Implications of organizational culture and national culture in international managing organization

Hausarbeit, 2011

11 Seiten, Note: A



As a company operate outside their boundaries, they have to encounter with the changing environment, challenges and situation that they never encounter inside the national boundaries. Hofstede (1994) stated that culture may vary at practical levels such as rituals, symbols, while national issues are restricted only with basic things. Meek (1988) mentioned that organizational culture can be muted with the perception of the international environment in order to achieve effectiveness.

What we normally observed that the persons from a different kind of cultural environment handling on the important challenge of working environment, the cultural values sometimes conflict. Here, persons can easily misinterpret each other and perceive the cultural issues in different that can obstruct what are otherwise demanding partnerships. In fact, persons don’t believe in which way the culture is acting upon us. Sometimes, persons have no idea to the fact that we have cultural values that are entirely separate from others in the same group.. Lillis and Tian (2010) mentioned that culture is the micro level of a hurdle for the organization to enter into the global market. Hall (1981) stated that ignoring the culture means misinterpreting the message. Avruch, Kevin & Black. P (1998) mentioned that culture is always an important part of everyone’s life to what we perceive, how we can have an idea of that, and the last how individual can express their feelings. The cultural awareness guides how the organization resulting in the cross-cultural atmosphere of the global markets. The reason for why multinational companies are having the more culture issues than domestic companies, just because of multinational companies shifts the geographical boundaries and entering in the new boundaries. The change in boundaries involves change in the values, communication and the living standard of the peoples. These changes are causing the some cultural conflict. Samiee (1993) mentioned that economic and the social factors affect the overall development and adaptation of the variety of marketing institutions. On the other side, the domestic companies are not changing their boundaries and are living the same atmosphere in terms of language, living standards and the values. Therefore, they are encountering minimal amount of cultural issues.

In general there are some similarities and dissimilarities between the two companies with different cultures .The organizations are facing the tough challenges in countries like Malaysia, where they have mixed culture of peoples. Malaysia is a nation of 21 million people situated in Southeast Asia – 59 % of the population is native Malay, they also called bumiputras, the 32 % of the population is ethnic Chinese, and 9 % are of Indian origin. Islam is the oAbbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthaltencial religion of Malaysia and nearly all Malays are Muslim. Non Malays are free to choose other religions. The wealth is highly admired in this country and many bumiputra Malaysians also believe that success or failure is the outcome of your fate and attraction of God. On the other side, the Chinese have a somewhat greater tendency to believe that people control their own destiny.

Therefore, the Malaysian organizations from all three cultural background value the family

above all and always applied the family connections to gain strength in their business by providing the employment and other benefits to their family members.

Any of the organization is dealing with the six fundamental patterns of cultural differences. These are causing serious concern for the organization.

a. Change in communication style. One of the factors of communication style is application of communication medium. In all the cultures, people are using the words and some phrases are used in different ways. This also includes the frequency to transmit the non-verbal communication. The non-verbal communication includes anything other than physical expressions and gestures. This may also engrosses the personal distance, and sense of time. Fisher (1983) mentioned that communication element is very important for any kind of negotiation in international market. Therefore, Adler & Graham (1989) pointed that organization will be seeking for the new requirement for all kinds of negotiators to determine the effectiveness of the communication and its influence on the people from the different culture. Tian (1999) stated that business should adopt different communication strategies for each cultural group.
b. Change in Attitude to Cause Conflict: that most of the conflict are seen as a positive thing, if some of the others view it as something to be ignored. This is similar to what we have seen that in direct meetings. Peoples recommended this as the only way to work through whatever issues normally rises. Moreover, open conflict is experienced as embarrassing. Therefore, managers are using the written exchange to address all the conflicts. Eller (1999) mentioned that conflict is the main feature of all the human societies and are equally for an aspect of all the social relationships. Huntington (1996) pointed that when the all the resources are “objectively” very much scarce the major cause of conflict is minimal to a few likely outcomes.


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Implications of organizational culture and national culture in international managing organization
University of Newcastle
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ISBN (Buch)
518 KB
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kalekye NDUNGU (Autor:in), 2011, Implications of organizational culture and national culture in international managing organization, München, GRIN Verlag,


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