“Indeed, motivation provides the primary impetus to initiate second or foreign language (L2) learning and later the driving force to sustain the long and often tedious learning process” (Guilloteaux and Dörnyei 2008: 56). This quotation indicates the importance of motivation at every level of language learning. It is fundamental for students of a foreign language to be taught vocabulary in a meaningful kind of way so that they are motivated to learn. Moreover, it contributes to their interest in gaining more knowledge. Therefore, this term paper deals with the question how teachers can include vocabulary in the foreign language classroom to raise the students´ interest for the English language.
This paper deals with the question how teachers of a foreign language classroom can deal with teaching vocabulary more efficiently.
1. Introduction
2. Motivating Students of Grade Five by Teaching English Vocabulary
2.1 The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary in Grade Five
2.2 Teaching and Learning Vocabulary in a Motivating Way
2.3 Problems That May Occur Teaching Vocabulary in a Foreign Language Classroom
3. “Blue Line 1” and Its Contribution To Motivating Vocabulary Teaching in the Foreign Language Class
4. Conclusion
Works Cited
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