A study was carried out to assess the current status of animal cruelty, criminology and prosecution in Nepal. A questionnaire survey was carried out among the veterinarians of Nepal. Collection of reported data and observation of cruelty cases was done in various sites of Nepal and a search of international data about animal cruelty, criminology and prosecution was also carried out. Multiple cases of animal cruelty/abuse were found. The present study showed that human violence against animal was found in increasing trend. Most cases of animal cruelty included beating (8.46%), run over with vehicle (10.65%), emaciated (8.46%) and malnourished (9.41%) animals, kicking (7.52%), poisoning (7.52%) while fewer cases were of animal sexual abuse (0.62%), hanging the animals (2.51%), dragging (3.13%) and shooting (3.13%). Other types of cruelty included pouring of boiling water in the body of animals, religious sacrifices, brutal slaughtering of animals, leaving animals in the streets etc. Hunting of wild animals, animal trafficking and living condition of farm animals were other sort of cruelty issues highly prevalent in our society. In this study, male represented the higher number of animal abuser than female and the respondents designated as a government officer represented the higher number of abuser. Numbers of animal welfarists are high in comparison to animal rightists. Reported cases of animal cruelty and prosecution are few. Appropriate recommendations were made targeting the remodeling of animal protection law, public education and awareness to all concerned step holders.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Introduction
- Background
- Animal Cruelty
- Criminology
- Animal Welfare Legislation in Nepal
- The Study
- Objectives
- Methodology
- Data Analysis
- Findings and Discussion
- Prevalence of Animal Cruelty
- Types of Animal Cruelty
- Perpetrators of Animal Cruelty
- Animal Welfare and Rights
- Recommendations
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
This study aimed to assess the current state of animal cruelty, criminology, and prosecution in Nepal. It explored the prevalence, types, and perpetrators of animal cruelty, as well as the role of animal welfare and rights in Nepali society.- Prevalence and types of animal cruelty in Nepal
- Criminological and legal frameworks related to animal cruelty
- The role of animal welfare and rights in Nepal
- Recommendations for improving animal protection in Nepal
- The connection between animal cruelty and human violence
Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
The introduction provides a background on animal cruelty and criminology, emphasizing the importance of animal welfare and the need for comprehensive legal frameworks. The chapter explores the concept of animal cruelty, its various forms, and the distinction between neglect and intentional cruelty. It also examines criminology as a field of study and its potential application to understanding animal cruelty. The second chapter delves into the animal welfare legislation in Nepal, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. It discusses the existing laws and their effectiveness in addressing the issue of animal cruelty. The third chapter outlines the research methodology, including the objectives, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques employed in the study. It provides a detailed description of the survey conducted among veterinarians in Nepal, the collection of reported data, and the review of international data on animal cruelty, criminology, and prosecution. The findings and discussion chapter present the key results of the study, including the prevalence of animal cruelty in Nepal, the types of cruelty observed, and the characteristics of perpetrators. It also examines the role of animal welfare and rights in the Nepali context and discusses the implications of the study's findings. The final chapter provides recommendations for improving animal protection in Nepal. It focuses on strengthening the legal framework, promoting public awareness and education, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders.Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
Animal cruelty, animal abuse, animal neglect, criminology, prosecution, animal welfare, animal rights, Nepal, legislation, public education, recommendations, veterinary, survey.- Quote paper
- Prabhakar Shah (Author), 2013, Animal cruelty, criminology and prosecution. An assessment on animal abuse and animal law in Nepal, Munich, GRIN Verlag, https://www.grin.com/document/267335