The Development of Shakespeare as a Playwright

Essay, 2013

6 Pages, Grade: 2,0

Abstract or Introduction

Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a formative figure of Elizabethan theater and one of the most popular playwrights ever. In his works he processed several basic themes and combined standard-language with slang, using about 17.750 different, partly newly created words; other than most Elizabethan playwrights he always was “with his eye on the public” (Baker 2). In this way, Shakespeare was able to reach all kind of audience, the simple as well as the aristocratic. After his, due to a lack of information, ‘lost 8 years’, he officially started a career as actor in 1992, at which time he must have already been started being a dramatist, too. According to Baker, Shakespeare’s first production could be traced back to 1592 and Shakespeare’s first release was not before 1597. Later, Shakespeare owned the main part of the globe theatre, developed his own style of playwright and gained in experience, influence and money. When Shakespeare wrote both the plays Henry V. (1599) and The Merchant of Venice (1596), he had already gone through a lot of writing experience. The aim of this essay is, to discuss Shakespeare’s development as a playwright. To do so, “we must fix our gaze upon separate courses of development (…) Thus, for example, (…) we must investigate how Shakespeare manages his plot, (and) how he characterizes his men and women (…).” (Clemen 1) Nevertheless, there are thirty-seven plays of Shakespeare with multiple acts and several scenes each. Obviously, it is not possible to display Shakespeare’s whole development in this small essay; therefore I will focus on those plays mentioned above.


The Development of Shakespeare as a Playwright
National University of Ireland, Galway
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File size
428 KB
development, shakespeare, playwright
Quote paper
Melissa Grönebaum (Author), 2013, The Development of Shakespeare as a Playwright, Munich, GRIN Verlag,


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