. The independent variable cannot be Nominal. Therefore, the test cannot not be applied on Gender and education which are the part of Demographic variable

Now, if in the test for homogeneity of variance, if the significance value is more than 0.05 than simply One way anova table will be checked, if there the significant value is less than 0.05 then Tukey HSD Post-hoc comparison for individual group difference will be checked if it show significant value less than 0.05 than the individual group differs.

It is mandatory to look for test for homogeneity of variance only when the group is of nearly equal size. Welch test is more accurate than Brown-Forsythe test hence it would be given priority during analysis. For all those independent variables where homogeneity constraints was satisfied Tukey table for Post hoc comparison is shown and where robust estimates of Welch and Brown-Forsythe are looked, there Tamhane table for Post hoc comparison is shown (Monday, Klein, Lee, 2005).

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Analysis – the value Levene Statistic is more .05 so the groups are homogenous


Ende der Leseprobe aus 12 Seiten


Building Assets for the Nation - Developing Students Through Educational Institutes of Rajasthan
An Empirical Study on Human Resource Development through Educational Institutes of Rajasthan
Jai Narain Vyas University Jodhpur
ISBN (eBook)
ISBN (Buch)
1047 KB
building, assets, nation, developing, students, through, educational, institutes, rajasthan, empirical, study, human, resource, development
Arbeit zitieren
Dr. Meeta Nihalani (Autor:in)Dr. Ashish Mathur (Autor:in), 2005, Building Assets for the Nation - Developing Students Through Educational Institutes of Rajasthan, München, GRIN Verlag,


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