The World’s Most Popular Cruise Line

Carnival Corporation & plc

Scientific Essay, 2010

10 Pages, Grade: 7.0

Abstract or Introduction

According to Cummings (2003), the word strategy comes from the Greek language and is a combination of the words army and to lead. Carter et al (2008) argues that the word strategy is linked both to the military and business fields and has been used in the second approach since the end of the Second World War when some entrepreneurs started to implement strategic planning in their business
Big projects and most of the businesses require a plan where the expected and not so expected opportunities and obstacles are forecasted, aiming to survive successfully when facing competition. According to Chandler (1962), when environment changes take place, the urge for new strategies emerges and the company is therefore driven by its new structure.
It is known that Carnival Corporation started as a small business, and driven by its founder through his enthusiasm, goals and plans it became an industrial leader. He proved his ambitious when buying the distressed company just after two years of operation. Aiming to be different from the other cruise ships from that time, Carnival gave special attention to the passengers’ needs and was the first cruise line company to provide a more entertaining atmosphere onboard.
In order to have a precise business plan and know where it will be in the future, every company needs a focused concept of the current environment where it operates. Who are the people involved, what is the business concept, what are the opportunities, who are the competitors, what are the keys to success? Once all these questions would probably lead to more questions, a research process should then be started to obtain the answers, according to Cyr (2007).


The World’s Most Popular Cruise Line
Carnival Corporation & plc
London School of Marketing
Strategic Business Management and Planning
Catalog Number
ISBN (eBook)
File size
475 KB
world’s, most, popular, cruise, line, carnival, corporation
Quote paper
Bettina Carollo (Author), 2010, The World’s Most Popular Cruise Line, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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