This survey was conducted in El-Basateen abattoir in Cairo to study the significance of abattoir finding among slaughtered sheep from January to December 2006. A total of 57223 sheep included 39582 Saidi, 17367 Barki, 54 Ossimi, 31 Rahmani, and 189 Imported breeds (162 Romanian, 27 Ethiopian) admitted to El-Basateen abattoir ovine slaughter hall were slaughtered & inspected according to the Egyptian Official Code # 517 for Meat inspection presented in the (El-Wakaa El-Masria, 1986). All gross pathological & abnormal findings revealed during the postmortem inspection of sheep carcasses were recorded & photographed to illustrate the macroscopic details of each gross lesion. The prevalence of most common abnormalities and affections demonstrated in sheep carcasses were estimated in relation to breed, age, sex and seasons. The economic losses due to condemned carcasses & organs were evaluated. The public health significance & zoonotic importance of recorded affections have been discussed.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (Table of Contents)
- Sheep as food animal
- Antemortem inspection
- Dentation
- Sex differentiation
- Castration
- Cryptorchidism
- Hermaphrodites
- Slaughtering
- Emergency slaughter
- Imperfect bleeding
- Cold slaughter
- Delay evisceration
- Routine postmortem inspection
- Stamp
- Common affections
- General body conditions
- Poorness
- Emaciation
- Yellow fat sheep carcasses
- Jaundice
- Rough handling injuries
- Bruising
- Fracture
- Lacerated wound
- Injection site
- Foreign bodies
- Hernia
- Pyogenic affections
- Abscess
- Pyemia
- Caseous lymphadenitis
- Orchitis
- Congenital abnormalities
- Liver
- Kidneys
- Rickets
- Foreign bodies
- Parasitic infestation
- Mange
- Cysticercus ovis
- Cysticercus tenuicollis
- Hydatid cysts
- Fascioliasis
- Migrating parasites
- Eosinophilic myositis
- Renal affections
- Nephritis
- Renal cyst
- Renal infarction
- Uremia
- Renal agenesis
- Renal hypoplasia
- Renal calculi
- Hepatic affections
- Black et al. (1988)
- Ulvand (1990)
- Kennedy et al. (1994)
- Jones et al. (1997)
- Ogilvie (1998)
- Beasley (1999)
- Gracey et al. (1999)
- Herenda et al. (2000)
- Radostitis et al. (2000)
- Fan (2001)
- Sargison et al. (2001)
- Crawford (2002)
- Pérez et al. (2002)
- West et al. (2002)
- Valentine and McDonough (2003)
- Menzies et al. (2004)
- Pulina and Bencini (2004)
- Bishop (2005)
- Kusiluka and Kambarage (2006)
- Aitken (2007)
- Aslani et al. (2007)
- El-Dakhly et al. (2007)
- Warner et al. (2007)
- Kahn and Mays (2008)
- Mostaghni et al. (2008)
- Romich (2008)
- Woube (2008)
- ADSN (2009)
- Connolly et al. (2009)
- Mamak and Aytekin (2009)
- Oruc et al. (2009)
- Alawa et al. (2010)
- Jackman and Hathaway (2010)
- OIE (2010)
- Talwani et al. (2011)
- Pulmonary disorders
- Green et al. (1995)
- Cutlip et al. (1996)
- Martin (1996)
- Edwards et al. (1999)
- Scott (2000)
- Alley (2002)
- Bruere et al. (2002)
- West et al. (2002)
- Goodwin-Ray (2006)
- Odugbo et al. (2006)
- Ettorre et al. (2007)
- Ezzi et al. (2007)
- Bell (2008)
- Goodwin-Ray et al. (2008)
- Jibat et al. (2008)
- Woube (2008)
- Alawa et al. (2010)
- El-Tahawy (2010)
- Kerr (2010)
- Marrie (2010)
- Mellau et al. (2010)
- Panayotova-Pencheva and Alexandrov (2010)
- Black leg & Pulpy Kidney
- Richardsona et al. (1996)
- Payne and Oyston (1997)
- di Genaro et al. (1999)
- Herenda et al. (2000)
- Pugh (2002)
- Robinson and Huxtable (2003)
- Uzal (2004)
- Kusiluka and Kambarage (2006)
- Useh et al. (2006)
- Gokce et al. (2007)
- Kahn and Mays (2008)
- Sathish and Swaminathan (2008)
- Javed et al. (2009)
- Useh et al. (2010)
- Tumors
- Damjanov and Linder (1996)
- Herenda et al. (2000)
- Mac Lachlan and Cullen (2002)
- Meuten (2002)
- Sundarasiva (2002)
- Gholami et al. (2006)
- Mohajeri et al. (2008)
- Granuloma
- El-Metenawy (1999)
- Daugschies and Joachim (2000)
- Samuel et al. (2001)
- Hamir and Smith (2002)
- Mahmoud et al. (2002)
- Ezzi et al. (2004)
- Kusiluka and Kambarage (2006)
- Sharma (2006)
- Anthony et al. (2007)
- Johnson (2007)
- Movassagh-Ghazani et al. (2008)
- Fitzgerald (2011)
- General body conditions
- Public health significance of sheep affections
- Acha and Szyfres (1987)
- Jobre et al. (1996)
- Boch (2000)
- Demissie et al. (2000)
- Abu-Hasan et al. (2002)
- Chadly et al. (2004)
- Coates (2004)
- Kandeel et al. (2004)
- Curtale et al. (2005)
- Eslami (2005)
- Mas-Coma et al. (2005)
- Qureshi et al. (2005)
- Goodwin-Ray (2006)
- Join-Lambert et al. (2006)
- Marcos et al. (2006)
- Naresh et al. (2006)
- Peake et al. (2006)
- Safioleas et al. (2006)
- Craig and Ito (2007)
- Elshazly et al. (2007)
- Hoa Le et al. (2007)
- Jibat et al. (2008)
- Love (2008)
- Moghadami and Mardani (2008)
- Romich (2008)
- Elshazly et al. (2009)
- Forsythe (2009)
- Kebede et al. (2009)
- Yang et al. (2009)
- Alghoury et al. (2010)
- Jackman and Hathaway (2010)
- Marrie (2010)
- Demissie (2011)
Zielsetzung und Themenschwerpunkte (Objectives and Key Themes)
: This research aims to study the significance of abattoir findings among slaughtered sheep. The study focuses on determining the prevalence of common abnormalities and affections in sheep carcasses in relation to breed, age, sex, and season. Furthermore, it aims to assess the economic losses caused by condemned carcasses and organs, and discuss the public health significance and zoonotic importance of recorded affections. The key themes of the study are: * **Prevalence of common abnormalities and affections in sheep carcasses** * **Impact of breed, age, sex, and season on carcass condemnation** * **Economic losses associated with condemned carcasses and organs** * **Public health significance and zoonotic importance of recorded affections** * **Recommendations for improving meat hygiene practices**Zusammenfassung der Kapitel (Chapter Summaries)
: The research delves into various aspects of sheep health and meat hygiene, examining common affections and abnormalities found during abattoir inspection. **Introduction:** Provides an overview of sheep as a food animal, emphasizing their importance in Egypt and globally. It discusses the significance of meat inspection for ensuring food safety and public health. **Review of Literature:** Examines existing literature on various aspects of sheep health, including antemortem inspection, slaughtering practices, common affections, and public health significance of various diseases. This section provides a comprehensive background and theoretical framework for the study. **Material and Methods:** Outlines the methodology used in the research, including the study animals, data recording methods, antemortem inspection, postmortem examination, laboratory testing, and statistical analysis techniques. **Results:** Presents the findings of the abattoir survey conducted on a large sample of sheep carcasses, outlining the prevalence of various affections and abnormalities, including those related to parasitic infestations, jaundice, pyogenic affections, hepatic and renal disorders, pulmonary affections, and rough handling injuries. **Discussion:** Analyzes the research findings, discussing the prevalence of different affections and their significance in terms of public health, zoonotic potential, and economic losses. **Conclusion and Recommendations:** Summarizes the major findings and proposes recommendations for improving meat hygiene practices, including measures related to animal nutrition, vaccination programs, animal welfare, antemortem and postmortem inspection, and the disposal of condemned carcasses and organs.Schlüsselwörter (Keywords)
: The study focuses on sheep, carcasses, organs, abattoir, condemnation, postmortem examination, gross lesions, and public health significance. Important concepts explored include the economic impact of condemnations, zoonotic risks, and the importance of proper meat hygiene practices.
- Quote paper
- Mahmoud Adel (Author), 2013, Significance of abattoir finding among slaughtered sheep, Munich, GRIN Verlag,