Since the failure of the Havana Charter in 1947 till the success of the combined efforts of leading antitrust authorities against mighty Microsoft, the antitrust regime has witnessed several ups and downs. Auf jeden Fall the journey was not an easy one. Moreover now antitrust regime is standing at international crossroads and is wondering about its future direction. Today, at this crucial juncture the antitrust world is confronted with several dilemmas simultaneously. Choices are to be made between national welfare or global welfare, national autonomy or global regulations, the efficiency factor or the fairness view, national champions or global champions, collective efficiency or collective inefficiency, WTO or ICN, the US model or the EU model and so on.
It is widely believed among experts that to overcome these dilemmas, the world needs some truly unified international antitrust framework, which would enable the international community to achieve optimal product mix incorporating the best from all options and through such optimal product mix the global community can enjoy to a large extent advantages that competition policy has to offer. In this direction I have examined the feasibility and viability of unifying international competition policy in this work. Additionally, as the title suggests I have listed out advantages and disadvantages of such moves.
Efforts for harmonization of competition laws began as early as in 1948. Till date there are several binding and non-binding arrangements made in the direction of harmonization. The WTO and the EU for effective coordination in antitrust area have launched recently new initiatives. International Competition Network, a forum for active interaction among antitrust officials, even though non-binding in nature is doing considerably good work. I believe such confidence building initiatives among nations would help in arriving at some amicable solutions, agreeable to all nations. Chapter 8 focuses on various such initiatives taken in the direction of harmonization.
In the concluding chapter, I elaborate further on need of having a unified antitrust regime under a contemporary scenario. Recommendations and views of experts are also presented. At the end I discuss my views about feasibility of having a truly unified antitrust regime in foreseeable future and other possible alternative measures that might help in achieving harmonization in future.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Antitrust or Competition Policy: Magna Carta of free enterprise
- Evolution of Antitrust Regime: Antitrust 1.0, Antitrust 2.0 & Antitrust 3.0
- The Great Antitrust Paradigm Shift
- Contemporary Antitrust World
- Aims of Competition Policy
- Pillars of Antitrust Mechanism: The Efficiency Factor & The Fairness Factor
- An Important Task: Create perfect blend of efficiency and fairness
- An Overview of Antitrust Regulation of various countries
- In a Nutshell
- Puzzle: Whether there is need for unifying international competition policy?
- Need for Global Competition Laws
- Enforcement Dilemma: Domestic Policies and Global Market
- Need for Unifying Global Competition Policy
- Need for International Dispute Settlement Mechanism
- In a Nutshell
- Benefits of unifying Antitrust Regulations
- Transaction Cost
- Ready availability of Expertise
- Maximization of Consumer Welfare
- Maximization of Global Welfare
- Efficient Allocation of World Resources
- Harmonization leads to increment in Productivity
- Collective Efficiency vs. Collective Inefficiency
- In a Nutshell
- Unifying Competition laws: Areas of Harmonization
- Unifying Substantive Regulations
- Unifying Procedural Aspects
- Unifying Level of Enforcement
- Other Reasons
- In a Nutshell
- Limitations of Harmonization
- Political Reasons
- Social Areas
- In a Nutshell
- Conflict Areas
- Conceptual Discord
- National Welfare vs. Global Welfare
- Economic Structure of Countries
- Erosion of National Autonomy
- Intergovernmental Disputes
- Spillover Effects
- Extending beyond Nation's Jurisdiction
- Enforcement Mechanism
- Jurisdiction conflicts and Confusion
- In a Nutshell
- Other Modalities of Cooperation
- Unilateral Approach
- Bilateral form of Cooperation
- Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty Agreements (MLATS)
- Multilateral form of Cooperation
- In a Nutshell
- Various Initiatives
- At EU level
- The UN Set
- International Trade Organization (ITO)
- General Agreement of Trade Tariff (GATT)
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
- International Competition Network (ICN)
- In a Nutshell
- Concluding Remarks
- The Mystery of Antitrust 4.0
- Their Remarks
- My Observations
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This work examines the feasibility and viability of unifying international competition policy, outlining the potential advantages and disadvantages of such a move. The text analyzes the historical evolution of antitrust regimes and the challenges presented by the contemporary antitrust world. The main objective is to contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding the need for a global antitrust framework.
- Evolution of competition policy and its dynamic character
- The need for a unified international competition policy in a globalized world
- The advantages and disadvantages of unifying international competition policy
- Potential conflict areas and challenges to harmonization
- Various initiatives and modalities of cooperation between antitrust authorities
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
- Chapter 1 introduces the concept of antitrust or competition policy, tracing its historical evolution from Antitrust 1.0 to Antitrust 3.0. It explores the paradigm shifts in antitrust ideology and analyzes the aims and objectives of contemporary antitrust regimes in major economies. The chapter emphasizes the importance of balancing efficiency and fairness in competition policy.
- Chapter 2 delves into the question of whether a unifying international competition policy is necessary. It analyzes the global landscape, highlighting the dilemmas and vacuum created by the absence of a globally valid competition policy. It also discusses the need for global governance, laws, and dispute settlement mechanisms to address the challenges of a globalized market.
- Chapter 3 outlines the potential benefits of unifying international antitrust regulations, including reduced transaction costs, increased consumer welfare, efficient resource allocation, and enhanced productivity. It explores the potential for maximizing both global and consumer welfare through harmonization.
- Chapter 4 examines the areas of harmonization necessary for effective unification of international competition policy. It addresses the need for changes in domestic rules and regulations, procedural requirements, and enforcement mechanisms.
- Chapter 5 explores the limitations of harmonization arising from political and social considerations. It recognizes the heterogeneity of antitrust regimes worldwide and the challenges of achieving a unified approach amidst diverse national circumstances.
- Chapter 6 identifies potential conflict areas that can hinder the process of harmonization. These include conceptual discord, tension between national and global welfare, differences in economic structures, concerns about national autonomy, intergovernmental disputes, spillover effects, and jurisdictional conflicts.
- Chapter 7 explores alternative modalities of cooperation between antitrust authorities as a stepping stone towards harmonization. It discusses the benefits of unilateral approaches, bilateral agreements, and multilateral forums such as the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty Agreements (MLATS).
- Chapter 8 examines various initiatives undertaken to promote harmonization of competition laws. These include efforts at the EU level, within the UN set, and through organizations like the WTO, GATT, OECD, and the International Competition Network (ICN). The chapter highlights the role of confidence-building initiatives in fostering cooperation between nations.
Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
The key themes and concepts explored in this work include the evolution of antitrust regimes, the need for a unified international competition policy, the advantages and disadvantages of harmonization, conflict areas, modalities of cooperation, and various initiatives for harmonization. Other important terms include global governance, global laws, national welfare, global welfare, efficiency factor, fairness factor, consumer welfare, transaction costs, productivity, and the role of organizations such as the WTO, GATT, OECD, and the International Competition Network (ICN).
- Quote paper
- Jitendra Jain (Author), 2007, Harmonizing International Competition Policy: An Analysis of Costs and Benefits, Munich, GRIN Verlag,