This term paper tries to work out the habits and social graces of the regency period by using the novel Emma.
Emma by Jane Austen is a novel about a 21-year-old girl living in the small town of Highbury, Surrey, in England. The novel deals with the relationships between the neighbours, the class differences and, typical for Jane Austen novels, marriage and match- making. The characters in this novel may not be as highly-drawn as the ones in Pride and Prejudice are, but it “delineates with great accuracy the manners and the habits of a middle class gentry” (Gentleman´s Magazine in September 1816: Lodge 1972: 46), and thus Emma is convenient to be a source for research for typical habits. In this paper, the aspects of family life, neighbourhood, manners and values in Emma (and thus representatively for the English Regency period) are to be portrayed.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Families in Emma
- Class structures
- Manners
- Harmony as a primary value
- Conclusions
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This term paper aims to analyze the social dynamics and conventions of the Regency period by using the novel Emma. It focuses on the relationships between the characters, the impact of class distinctions, and the central theme of marriage and matchmaking prevalent in Jane Austen's works.
- Family and community relationships
- Class differences and social hierarchies
- Manners and social graces
- The role of marriage and matchmaking
- Harmony and social order
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction explores the background of the novel and its significance as a source for understanding Regency-era life. The focus shifts to the main characters and their families in the first chapter, highlighting the connections and social interactions within the community of Highbury. The second chapter analyzes the distinct social classes represented in the novel, outlining their positions and interactions. Manners and social etiquette are explored in the third chapter, providing insight into the prevailing customs of the period. The fourth chapter focuses on the overarching theme of social harmony as a primary value, examining the implications of this value for the characters and their relationships.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key concepts explored in the text include Regency-era society, family dynamics, class structure, social manners, marriage and matchmaking, social harmony, and the novel Emma by Jane Austen.
- Quote paper
- Svenja Strohmeier (Author), 2011, Society and Neighbourhood in Jane Austen´s 'Emma', Munich, GRIN Verlag,