Für kaum einen Wirtschaftszweig ist ein erfolgreiches Management der Lieferkette so wichtig wie den Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. An ständige Verfügbarkeit gewöhnte Kunden bei gleichzeitig überwiegend schnellverderblichen Waren und konkurrenzbedingt geringe Margen erfordern eine gut abgestimmte, friktionslose und agile Supply Chain. Die Arbeit entwickelt ein konzeptionelles Modell einer solchen Lieferkette für das Unternehmen Aldi Süd mit Fokus auf schnell verderbliche Lebensmittel. Auf dieser Grundlage wird die Supply Chain-Strategie des als besonders effizient geltenden Discounters untersucht; insbesondere erfolgt eine kritische Analyse möglicher Defizite der Aldi-Lieferkette gegenüber „Best Practices“ aus dem Supply Chain Management - auf strategischer Ebene, wie z.B. dem Lieferantenmanagement ebenso wie bei Transportlogistik, Verpackung oder In-Store-Logistik. Daraus wird dann eine Soll-Lieferkette skizziert sowie Handlungsempfehlungen zur Umsetzung gegeben.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- An "As Is" map of Aldi's supply chain for dairy products
- Improving Aldi's supply chain management
- Conclusion
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This report examines the supply chain of the German grocery retailer Aldi, aiming to critically assess its current strategy and offer recommendations for improvement. It focuses on developing a framework for an optimal "To-Be" supply chain within the grocery retail industry.
- Analyzing Aldi's supply chain strategy as a cost leader
- Evaluating the role of the end customer in Aldi's supply chain
- Assessing the effectiveness of Aldi's supplier relationships
- Investigating the use of information technology in Aldi's supply chain
- Identifying potential areas for improvement in Aldi's supply chain management
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Introduction: This chapter provides an overview of supply chain management (SCM) in the grocery retail industry, highlighting the importance of streamlining logistics and managing inventory effectively. It introduces Aldi Süd as a major discount retailer with a strong focus on cost reduction, but whose growth has slowed in recent years. The chapter outlines the paper's objectives: to map and analyze Aldi's current supply chain, identify gaps in its strategy, and develop an improved model.
- An "As Is" map of Aldi's supply chain for dairy products: This chapter analyzes the current state of Aldi's supply chain, drawing upon academic literature and practical case studies. It explores how Aldi's strategic focus on cost leadership influences its supply chain decisions and examines the potential drawbacks of its approach, such as adversarial relationships with suppliers and limited investment in information technology.
- Improving Aldi's supply chain management: This chapter delves into best practices in SCM and examines how they could be applied to improve Aldi's supply chain. It explores concepts such as Efficient Consumer Response (ECR), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to enhance communication and data flow within the supply chain, reduce inventory, and optimize stock availability for customers.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The core concepts of this work revolve around supply chain management, particularly as it relates to the food retail industry. Key terms include supply chain strategy, cost leadership, efficient consumer response (ECR), radio frequency identification (RFID), electronic data interchange (EDI), and the German discount retailer Aldi.
- Quote paper
- Florian C. Kleemann (Author), 2011, Supply Chain Strategy Analysis for Aldi, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/190106